Golden Lore


Campaign Killer
"Hmm... I don't suppose you have wine?" Nyra asked, walking up to the bar. As she waited for a response, she scanned the room for an empty seat. Nyria frequented other bars often enough, but usually with friends... and in a nicer part of town. She quickly noticed a slime who seemed to be looking for the same thing as her. "...So, uh, d'you know what's supposed to be going on?"
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Savage AF
The Original Gangster
Sacha looks at the blue-eyed stranger with a blank expression. “Well didn’t you hear? You must have. The war’s finally over. The treaty signing happened today.” It talks happily to dryad, clearly this is a momentous occasion by the amount of people gathered. Even if it didn’t understand what would change now that the war was over. An appendage comes out of the pocket to adjust its hat, then returns to the hoodie. “Well, I’m sure a lot of people don’t need an excuse to drink.” The slime lets out a chuckle before turning back towards the bartender.


Mach Ambassador
“Beer? All right.” It never specified, so Diarmuid defaulted to the house beer. Grabbing a beer mug, Diarmuid began to fill it with the Brigand’s Barroom House Beer. It was more flavorful than the commercial beers that were available while being about the same price. Placing the mug in front of it, he looked up at the slime while holding up three fingers in regards to how much the beer cost.

Turning his attention the dryad, he raised an eyebrow. They had some wine available, but he wasn’t partial to going to get some. “Yes, we do. We also have beer and liquor, but mind being a bit more specific? Red? White? Cheap? Rich? Vintage? Give me something to work with.”


Savage AF
The Original Gangster
Always careful to not get slime everywhere, a hand put the money on the table with a tip included. “Thanks” the slime said with a smile. Mug in hand, Sacha took an empty chair and sat by itself. It sent some beer through its body, tasting it from its head. It was very flavourful, but not the best beer it’s ever had. Still, getting to try a new beer made the trip worth it. Sacha continued drinking slowly. It considers taking its old friend Rikak out drinking sometime. It isn’t good for an elf to spend all their time in a lab, or so Sacha has heard.

Sacha relaxed in its chair. With a drink in hand, how could the night possibly go wrong? A lot of ways surely, but for now things were just peachy.


Mach Ambassador
“White wine. All right.” His tiny hand slapped against the bar and pulling back the familiar paper currency before glancing down on it. His eyes narrowed as his small thumb ran along one of the bills. Surprisingly, it wasn’t stained or sticky. There may have been a hint of residue from the slime, but it wasn’t anything noticeable. Grumbling, he stuffed the bills into the pocket of his vest before turning his attention to the dryad.

“Decent white wine. All right. It’ll be about nine.” Opening a tiny fridge with his foot, he grabbed a bottle, glancing at it before putting it back to retrieve another. “Eh… this’ll do..” Reaching into the pocket of his vest, Diarmuid plucked out a corkscrew. Plopping the Chardonnay on a lower shelf, he began to work the tool.


The cork came free as he grabbed a wine glass to pour the glass into. His nose twitched and sniffed as a hint of a vanilla aroma wafted out of the glass. Sealing the bottle of the wine with a cork, he stashed it back into the fridge before bringing the glass of wine towards the dryad. The glass was delicately placed on the counter before sliding it towards her. Standing on his toes, he could see the bar for when she placed down her payment. His green eyes looking at the dryad expectantly.


Campaign Killer
Nyria sat down at the bar, paying for her drink. She had gotten a bonus earlier that day for working on a national holiday, and the bills she paid with were crisply folded as a result. As she drank her wine, she surveyed the rest of the room. The slime she had briefly spoken to was certainly a rarity, and there seemed to be quite a few other such rare sights in this bar. She soon turned back to the bartender. "Is this place normally this crowded? It almost feels like it's bursting at the seams."


Mach Ambassador
Taking the crisply folded bills, he placed them in his vest pocket. He gave a nod at the dryad before moving to the register and depositing some of the bills, keeping one of the larger bills that Kanin had That might help Mom and Dad out… He gently patted his vest pocket before turning his attention to the dryad. “Eh? This place? It’s usually pretty busy, but it’s more so today. Probably due to the war being over.” He shrugged his small shoulders. “I s’pose it’s to celebrate.”

His eyes narrowed as he took in the sight of the dryad. Saying that she was eye-catching was an understatement. Amber skin, sea blue eyes and long dark green hair. All of those features were bizarre in a bar that mostly held shady and ugly folk. “So. What brings you here? You don’t seem like our normal pa-“


Diarmuid’s eye twitched as his brow furrowed with anger. “ALL RIGHT. SETTLE DOWN, TAGGARD!” He walked away from the conversation to grab the mug of a fatter human with tattoos running down his left arm and a few nasty scars. “Fuckin’ short halflin’ taking twice the time to get me a beer.”

Diarmuid smirked as he placed the beer in front of Taggard. “Taggard, keep this up and I’ll just have to embarrass you in front of the whole bar just like last week.” A tinge of red filled Taggard's fat cheeks. To any observers, it was uncertain whether it was from embarrassment or the alcohol that he was imbibing. Either way, it shut him up as he began to drink.

“Anyway, you aren’t our usual patron, so what brings you here?” The stout halfling looked up at the dryad, finding her as a way to kill time until his shift was over.


Campaign Killer
"I just had the urge to come here, I guess. Honestly, it is a bit strange..." Nyria pauses, a puzzled look on her face, which soon vanishes. "But, hey, it's basically a holiday. Might as well celebrate, right?"


God-Emperor of Tealkind
Kanin was pleased to see Soap's mind wide open for his viewing, and thus wide open to be manipulated. Even as he broadcast a message to Fortune thanking him for his business and promising that he wouldn't regret it, the killer put considerable magical effort into making the drow feel comfortable. Not in the normal sense that people felt comfortable - that would be far too suspicious for a homicidal criminal (even one as dense as Soap) to suddenly experience without raising questions - but, rather, the smug certainty which accompanied the false knowledge that he could kill Kanin with ease anytime he wanted. Being that he was a reader of minds, a better fighter, and could probably draw and accurately fire his weapon quicker than the thought of doing so could slog through Soap's mind, the hitman was far from worried about a confrontation under fair circumstances. However, leaving the drow with false impressions about his own prowess relative to Kanin's would make him a lot more likely to fuck up trying to kill the elf in the future - a potential error that was more than worth investing into now, and indeed with anyone possessing similar powers and temperament.

Of course, now that his "offender" had scampered off and would likely be taking Soap with him, Kanin chose to return to relaxing. Though he was still waiting on a message, he couldn't see any harm in finishing up the whisky, nor in ordering yet another (though it would be in his best interests to drink it more slowly), and so set in to do exactly that. When he approached the bar for a fourth time that day only a few minutes later, he was both heartened and de-stressed by the alcohol he had imbibed, and greeted Diarmuid with a friendly grin and an empty glass, having seated himself at the bar. "Another of the same, if you don't mind. Damn, it's gotta be a shame to be bartendin' today if you can't have a drink. You can't, right? I bet your boss wouldn't mind if you had one - hell, I'll pay for it!" Given the many rumors he had heard and the grimness that was characteristic of the elf's demeanor, it was obvious to the bartender that Kanin's garrulity and good humor came from the whisky.


Well-Known Member
The last of her summoned clients stepped into the bar, not all of them very satisfying. A few did catch her eye, but for the most part, it didn't matter who she chose. It never mattered really, not at this stage in the story. Leaving the table she sat at (its presence now noticeable by any who might acknowledge it had ever been "missing" or out of sight), the woman with the black hair turned towards a corner booth, packed with people, none of whom she had called. With a snap of her fingers, their minds rewired themselves, briefly, and they vacated the booth. She placed a hand on the table inside of the booth and the entire corner faded from perceptible existence.

She moved through the bar, still unnoticed, and watched the flow of things. A goblin and an elf making a business deal with their minds; a dryad and a living slime talking to a halfing; a magitek android sitting alone, an untouched drink before him; a lizardman mechanic with grease casually brushed onto his forehead and forgotten; a plant, the forgotten science experiment of a long lost researcher; the characters stretched out further and further, in ways that seemed almost impossible within the bar's small space. Yet, they all fit. The bar was packed, the money filled a tip jar that could never be filled, and the alcohol flowed as though it would never dry up. In fact, it never would. Even after the day ended and the patrons somehow miraculously staggered back home safely, the bartender(s) behind the bar would notice that the stock of booze was mighty yet.

Standing in the center of the bar, the woman could feel the power of that central point, the central point that the bar itself was. It was a Locus of Power, of magic, science, space/time. It was, for this brief moment guided by her unseen hand, the very center of existence. Every iteration of this day, this Treaty Signing, happened all at once and could be infinitely observed from the moment she stepped into the center of the bar. To a lesser mind, it would pass in an instant, unnoticed. To a stronger mind, they would burn instantaneously. In some iterations of the bar, they did. In others, the bar had been blasted to bits already in a newly forged war, right as the final stroke of the pen was seen. The President giving up on their country had been human in that iteration, though still a male, strangely.

Every timeline, every moment stretched out before her, every plot point in the story of this bar danced in her head. Sighing peacefully, she took a step back, her eyes closed loosely, and reached out to grab the progenitor of this new iteration.

- - -
Cassandra Malone felt a brief tug on her shirt. She had been saying something to... someone before losing her train of thought. In an instant, she felt out of place and confused. This didn't feel like her bar. It had to be though, she remembered the halfling bartender
(no it was a dwarf)
she ordered drinks from every day. Nearby was an elf whose face she recognized, but knew very little of otherwise. A lizardman sat in the southern corner booth of the bar. She recognized him as a mechanic. Standing over him was some sort of death machine, pretty boy, that rich kid turned into more magical machine than human. The two were immediately approached by other faces she knew for a fact were familiar to her. An angelic being with white robes and a hood to hide his faintly glowing eyes also joined them and a word blasted through her mind: PROGENITORPROGENITORPROGENITORPROGENITOR. She blinked the thought away and turned towards the empty northern corner bar booth. She slowly made her way to it, realizing everything around her was completely familiar.

In that same instance of total recognition of her surroundings, the mind-splitting feeling of being entirely out of place came to her. Her own body felt as though it were being shredded by the claws of a basilisk on an ancient battlefield, or like it was being mechanically separated by the paper shredder she kept under her desk at the office. Teehee, that was a gift from her boss!

"Teehee?" She asked out loud. "When the hell did I ever start thinking the word teehee!?"

Another tug on her shirt brought her down into the northern corner bar booth. She instinctively grabbed the hand, intending to flip the body attached to the hand on its back. Her mind perceived whoever it was as a threat, though how she had the muscle memory and instincts to think like that, she couldn't guess. She was a receptionist, not a soldier.

Instead of flipping anyone, Cassandra fought the urge and turned around. She looked up into the gentle eyes of a woman with black hair, obviously dyed, though still an endearing color on her all the same.

"Sit." It wasn't a command, but Cassandra did as she was told anyways. She watched the black haired woman walk away from the booth and the suddenly dance her way through the crowded bar. It was as though she were air, gentle breezing by all she came into contact with. Occasionally, her hand would light onto the shoulder of one of the bar's patrons. An elf, a goblin, a dryad, and a slime. Four people chosen by her touch. The four felt the sudden urge to sit down in the booth Cassandra was currently occupying.

Satisfied with her choices, the dyed woman began moving back towards the booth. A sudden thirst came over Cassandra. Her throat was terribly dry and scratchy. A beer would help soothe that. She left the booth, a somehow mentally taxing task in and of itself, and handed a sack of gold coins to the halfing behind the bar. "I'll take your finest ale, dwarf. Keep the change, barkeep." Why she had a sack of gold instead of the accepted Riordan Empirical Dollar, called beer ale, or referred to the halfing as a dwarf, Cassandra could not possibly know. As the halfing agreed to the extremely odd request ("I mean, we've got an old fashioned ale for you, but are you sure about giving me this gold?") and brought back a frothing mug of imported ale to the woman, her fingers briefly brushed the bartender's.

Cassandra took her mug back to the booth, unaware that she now had a tag-along at her heel. The halfing bartender pressed into the booth next to her. The dyed woman considered the little man's presence for a moment, perhaps wondering whether she would turn him away. Quickly she decided to keep him there.

The booth was absolutely bursting with the amount of people that occupied it. Normally the booths were meant to hold four or five people, but seven was pushing the booth beyond its limits. And yet, despite the lack of space, the booth seemed roomy and spacious, as if one could start a farm there or build a mansion. Cassandra felt the space between her and the other people sitting with her while being entirely aware of their hot, drunken breaths, their scratchy legs against her knees. They were comfortably apart all while being paradoxically too close for comfort.

"Everyone sitting comfortably? I can make more space if need be." The dyed woman said. "If not, I'd like to direct your attention to the other corners of this bar. Do you see the various patrons in the other corner booths?" She asked them.

And they did. In each of the booths sat women who looked uncannily like the woman sitting with them, though their hair was always a different shade. It was in the looking at the booths that each of people sitting there in that Northern Booth knew that if they turned their heads just right and looked in just a slightly different angle, each of the various booths' patrons would shift into another form of existence. The color of the woman's hair would change as well, sometimes dramatically.

Cassandra wondered if the people sitting in the other booths looked at the Northern Booth the same way she looked at theirs. How many sets of people did they go through before finding the angle that showed their own motley crew with a black dyed hair woman instead of a red dyed or green dyed woman?

"You can stop looking now." The dyed woman said. Still not commanding, but with an air of unquestioned superiority all the same. "Your mind isn't playing tricks on you. You really are seeing what you think you're seeing. You believe me because I'm what we call a Plot Device.

"The time has long since past for this process to happen organically. I'd explain everything that's happening to all of you, but once the process is over, you won't remember I was ever even here and you'll be on your destined path, as the Golden Lore has always demanded." The dyed woman stared at each of them in turn, lingering for a few seconds at a time. It felt as though she were staring at all of them at once as well as individually.

"All of the other people in each of the other booths that you see are various iterations of your group. You all go on a grand quest to find some legendary macguffin, fight the emperor, then bring peace back to the land, but it's not going to be that simple this time.

"You all are the Last Iteration. The Golden Lore demands it. Various teams of people are created to accomplish a single goal. Each of the iterations acting in sync with one another across various timelines, realities, and universes, forever colliding constantly into a single Locus of Power, one point of energy capable of accomplishing everything that must be done. That's what each of the other iterations did... are doing, whatever.

"As the Last Iteration, it's your job to use the Locus of Power. To unlock the energy within it. To do that, well...

"To do that you have to-"

- - -
Cassandra felt the hangover from hell pound her forehead into submission. She knew she shouldn't have ordered that fancy ale the third time, but the bartender was so damn convincing.

Cassandra rubbed her temples fiercely and opened her eyes. She was sitting up from the ground, a tablecloth haphazardly used as a blanket. Nearby, an elf cradled a rather large bottle of whiskey while a grotesque looking goblin snored loudly into the elf's ears. In a rather endearing display of innocence, a blue slime cradled the halfling bartender in its arms, sleeping off whatever the hell it was they had done the night before. Next to Cassandra, with a similar tablecloth covering her as a blanket, was a dryad woman.

She rubbed her head once more before laying back down on the Brigand's Barroom's floor. She needed water... and bread. She also needed to understand just what the fuck happened. She remembered something about a big bag of gold, but that was it. The bar was entirely empty, save for the five other people with her. Everything sounded oddly quiet outside as well considering the bar was on a noisy street corner.

Slowly, the other bar patrons awoke.

(OOC: So, I rolled a d20 for each of you to see just how much your character remembered about their time in the bar before blacking out and waking up the next morning.

@Tirin - You rolled a 3. You remember little of what happened the night before, but through your mental prowess, you are able to glean from the others' knowledge that a woman with dyed black hair tried to make the six of you into a group. You also remember the word "iteration", but don't know what context it was used in.

@Tolvan - You rolled an 18. You remember being tapped on the shoulder lightly by a woman with dark black hair, a sudden compulsion to sit in the booth in the northern corner of the bar. You remember being told you were now part of a group known as the Last Iteration. You also know instinctively that the six of you would feel an unconscious pull towards one another.

@Jeroth - You rolled an 11. Rather than getting shitfaced like everyone else, you let your tip jar get full, almost literally impossibly so, until you said fuck it and found the hardest batch of magical liquor your boss had set aside for his 50th anniversary (twenty years from now, no less). Your body is literally buzzing, but you remember the term "Locus of Power" and that it somehow pertains to the Brigand's Barroom.

@Easy - You rolled an 18, but due to your ability, you rolled a 7. You do not remember much, but the thought of looking at the booths in the other corner and turning your head makes you feel queasy.

@coolpool2 - You rolled a 2, unfortunately, just one away from a critical failure. You remember nothing of the night before, except that there were a lot of human women with dyed hair, but when is that ever worth mentioning? You keep the information to yourself.

Occasionally I'll roll dice and they won't always be d20s. When I do, you'll usually get an OOC post like this. I'll post them in the game thread and in the OOC thread. If you miss the dice roll post, you'll either delete your post or have your post deleted and then you'll take the dice post into account. Don't worry about it too much, just keep an eye out and make sure you read everything before posting.

Anyways, the long opening post is done. We're just about ready to start the role playing shenanigans. Everyone wake up and remark upon what you remember from the night before, but don't go outside the bar yet.)


Savage AF
The Original Gangster
Sacha opened its eyes trying to get its bearings. It sat up in a slow manner as it tried to remember what happened with no success. Its body felt sluggish, like one might expect after heavy drinking, or a marathon. It looked around at the strangers around it. Had it met them before? They wouldn’t be strangers if it had. As it came to its senses, it realized there was a Halfling in its arms. It started to panic, “Oh my gosh. Did I- Oh no. Well maybe it’s not. He’s alive right?” Sacha thought, it was shaken out of its panic by the sound of the Halfling’s heart, and let out a proverbial sigh of relief. The slime was thankful that the Halfling was alive and not killed, maimed and eaten. Not necessarily in that order. Sacha adjusted its grip on the dark haired Halfling and gently laid it on the ground beside it.

“Where am I? What happened?” The sound that came from Sacha was a little distorted, like a radio with bad reception. “Who are you?” Sacha asked to the others who were awake as it adjusted its voice back to normal.


Mach Ambassador
Another one of the same, if you don’t mind.”

Diarmuid’s ears seemed to twitch as he turned to Kanin. The elf grinning as his empty whisky glass sat in front of him. He had grabbed the whisky bottle that rested below the counter before lifting it to the glass. “Hah! I suppose. The tips are fine enough as is. Once we clear out the bar for the night, I’ll grab a drink. I do appreciate it though, Kanin.” With a patron as generous as he was, he went out of his way to learn his names. The rumors only reinforced it as he would always tread carefully around him. “I do hope you enjoy the whisky though!” He sealed the bottle before resting it beneath the bar.

- - -​
“I’ll take your finest ale, dwarf. Keep the change, barkeep.”

Diarmuid’s raised his eyebrows with a mixture of confusion at the gold coins. He could brush off the dwarf reference considering one owned the bar, but he was wondering what to do with the currency. “I mean, we’ve got old fashioned ale for you, but are you sure about giving me this gold?” He asked before handing the mug of ale. Her fingertips grazed his own and…

What happened?

His eyes fluttered before those green orbs darted around. His body felt warm and enveloped in something. A distorted voice rang in his ear as he began to look down. Blue ooze that was cool to the touch wrapped around his uniform. There was one of those last night, right? The ooze began to speak with its warbled voice while he began to pull himself out of the oozes grip. Struggling to his feet, he let out a loud groan and surveyed the bar.

A few of his patrons filled the room, a large tip jar was filled and the Delamon Gold XV was emptied. Emptied. His boss’ booze was empty. Pulling his hands to his mouth, he let out a loud groan. All of his tips were going to go to likely replace that. His parched throat and dry lips desperately wanted water as he stumbled towards the counter, stepping past Kanin who cradled the whisky bottle and made his way to the small sink. His small hand grasped the handle of a glass mug before filling it with water. His eyes stared it eagerly before bringing it to his lips and greedily gulping it down before giving a sigh. Filling it again, he thought about what happened.

Locus of Power

Somehow, that phrase was related to the Brigand’s Ballroom.


God-Emperor of Tealkind
Leaning against the booth instead of being sensible enough to sit within it, and sleeping sitting rather than lying down, Kanin awoke with a start from the odd, crackling words spoken by Sacha, a hand in his pocket (and his switch in hand) only the briefest moment later at the same time his eyes shot open. He was greeted to a much closer look at a goblin - one who, by the clothing, he could recognize as Fortune - than he had ever hoped to get, and obnoxious, excruciating snoring from the same. Finding himself unharmed aside from the consequences of his drinking, and figuring it was in his best interests not to cause problems for his new employer that he would gladly cause for anyone else so inconsiderate, the elf deftly slipped under the table and to the other side of the booth to get a more comfortable seat, registering only the more-coherent question of "Who are you?" from the slime - and only barely amidst the pounding in his head.

He didn't respond, instead giving the bottle of whisky still clutched in his hand an inquiring shake, the sloshing it emitted exactly what he was hoping for. Having been drinking since long before the others in the room had been born, he went straight for the cure experience made him favor - hair of the dog. Kanin quickly uncapped the liquor and raised it to his lips, gulping down several mouthfuls from the bottle before setting it down on the table and exhaling loudly in both pain and relief as the liquid burned its way down his throat. Though his hangover wasn't gone yet, he was secure in the knowledge that it would be within a few minutes, and so probed the minds of those in the bar for answers to a few questions - namely what had happened the night before that kept him from getting home, who the people around him (discounting Diarmuid and Fortune) were, and why the hell the Barroom was so empty.


Right Honorable Justice
It had been a while since Fortune had woken up on some cold, hard surface, with no recollection of how he'd gotten there, but he was quick enough on the uptake to ease himself into some rather dramatic snoring right away. This being by no means the first time that he'd blacked out while perfectly sober and then come to half-numb on a floor somewhere, he had a pretty good idea of what to expect now, and how to deal with it. Most probably there'd be some kind of iron cage or similar, and the outside would contain two big, dumb brutes who'd make stupid jokes and come in to beat him up a bit as soon as they noticed him awake. Why they always waited until he woke up himself to do it, he'd never really understand. In any case, the thing here was to keep up the act and find out as much as he could before chancing to open his eyes.

Well, first, there was a large, sleeping body right in front of his nose that smelled almost identical to an extremely drunken Kanin Vikona. Being a goblin had its perks sometimes, but in this case, it was extremely open to interpretation as to whether his enhanced sense of smell was really one of them. In any case, Vikona was apparently not the perp here, and probably a fellow target. He also decided that when he'd finished dealing with this, he'd kill that idiot Soap. Literally.

He thought back to how the interaction with the freelancer had ended yesterday. Soap had just stepped out, everything had seemed to be taken care of, and then some human female with fake hair had touched him on the shoulder. She wore a suit - government telepath? That would explain the choice of targets and the blackout. Had there been something about looking into booth corners? Strange. More importantly, did he still have all his gear? Some of it could definitely be considered contraband. But most of his body had gone numb from sleeping on a cold floor for... all night? Maybe? He'd have to move around a little to get a feel for it, and that would break his cover.

This dilemma was solved a short time later. Though his sense of smell was largely overwhelmed by the scent of whiskey and unwashed elf just in front of him, he was able to hear someone get to his feet a short distance away, and walk off to apparently pour himself a drink of some kind. (Relatively thick, uncarbonated - probably water, or something similar.) From the steps he seemed to be fairly light, and on rather short legs, but that meant nothing. Big, dumb brutes didn't necessarily have to be all that big, really. Two out of three was good enough for this sort of work.

Further movement around him, like Vikona getting up and walking around, only served to pose further questions. The unfamiliar, distorted voice that came up from his left startled him enough that he forgot to snore for half a heartbeat, which he quickly covered for by turning to shift a little bit, as if simply turning over in his sleep.

All thought of maintaining his cover was cast aside when he felt his arm brush against the handgun in his pocket, and in a flash he had twisted to the side and was pointing it from target to target, as his eyes adjusted to the dim morning light from the nearby window. This was... still the Brigand's? That slime golem was here, and the 'brute' was just one of the bartenders? The female human caught his eye, and was where the pistol ended up pointing, in a very no-nonsense manner, with both hands gripping the handle while the rest of him still lay flat on his back on the floor. It occurred to him that her hair didn't look fake, and she wasn't wearing a gray suit, but he was willing to overlook those trivialities. Admittedly, all human women looked the same to him anyway, so this could easily just her way of disguising herself for all he knew.

"Right," he rasped, eyes darting away from the human just long enough to get a look at the elf. This was no longer the appearance of an average goblin. Even a goblin usually has a lot less murder in his eyes.

"The hell'ss thiss? Better not be ssome kind've idiot joke, Vikona. I ain't got th' time."


God-Emperor of Tealkind
Having been seated just barely long enough to start peeking into the minds of those assembled before Fortune starting waving his gun around like a madman, Kanin groaned when the goblin did so. Due to his hangover, he was more than exasperated enough to interrupt his fellow criminal's query; despite it, he had the quickness of mind to do so, meeting Fortune's furious gaze with a pained, squint-eyed one. "It's not a joke, or at least not one I'm playing, and I'm as clueless as you are - lot less suspicious, but I suppose that's only natural with so little of the night to remember and such a good reason not to remember it. Somethin' about... iterations? Sounded like a game, to be honest." He mentioned, resting his elbow on the table and using a hand to prop up his face. "Heh. You're pretty damn paranoid. I don't blame ya."

He fell silent for a few moments, then, as he looked around the bar - picking through the thoughts of those around him to figure out what they remembered of the night. Diarmuid had something about a "Locus of Power" in his mind - maybe this was a game? - and the slime only questions, but the human woman had gold on hers! Even if this was the setup to some kind of game, Kanin quickly decided that he could afford to stick around long enough for it to be clarified. He'd be an idiot to pass up money like that, which could buy him all sorts of pleasing new tools, give him more time and resources with which to study magic, and still leave enough to send his mother on a pleasant vacation to the tropics. Besides, the game itself might be interesting. His decision made for him by his (perhaps-erroneous) analysis of the stakes involved, Kanin gently cleared his throat and turned toward the bar. "Diarmuid! Get me somethin' t' eat!" He barked at the halfling, certain that the Barroom would carry some greasy dish to fill the void in his stomach.


Right Honorable Justice
Reluctantly, Fortune acknowledged to himself that he'd seen the human before him at the bar yesterday and, as his eyes adjusted better to the light, that she definitely wasn't the gray-suited woman.

"Tss" he made out, grudgingly flipping the safety back on and putting the gun away. "Prob'ly ssome human joke, messs wif' th' resst. Breakfasst f'r two, barkeep. Got pig milk?" Goblins loved pig's milk, which was what made running a pig farm such an excellent investment for someone like Fortune. The milk trucks were great for moving other products as well, of course. A quick text message sent from his phone saw to it that some backup would be arriving shortly, and then he could head out again and get back to his business.

He tried to ignore the nagging feeling in the back of his mind that he should try standing at some point in the bar and looking around into the corners. No sense giving in to some drunk human's childish mind games, after all. That way lies madness.
Last edited:


Campaign Killer
Nyria woke up, groaning, trying to remember what had happened. There had been a woman with black hair... Something about a Last Iteration... and these other four people were mixed up in it too. There was the slime from earlier, a serious-looking elf, who was honestly rather intimidating, a rather shady-looking goblin, and... the bartender? Nyria sat up, clutching her head and looking at the others questioningly, looking to see if any of them seemed to know what was going on. Still, she couldn't shake the feeling that all of this was unbelievably important, somehow.

"Bartender... I don't suppose I could just get a glass of water? My head is killing me..."


Mach Ambassador
Taking a sip from the mug of water, Diarmuid groggily witnessed Kanin slipping out from under a snoring goblin before finishing off the bottle of whisky. The grogginess of his hangover disappeared instantly as the gun was pointed at him and other people in the bar. When the gun of the goblin was trained on him, Diarmuid’s instinct reaction was simple: DUCK. His knees tucked underneath of himself as the tiny halfling’s head disappeared behind the bar. The glass mug spilling a few droplets of the cold water on his cuffs.

The hissing lisp of the goblin could be heard as he seemed to be talking to someone called “Vikona.” The voice of Kanin responded as Diarmuid pieced it together that the two must have known each other.

Diarmuid listened to the goblin and elf briefly discuss with one another before Kanin called out his name. A mug of water appeared form under the bar before being followed by the halfling’s pompadour. Peering over the bar, Diarmuid surveyed the situation and it seemed that Kanin and the goblin had relaxed and the situation had calmed down. “Right! Yes, Kanin!” He grabbed an apron and tied it around his uniform before the halfling could be seen disappearing into the other room.

“Breakfasst f’r two, barkeep. Got Pig Milk?”

Stopping on his heels, he pivoted his body to look at the goblin. “Pig’s Milk..? I.. I might. I need to look at what we have.” Given that they were a bar and not particularly an inn, they didn’t have much in the ways of food. At the very least, he could probably make an omelette.

He could hear a feminine voice calling out for water as he entered the kitchen. Agitated, he grunted and just yelled out: “THERE’S ONE ON THE BAR!” He had been craving breakfast as well.

From the kitchen, the sounds of cabinets being opened and slammed could be heard. After a few minutes of whisking and chopping, a loud sizzling could be heard. The scent of thick, slabs of bacon along with delicious eggs permeated the bar.


Well-Known Member
Cassandra Malone's eyes opened wide as the goblin pulled a gun out and aimed it at everyone in the room. Her first thought was, "Oh shit, not like this!" Her second thought was, "If I throw the tablecloth into his face, distract his vision, roll forward, and take the gun, I can shoot him before he ever realizes I was a threat." This dual mode of thinking happened simultaneously, all within a second, but instead of acting upon either thought, her brain sent a wave of pain throughout her head. She could not think and merely chose to shut her eyes as she pushed back against the pressure in her head.

When she opened her eyes again, the gun was put away and breakfast was being cooked. Getting to her feet, Cassandra looked around the bar. Someone had swept the sawdust away from where she and the Dryad woman, Nyria, had been sleeping. At least she didn't have any sawdust in her hair.

"Dire Mud, there's gotta be more here, right?" She spoke the words like they were a pet name, 'dire mud.' She walked into the back room. The halfling worked at an old iron stove, eggs popping beautifully in a skillet. "Hafford put some extra food down in one of the cabinets here yesterday, I think..." She walked past the bartender and opened one of the cabinets. Just as she thought. "Instant Oatmeal, some potatoes, noodles. I think Hafford put some meat in the freezer too and... bread, oh thank the God, bread." She pulled the oatmeal out of the box, tossed it into a bowl with water, and into the microwave. While it heated up, she grabbed two slices of bread and ate them in pulled apart chunks.

"We've got bread, guys." She told the others as they waited for Diarmuid to finish cooking the eggs. She tossed the plastic bag with the loaf onto a table. If any of them took it, she didn't care. All she wanted was something to soak up the excess alcohol in her belly.

As she sat, a thought came to her mind. She knew everyone's names. She felt safe with them, as though they were all meant to be together. She treated the halfling like she had a long standing friendship with him, but she knew that couldn't be the case. Yesterday was the first time she had ever come to the bar. Not even a few moments before, Fortune had been pointing a gun at her, like he'd never seen her before... and to be fair, he never had.

She knew Hafford was the Dwarf who owned the bar.

But she also knew his name wasn't Hafford, nor that she had ever even actually met him.

"Muddy..." Another pet name for the Halfling cooking the eggs. "Hafford's not the name of the guy who owns this bar." She breathed in deeply as a wave of pain and nausea overtook her body. "What the fuck is happening!?"
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