Continuous Doodle Central CYOA: Chapter 1 - Coarse, Rough, and Irritating


Well-Known Member
You are in a nondescript white room. There is nothing in the room save a large desk, also white, and two white stools on either side of the desk. You sit in one of the chairs, or you would if you were a corporeal being and not a shameless plot device to decide how the story begins. A pale man in a white suit sits on the opposite side of the desk. He is writing something on a clipboard while a pot of coffee brews. Briefly, he looks up from his work to acknowledge you.

"Looks like it's about done. Do you want your coffee now, or should I let it sit for a bit?"

-Get coffee now
-Wait for coffee


Well-Known Member
You politely ask the man for some hot chocolate instead. He sighs and waves his hand, turning the coffee pot into a pot of hot chocolate.

"The question remains the same. Do you want your hot chocolate now or later."

You respond that you would like it as soon as possible, and the man conjures up three mugs. He pours some hot chocolate into each mug and goes back to his work. You examine the four mugs. One is adorned with an image of a sword, another with a hammer, the third with a spear, and the last with what looks like a hand grenade. You ponder first why the man would pour four mugs of hot chocolate when there is only one of you, and second which mug you should take.

-Sword Mug
-Hammer Mug
-Spear Mug
-Grenade Mug


Well-Known Member
You briefly consider taking all four mugs, but you realize that that would be counterintuitive to this tutorial bullshit. You decide to pick the spear mug because you love pointy things. Casually, the man produces a bowl of marshmallows from out if nowhere.

"This is your final test."

-Take marshmallow
-Don't take marshmallow


Savage AF
The Original Gangster
My vote is just on taking it though. We don't know if we know this person that well. We might not even be at the stage where he's comfortable with us ruffling his hair or caressing his face. I bet we haven't even taken him out to a nice dinner or met his parents.
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