Community History: Contact Info


God-Emperor of Tealkind
Rastoph, Sambo, Weirdusername, Geriand/LordoftheDead, fire/watertypewizard, Saint, Shadowbolt654, Twofer, Kojiro, Fatscalyman, CidHighwind, Cecilff2, E. Laimo, RandomMan, TimLC, Tprime, Sharokk, cybelasKABOOSE, Tekkenfreak4, Ze French Ghost, and Deady.


God-Emperor of Tealkind
Hey, I bet I made a good impression on somebody. Chocobo would totally be like "Yeah, that Tirin guy, he's pretty right on".

Colonel Thunder

Renowned Blunderer & Dishonorary Czech
So lately I've been thoroughly internet stalking researching all the people that we don't have current contact info for. It's taking some time, but man, I've been able to track down nearly everybody so far.


Well-Known Member
What's the story behind that forum? Was it an offshoot of the Urealms community, or was it before that?

Colonel Thunder

Renowned Blunderer & Dishonorary Czech
What's the story behind that forum? Was it an offshoot of the Urealms community, or was it before that?
Something of an offshoot, I think. I'm not certain, will need to learn more. Good question.

Also, tracking people down is slow work. I hope to be able to devote more time to it today, I'm just over a quarter way done. Finding people gets hard. Here's an example.

Look up old contact info for community member from several years ago.
No results.
Find a different username they've gone by on an old blog several years ago, and state of origin given as Ohio.
Repeat searches for that username.
Find old forum account of theirs. They haven't been active in years, but find real name and birthdate.
Common real name, useless by itself.
Remember from old blog they mentioned they wanted to study anthropology.
Search name in relation to anthropology.
Find three feasible subjects.
One result matches original state, is in likely age range, and has recently joined an anthropology club at a university not far from Ohio.
Cross-reference with other sources.
Everything matches up.
Find person on Facebook.
Mission accomplished.


Well-Known Member
So, when we're all inevitably grown up and our child cartoon series has run its 11 season course and they decide to continue our story a few years later with a grown up, hipper show that shows us as older characters with older people problems that relate to the aging audience our show targets, can we all team up and solve murders or fight villains that threaten the safety of the world and global peace?

In the show of course. It's not like I plan for us to take all of our skills and create an elite team that can do what most elite strike forces/ensembles can't.

What I'm saying is, TC, are you a wizard? Because that's shit nobody would have thought of, so you're like the smart tech guy on the crew who thinks up the stuff no one else would.


Savage AF
The Original Gangster
By the way, can someone tell me what the backstory behind Rob's account cakebandit was? and maybe the minecraft server in general? I joined after all of that stuff.


Well-Known Member
Danny had a server, provided it for URealms, people played on it, Rob eventually did something with it when he saw people liked it, basically took it over and let Phat run it, other stuff happened and Danny left.

That's the drama stuff. The fun stuff was that Rob did an event on the server with a character called the Cake Bandit and the whole Minecraft world shifted into a dark, cake based dystopia. All blocks turned into other blocks like netherrack and cake, etc, got covered in spider webs, there was thunder. It was neat. Then over the course of the next week, people got to take down the cake bandit and restore the server to normal. This is also when Bruce Willakers made his first appearance in stuff that Rob did as he was essentially the "good" character on the side of the players who helped lead them against the Cake Bandit. Of course we all knew it was Rob, but it was still pretty great.

Getting passed that tunnel of spider webs in the first part of the "alternate cake dimension" that the Cake Bandit opened up was laggy as hell though. You weren't even walking through spider webs, they were just a new block so they got used and the whole opening tunnel area was basically unplayable unless you had enough RAM to process what the fuck was going on. After you got passed the tunnel though, it was pretty great. That's when me and Bloodmorn snuck off to find a whole in the cake dimension, broke out into the normal map and made a penis statue. Good times.
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