Active [CYOA] Rotten Elms: CH4 - Roleplayers Rolling Deep


Right Honorable Justice
Check out Coolpool being a rebel up in here, yo. (Best keep an eye on that kid, no telling what he'll do next.)


Well-Known Member
The books. Req would definitely choose the books. Maybe he'd recognize the room a little? If it feels familiar? *cough*

If the books don't get picked, I choose the tapestry to break a potential tie.


Mach Ambassador
Table & Cards - Easy & Walrus
Ceiling - CP
Tapestry - TC and Tirin & Req

. . .

Req's eyes scanned the room with the flickering candlelight illuminating the tapestry. Taking a step forward, he ran his fingers along the old cloth, pulling away as he was fearful of it tearing. The tapestry seemed cryptic. At the very top, it read "LEX" in golden threads. It appeared that there were people gathered around a table, angrily accusing one another with a bright orange behind them. The sun above them as tiny letters formed near the sun. "XXVII"

Beneath it, the same picture was shown with people at the table seeming to sleep and people awake. Two of them seeming suspicious with daggers drawn, one of them with a staff intertwined with serpents, and one of them armed with a sword and shield. The image of the yellow moon against the deep purple background had in golden text: "XXXVI"

Beneath the image was a man seeming to grip at his mouth. In golden text, it read: " Nolite loqui munus tuum"

It all seemed eerily familiar to Req who pursed his lips, pondering the meaning before coming to conclusion: "Fuck it. I don't understand this."

"Hey Req! Check out what I found!"

Tolvan called out right behind Req as he was examining one of the larger chairs that sat at the head of the table. It seemed the chair had a mechanical panel built into it and Tolvan was already pushing buttons. Mechanical whirs sounded overhead as dust fell. The moon seemed to retreat into the ceiling as the sun dropped down, but appeared.. still? A small orb seemed to click heavily around the track that ran parallel to the sun's pathway.

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.

The orb jerked forward every second.

"Huh.. A device to keep track of time. Why is this so familiar?" Req's head was pounding at this point. His brain trying to piece it all together, but for some reason his body understood. He walked over towards the cards as he delicately picked them up and flipped them over. Each of them seemed uniform except for cards with bright blue, red or purple on the back. Daggers, Staffs. The golden font rested on the cards as he could read each of them clear as day: Criminal, Criminal, Farmer, Farmer, Farmer, Farmer, Doctor, Soldier. Req softly murmuring the names of each of the cards as he laid them out properly. Two blue backgrounds, four green backgrounds and two red backgrounds.

"Wow, Req! I didn't know you could read that language!"

Req raised an eyebrow and turned to Tolvan. "What? What do you mean? It's just in englis-"

The cards were organized as it read out: "Miles, Medicus, Agricola, Agricola, Agricola, Agricola, Criminalis, Criminalis."

Req looked up as it seemed that the room was spinning. The sun rapidly ticking along the track as the sounds of arguments and both, familiar and unfamiliar voices filled his ear. His eyes rolling back in his head as his body shook before reaching a moment of lucidity while darkness creeped along the edge of his blurred vision.

"Oh no."

. . .

Tolvan watched as Req seemed to stare into ceiling as he gently shook Req. "Hey. Hey Req. You okay? Did a spirit get'cha?" Req's body shook but there was no response until he seemed to softly say: "Oh no."

Tolvan managed to catch Req's body, preventing serious injury as he set him down on the ground. The sounds of the globe above head ticking as he scratched the back of his neck. "Oh jeeze.. I'm all alone. Uhm..."

Tolvan nervously walked to the hall as he called up.

"Heeey... Guys? Req passed out and we found this weird room."

Firedemon let out a low groan as he called out: "So, just bring him up! Or don't. And did you take care of Lotus?"

Tolvan paused as he pondered what to do.

What does Tolvan do?
- Lock Lotus in one of the jail cells
- Leave Lotus in the room, but lock the door.
- Take Req and Lotus upstairs to the rest of the Old Guard.


God-Emperor of Tealkind
Take Req and Lotus upstairs, that boi needs treatment. Or at least the assistance of a medium.


Right Honorable Justice
Take Req and Lotus upstairs, that boi needs treatment. Or at least the assistance of a medium.
Or possibly a medicus.

Take him upstairs.


Mach Ambassador
Tolvan grunted as he struggled with trying to carry Requiem's body. Another loud bang could be heard as Tolvan yelled again. "I'M SORRY!"

Req's body crashed into the ground as Tolvan stumbled while carrying him. Deciding on the safer of the two options, the young boy grabbed the two of them by their collars. Their bodies being tugged along the dirt floor. He was a dexterous fighter! He didn't put any points into strength; this was a job for someone else. He grumbled as he opted to carry Requiem up first, grabbing his arms and slowly tugging him up the staircase before letting his body drop in the meeting room above. His hands slipped onto his knees as he took heavy breaths; his body feeling warm and sweaty from carrying one of them up before he tried to correct his posture. He didn't want to look weak as he smiled. "I'll go get the other one!"

He hurriedly bounced down the steps to keep up appearances before slumping against the wall at the bottom of the cold, dank basement and wiped his forehead of sweat with his hand. "One left.."

After some trial and error, Lotus' body had arrived with the others. Shizno was sleeping peacefully on the table of the meeting room while Dragonruby, Firedemon and Stealthy were arguing on what to do.

"I'm telling you, this is all one of TC's weird plans! We need to spy on him and make sure that he's not up to anything mischievous!" Firedemon huffed as he folded his arms, stubborn about his gut instinct when it came to TC.

Stealthy wagged his finger. "No, No, No. We need to set up here. This is the perfect place and we have to search every nook and cranny. Besides, something down there knocked Requiem out and I intend to find out its purpose."

Dragonruby looked at the two of them as he raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? Why don't we just try to find a trail out and leave here. Besides, I don't trust Team Dash and I don't want Shizno to get hurt." His eyes darting over to the table to make certain Shizno was still there before returning to Stealthy and Firedemon.

"Uhm..." Tolvan uttered as he caught the attention of the three of them. The room grew quiet as they seemed to wait for Tolvan's opinion.

- Agree with Dragonruby
- Agree with Firedemon
- Custom
- Agree with Stealthy
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