D&D 5th Edition - Skype + Roll 20


Mach Ambassador

Hello Mach Entertainment,

I did promise that I would post this when I graduate and now that I've about finished on celebrating it - I'm going to be starting a campaign with people here.

Here is what you can expect from my campaigns:
  • Fun - D&D is fun. An obvious fact, but I go above and beyond the call. DM's fiat is frequently used if I know it will make a better story. If I can get you to walk away from the table with one thing - it's great stories like being able to ride a bear into a bar with most of the town chanting your name akin to Prince Ali (Fabulous, he).
  • Character-Driven Story - I'm not going to be running you through a prototype fantasy novel and I won't be slamming my players into a mine cart, kicking them down the tracks and punch them in the face with my story until they finally like it. You are the lead actors - it's about you. If you have a rival or someone who murdered your family, you can bet that he'll show up again.
  • Roleplaying - I don't expect this from my players - I demand it. If you show up to my game to roll dice and live out a power fantasy, don't expect to come back. I'm not asking for a fifty page backstory either. Just know your character enough to be able to role-play as them and have them develop. This is a roleplaying game, not a roll playing game. If you want to roll dice, go play war hammer - there's a lot of them. If you honestly need help, you can come to me or I'll give you advice. I want to be able to collaboratively tell a story with a diverse group of people that we can spend two hours on, laugh about and be able to tell other people.
  • Microphone
  • Skype
  • Roll20 Account
  • Two hours of your time
  • Creativity
I'm not a perfect DM, but these are my methods. I'm flexible enough to know that if people want to do combat - I'll do it.

Post here with contact info and availability. I'll get a hold of you and throw you into Skype group where we'll figure things out.

I'm aiming for a core group of three or four players with people that are interested in jumping in from time to time. We'll work out a schedule when people post.


Your Friendly Neighborhood DM.


Savage AF
The Original Gangster
I'm interested, I need to do some tests with my mic to make sure it's still alright though.


Active Member
I'd be interested. I don't get wifi set up until sometime this Thursday though, so I won't be able to do much with skype or even be able to get the books until then. Also, I'm not sure of the quality of the mic on my laptop.


God-Emperor of Tealkind
You have muh contact info. I should be available until ~10:30 EST every weekday night, and as last as 2:30 EST on weekends (though I'll be out doing stuff at least one night of most weekends).


Savage AF
The Original Gangster
I'm generally available in the afternoons of weekends, my schedule can get a little erratic at time though. My skype is coolpool200.


Active Member
You already have my Skype, I'm pretty sure, and I'm free on weekends and weekday nights starting at around 3PM Pacific Standard


Right Honorable Justice
If you're willing to be patient with a person who's never done D&D before, (but who has stabbed at a couple of Pathfinder campaigns), I'd be down. Skype's... I think you have it(?). Availability is... quite flexible starting late afternoon EST.


Mach Ambassador
If you're willing to be patient with a person who's never done D&D before, (but who has stabbed at a couple of Pathfinder campaigns), I'd be down. Skype's... I think you have it(?). Availability is... quite flexible starting late afternoon EST.
I may or may not have it, but I can't find you. Let me know. At the moment, I'm just throwing everyone interested into a Skype call. Then I'll figure out availability and what not.
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