[Literature] Shizno's Short Story Submissions


Staff member
I bet you're glad I died in the Mach Games, just like you're glad Prince died.


Staff member
Prince died.
Wait... Prince died?

You died in the Mach Games.
Prince died in real life.
2 deaths.
2 People.
2 + 2 = 4, the amount of fingers on hand if you don't count the thumb.
Fingers, are used to paint.
Painting is a form of art.
Prince makes art.
Therefore by the process of elimination, if we divide by 3 and carry the 2nd amendment.
Artist "The New Jesus" Unknown is prince

Nevermind, I forgot to apply order of operations. If I just do that again correctly we find out that.

Prince is dead.



Well-Known Member
Here we go. Just something that I wanted to throw together really quick. Might do more things like these, just fun stuff with forumers and what-not. If anyone reads it, that is >~>

“Aye yai yai!” Cried Tag Ross, speaking in his native tongue for just a moment. Panic in his voice as he rushed over towards the giant glass head in the center of their underground hideout, “Requiem! It turns out that Shadow is back at it again! Back to try to seal away our doom! What do we doooo?”

The giant head floating in the glass jar merely spoke towards the rambling Tag Ross, “Shadow… it’s been three thousand years…” With that Requiem huffed, “TR! Commence protocol beta. Get me five memers with nothing better to do!”

Tag Ross blinked in fear, “Memers? Oh no… not… shitlords!” ‘


“Beeeewww beewww bew bewbewbew,” Went Shizno, autistically going along with the themesong, “Rondait Rangers! Rolecall!”

With that they all began to call off.

“Rondait Ranger.. Yellow!” Thunderclaw yelled, enthusiasm in his voice as he got to wear a bright yellow suit. Which may have originally been meant for a girl, but it was hard to tell. “Comin’ at you with the power of lightning!”

While Thunderclaw was being a huge nerd and posing the second member came around. Easy flexed in his suit, “Rondait Ranger… Blue!” And without needing to do anything else his biceps caused the armor of the suit to completely erupt, revealing his entire arms.

Although Andyman was supposed to be Rondait Ranger Red he was actually too busy riding around with Maretocks in his car. Which was in fact red, so it kind’ve worked out? Kind’ve confusing, but let’s move on.

“And the leader of the group… Rondait Ranger… Teal!” Tirin said, body rippling with barely constrained sexual energy as he posed. His suit as stylish as it was terrifying to be on-

“Wait, wait, what?” Shizno interrupted, “No, no! Rondait Ranger Cyan is supposed to be the leader. That meaning me!”

“Pfft- Yeah, sure, whatever. Nobody’s going to follow that pansy-ass color into battle. So checkmate, you lose.” Tirin claimed with a smug smirk and his arms crossed.

Although Shizno grit his teeth and frowned, he knew that he was defeated. Whenever anyone said ‘checkmate’ it meant that they had obviously won this battle, “F… fuck you guys! I don’t even want to be in the stupid group! Cuck you all, Sentai’s better anyways!” He spouted out, flipping off the group as he steadily made his way out of the area, taking the suit with him.

Tirin was victorious this day… but have they seen the last of Shizno?



“So it's been a few days since shizno left 'n' stuff, yea?” Andyman began to explain, “'n' well, things aren't all not-so-bonza, y'know? we got a replacement 'n' it's pretty much the same. except the replacement doesn't yarn that much... so i guess it's kind've an upgrade?”

As the Australian Rondait Ranger spoke he glanced behind him towards where Shizno would usually be. And there in his beanbag chair sat a sloth. Not a Shizno-sloth, but just a normal sloth chilling.Doing nothing but blinking oh so slowly.

“Alright, who ate it!?” Thunderclaw cried out from the kitchen. Stomping into the main room his eyes glared daggers at not-Shizno, “It was you, wasn’t it? Don’t play dumb with me, it’s always you that eats my poptarts and I was saving those for day!”

"As you can see, even Thunderclaw can’t tell the difference…” Any continued to narrate, casually watching.

While not-Shizno merely yawned in response Thunderclaw was much less thrilled, “Oh, am I boring you? Well, I’ll show you!” Leaping at the sloth he began to outright wrestle the poor creature. But it was that day that Thunderclaw would learn that sloths are masters at professional wrestling.

As this all happened Andyman wiped off the crumbs from his desk and threw the last wrapper that he had into the trash. All while Rondait Yellow was being powerbombed by a poor defenseless sloth.


God-Emperor of Tealkind
I'm not entirely sure how we're Rondait Rangers, given he's not our Zordon and not one of our members, but at the end of the day what really matters is getting a sexy teal bodysuit to look badass in. That, and talking shit.


Well-Known Member
Oh hey another one. And it was even less than two weeks. Beating my previous best of shortest intervals between stories of three months or something. This time around it features five different characters which I'll start to link because I know everyone likes to know that they're involved. Unless it gets annoying in which case I'll stop.

@Jeroth @Firedemon @LeMeh @coolpool2 @Dragonruby

The night was dark and the air cool. The soft creaking of wood throughout the house giving it an ominous atmosphere that spelled dread for anyone that was around. The hushed whispering of the ones that had gathered there that night being the only hint of anything living in that decrepit home. It was a place that not even the bravest went…

And the definine silence was finally interrupted by the sound of a bag of chips being opened. The most annoying sound in the world as the plastic packaging crinkled and finally ‘popped’ open, releasing the air.

“Goddamn it Coolpool, keep it down over there..!” Jeroth called out to the youngest of the group as he pinched the bridge of his nose, “Alright, alright… let’s just get through this shall we? I’ve been planning this for a while and I just wanna get things rolling, y’know? So tell me your characters one at a time.”
The truth was that the five that had gathered that day was committing the worst sin imaginable. Being huge nerds.

The board that was on the table that they sat around would betray this, there being several miniatures to represent the player characters. Even each of the players’ dice and their personal sheets in their area.

Upon Jeroth’s request all of them spoke up at once in a jumbled mess of, “WellI’vethefromwithoutarangerpewpew-”

“Stop, stop..! I just said one at a time, c’mon now.” Jeroth, the one who had taken up the role of ‘Dungeon Master’ in this meet-up urged as he leaned back in his chair.

Silence befell the group once again before before the bravest among them finally spoke up, “Ahem…” It was Firedemon. Smoke rolling from his lips with every word. Despite the cool appearance of the red eyes and everything the demon was surprisingly petty about some things, “I’ve rolled up Valyan, the Dragonkin Priest.”

“Alright, sounds decent enough. So what god do you worship as him?” The DM asked.

“What d’you mean? Me, obviously.” Firedemon spoke back, head tilted in mild confusion.

Jeroth blinked, “Wuh- No, I mean diety that you worship.”

“Me. As in me-me. Lord of Fire.”

“You… you can’t worship yourself. That’s not even… what would the tenets of worshipping you even be..?”

The demon shrugged, “Mostly just burning anything that’s orange.”

Do keep in mind that as this was going on the constant sound of Coolpool shoving his hand into the bag of chips was filling the room as if it was a gong. Over and over almost making the other players’ ears bleed.

Jeroth gave a bit of a sigh, “Well… whatever, good enough for now. Who’s next?”

“Yo, that’d be me,” Claimed LeMeh, quite possibly the eldest of the group, “I’ve made a Half-Elf Wizard and I’ve even wrote out a backstory for him, gimme a second…”

Jeroth gave a smile at that, “Great, at least some people put effort into their characters. Whatcha got for me?”

LeMeh nodded before reaching out under his chair and pulling out a book. Letting out a soft groan of effort as he lifted up the oversized tome and ‘placed’ it right onto the table. Well, less placed and more crashed onto it. The various miniatures shaking from the impact and caused the surface to lean forward somewhat before continuing, “There it is. Feel free to go through it at your own pace.”

“You’ve… you’ve gotta be shitting me.” Jeroth claimed as he narrowed his eyes, unable to believe that.

“Shitting you about what? Just my backstory and it’s only a few thousand pages, y’know. Got everything from his early life, learning wizardry… actually had to skip a few points about his parents’ past and heritage, so y’know.”

“I’ll… look at it later. Alright, Coolpool, who did you make?” Jeroth turned his attention while beginning to regret running this game for these fucks.

“Mrrffhh?” Coolpool asked, mouthfull of chips at that point. Trying to swallow the best that he could, “Guh… alright, alright!” The youngest of the group brushed off the crumbs and continued on soon enough, “So I’ve made… a Sorcerer. A fairy sorcerer. She uses ice powers and has blue hair and is the cutest thing ever. I’ve got a backstory as well, but it’s only a few paragraphs..”

Something was fishy already. Jeroth furrowing his brow as he shook his head, “Wait, wait… is this your weeaboo stuff seeping in again? It is isn't it?”

Coolpool was taken aback! Glancing around as he was caught redhanded, “N-no..?”

Jeroth wasn’t convinced. Crossing his arms as he narrowed his eyes towards the younger teen, “Look, this isn’t an anime game…”

Shaking his head Coolpool still tried to argue. “I know, I know! Just.. look at the backstory, please?” He asked, handing over the tablet that he had to show off what he had written.

The dungeon master tilt his head and took it, glancing at the tablet and, “... This isn’t a backstory you wrote. This is literally the wikipedia page for Touhou.”

“C’mooon, don’t do this to me..!” Coolpool cried out, begging as he hid his face in his hands.

Jeroth felt sorry for the younger boy. Letting out a soft sigh before, “Fuuuckk… fine, I guess… but next week make some changes, alright? Doesn’t anyone have like… a normal character?”

Although it was down to the last player. He looking upwards and glancing between the four other people that had all eyes on him, “Uhhh… I made a human fighter.”

“Huh? That sounds… normal?” Jeroth stated in mild surprise.

Dragonruby continued on, “Yeaaah… he’s like… a knight. But he’s kind’ve… not a knight? He’s like… he wants to be a knight, but is lying about being a knight. So… he’s worried that people will find him out about not being a knight.”

Jeroth quirked a brow, “Uhh… Alright, that’s promising at least. Any like… personality?”

“He’s… a knight.” Druby replied.

“That’s not a… okay, like hobbies or things to make him more… nuanced?”

“... Knight… stuff..?”

Jeroth threw his hands up, “Alright, fuck it. Let’s start this shit and get this train wreck moving.”

“I get off the train.” All four players said in unison.

A soft ‘thud’ was heard as the GM faceddesked rather hard. This was gonna be a long campaign.
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