Tales of Driftmoore


Well-Known Member
"M-mom?" Danial glanced around, completely confused as to where he is or how he got there. "I don't..." He trailed off as he looked towards the people that are there with him, "What's happening?" His breathing became quick as he tried to resist panicking in this situation. His green eyes started to water as he placed his face in his hands. What did these people do, sneak into his house at night and bring him here? That was the only answer at this point. He wiped the tears from his face as he watched the man with the book, waiting for him to start whatever they were planning on doing to him.


Well-Known Member
Donor III
Richard: Kitchen

Beginning his investigation of the Cove, Richard noticed several changes throughout the premises all of which appeared extremely ill boding. A strange purple fog obscured any view of the outside but it was probably for the best that they stayed inside for now, at least until the fog lifted.

The Kitchen was arranged differently than what he was used to. Beginning to check the cupboards for anything of use he noticed the kitchen was strangely bare.

Chef would freak if he saw the kitchen like this, he would never leave boxes lying about or leave a single cupboard bare.

Lost in thought about possible explanations, it was then Richard eyes glanced to the scratches across the floor. Crouching down, he placed his finger in the groove of the scratches trying to figure out what could have made them. Looking up he followed the trail of red to its ending at the trap door to the storage room.

Is there something down there? Is there something with us right now?

Fear beginning to take a hold, Rich could feel his right hand start to twitch. Not a seizure but simple fear. The unnatural events that had unfolded were unnerving but it was starting to get too much, the only thing that kept him from breaking down on the spot was a voice jerking him into action.

"I don't think I'll get any answers to this, but do you know anything about what's going on? I usually don't go out to eat at three o'clock in the morning, and this atmosphere seems very unnatural."

Unknown to Richard he was being followed by a couple of students. Got off guard, he jerked slightly before turning round to glance at the two students. The one talking to him was around sixteen, short and pale but with some striking black hair. The other was shorter still but stood out due to his blonde hair and eccentric style.

Placing his mask back on, Rich tried to force a reassuring smile. “Not yet but I know were not suppose to be here. We may have the occasional venue but nothing like this, especially not for students or at this time of day.”

Pausing for a moment, Richard began to pace, trying to think of the logical next step he continued to speak illustrating his plan to himself if no one else.

“The strange fog outside prevents us from seeing anything so for now I think it may be better to stay here until the fog lifts or we have a safe way out of here. The layout to the Cove is identical so we should check the staff room for emergency supplies.”

“M-mom?” hearing the cry of another Rich lost his train of thought and instead instinctively heading back into the main room where they began. One of the students shot off his attention caught up by something else making a reference to a book.

“WAIT! What book?”


God-Emperor of Tealkind
Victor found himself duly unnerved by the contents of the book in conjunction with the materials it was made out of, and slowly closed it. With the "dream" getting creepier and more surreal by the minute, he found himself strongly feeling the urge to wake up, but couldn't manage to jolt himself awake. The foreboding thought that it might not be a dream slowly settled into his mind, serving only to further unnerve and confuse him. Thankfully, he was broken out of that train of thought by a teenager asking him if there was anything useful in the book, and looked towards the young man to respond. "It doesn't look like it. A short biography about a man I met earlier today, and a message asking me for help." He said with a shrug, pushing himself up out of the chair and taking the book with him. "Maybe there's more in there, but honestly? I don't want to read anything else. This dream is strange enough as is."

The businessman stretched his arms a bit before taking a look around the Cove's dining room, seeing who else could be found in it - several students who seemed to be in their mid to late teens, as well as two men nearer his own age. One of the former, a boy quite firmly on the feminine side, was staring fearfully at him, while a brown-haired man nearly as tall as Victor himself inquired about the book. It was the man that he chose to address first, lifting the tome to provide a better view. "This one. It was just sitting in front of me when I woke up, so aside from what little I've read from it, I don't know anything about it." He set it down on another of the tables. "Feel free to take a look through it if you want, but it's pretty disturbing."

He turned then to the boy, taking a few steps toward the quivering youth and greeting him with an extended hand and a comforting smile. "Hi, I'm Victor. I can see that you're scared and confused, but I think we're all a little bit of both. The best way for us to get through whatever this is is by working together to try and understand it and solve any problems that come up. Are you with me?"


Savage AF
The Original Gangster
Thomson turns around to the boy around his age and examines him. That guy seems kind of shaken. Maybe I should say something to him. "H-hey are you alright? No one really knows what's going on here, and I don't think it could be a dream. We go to the same school right? I don't think we've spoken but I've seen you around." After talking Thomson stares at the book but does not interact with it.. That thing creeps me out, considering the situation I wouldn't be surprised if that was real skin. I'm not sure if I want to look in it, he seemed alright after reading it so there shouldn't be a threat.


Mach Ambassador
As the tips of your fingers collide with the scratched surface, a chill races down your arm. It's freezing cold.

The sight of trap door is an odd sight to you. As you look at it, the hairs on the back of your neck stand. You feel watched...

The Dining Area:
You all discuss the book and comfort the boy. Your breath is visible in the frigid air. Your conversation is cut short by a loud clanging sound nearby. Something is in the Cove besides you.

Bill - ????

You awaken from your sleep. The room is cold and unfamiliar to you. A metal locker has fallen with supplies scattered among the floor. You manage to piece together that this is a staff room with the lockers. You look above the door, noticing

T H E C O V E |`

You piece together that you're in the staff room of the Cove, but the sign seems... odd. The remnants of a few letters after "COVE", but are barely legible.


Well-Known Member
Danial slowly shook his head, "I... I'm not sure what's going on at all." He said weakly, visibly shaking from the cold and anxiety. And then the other man tried to comfort him. He looked up at Victor with tears in his eyes as he listened to the man's words. He carefully nodded to the man's question. Something about Victor made the small boy comforted and feel safer than he did with most others. He wiped the tears from his eyes with his sleeve, and then hesitantly reached out to take Victor's hand.

When the second boy approached, Danial retreated back again, trying to make himself smaller. He managed to stop himself from backing away completely, but he was obviously discomforted by the sudden attention from three different people he doesn't know. "I... I think we go to the same school," he said barely louder than a whisper, "I don't really-"

There was a crash which caused Danial to jump, letting out a scared, but admittedly adorable, yelp. He glanced around in a panic, searching for whatever created the sound, "W-w-what was that?" He choked out, looking towards Victor for guidance.


God-Emperor of Tealkind
Victor started a little at the sudden clang, but otherwise managed to maintain his composure in an attempt to keep the boy clasping his hand feeling safe and comfortable. Given the nature of their situation, he was quite worried about what could have caused it, but suspected that saying as much would incite further panic among the trio of teenage boys, regardless of any attempts they might have been making to seem calm. "I can't say for sure what it is," he admitted, the smile not leaving his face, "and even though we should be a little careful, it's probably just an animal - or maybe someone tripped or fell." His relaxed nature despite the cold and confusing situation was quite reassuring, and he exerted a gentle pull on Danial's arm in an attempt to bring him along. "By the way, would any of you mind telling me your names?"


Bill - Staff Room

Fluorescent lights flickered. The walls were lined with dull grey lockers. Two benches split the room in half. Against one of the lockers Bill slept peacefully unaware of his new surroundings. Across from him, a locker lurched open. Tossing its contents to the floor it dove toward Bill.


The locker lay mere inches above Bill's head. The bench in the center of the room had broken its fall protecting Bill, for now. The jolt caused the mirror on the inside door of the locker to shatter, raining glass down upon his form. The noise tore Bill from his rest and he reflexively scuttled away from the looming metal box. Rising to his feet, breathed warmth into his hands. Scouting out the room, Bill's eyes rest at his answer above the door.

T H E C O V E |`

For several moments, Bill's eyes study the word as if a foreign language. A slow exhale escapes his lips. Bill looked down at his hands, a small cut from the shards began to bleed. Clambering over the toppled locker, Bill searched a few of the metal cabinets. Success! A small first aide kit was removed and Bill bandaged the cut while sniffing the air, "huh..." Bill eyed the small window at the top of the room, not large enough for a person but enough to let in a small breeze. Beyond the window was a strange purple mist. Sifting through the remaining lockers, Bill found two baseball mitts and a ball. A smile crossed Bill's face as he threw the Ball through the window.


The ball sailed through the window and out into the mist. Bill's hands jumped to his ears. With the sound of nails on a chalkboard, the shards of glass returned from the outside and back into their place within the pane. Within seconds the window was fixed. The hair stood upon along Bill's arms and neck. A noise alerted Bill to someone or something outside the staff room door, Bill looked for a weapon and a place to hide.


Savage AF
The Original Gangster
Thomson immediately turns to the direction the clanging and crashing noises came from. What was that? Even without good hearing, it is obvious it came from another room. Thomson bends his knees and becomes alert. "You guys heard that right? It came from a room over there."


Well-Known Member
Donor III
Richard: Lobby/Dinning Area

Despite the mysterious circumstances and the crash, Victor’s presence seemed to radiate a sense of reassurance to the group, especially to young Danial. The evidence couldn't be any clearer, just looking at how Danial clasped his hand illustrated Victor’s paternal instincts clearly. Even if his composure was a front for the kid his natural build and height made him appear to have a form of authority over the younger members of the group.

“It came from the Staff Room” Rich spoke with utmost certainty. “The Kitchen was empty when I checked it earlier. Silently reminiscing on his experiences he could still feel the after affects of the cool sensation that ran down his arm. A continual reminder of the unnatural nature of the scratches he had found earlier.

It was freezing cold..and the door someone was watching.

Attempting to keep the group away from the Kitchen, Richard focused on the source of the noise and the potential uses of the room. “The Staff Room usually has a first aid kit and some emergency supplies lying about. We have a phone out the back, we could try calling your parents..let them know your OK.” He wanted to tell someone what he had found in the Kitchen but didn't want to panic the young teens; instead he waited until he could speak to Victor in private.


Mach Ambassador
The Dining Area


You all hear the sound of glass shattering. The sound of nails of a chalkboard echo from behind the closed door. If you were to try to open the door, you would be surprised to find it difficult to open. The door was jammed.

Bill - Staff Room

Your eyes manage to spot quite a few potential weapons - an unwieldy fire extinguisher, a broom or a glass bottle.

You hear the familiar sound again of nails on a chalkboard as the locker mirror fixes itself. Glancing down yields your own reflection as the door is propped open, facing you.

You hear voices getting closer. Your eyes spot a variety of hiding spots - behind the door, inside of one of the lockers, or even moving a locker to hide in a corner.


Bill - Staff Room

Bill eyed the door where muffled sounds grew louder outside the door. Whatever was on the other side wasn't happy. Bill grabbed the broom with a glint in his dark eyes. Climbing over the locker, Bill approached the door. It didn't look too thick, so either the thing was far away or something was distorting the sound. "Maybe..." he breathed reaching cautiously for the door handle.

The door handle had other plans. As Bill's hand approached, the handle recoiled into the door! He was stuck. "Great," he mumbled rolling his eyes. It would have to come to him.


Well-Known Member
Donor III
Richard: The Dining Area – Outside the Staff room door.

A commotion was occurring in the staff room, the sound of glass shattering and the errie sound of scrapping of nails alerted Richard. Instinctively grabbing the door handle, Richard tried to push the door open to discover the intruder but with the hinges and the rail catching on something the door appeared to be jammed.

In an effort to communicate with the intruder, Rich knocked on the door consistently and called out firmly. “Is someone there? Open up the door, we need to talk.”


Mach Ambassador

Time seems to have slowed down as everyone faced the door that was jammed. You could see your own breath in the chilled restaurant. You see the door shudder and start to splinter apart.


You all hear the sounds of something coming from the direction of the kitchen.

You all witness what is on the other side of the door.


You see a group of peers and a few younger kids. One of the younger kids is wielding a sword with a bizarre eye color.

The group

You notice a curly-haired man, wielding a broom to the best of his ability. From his positioning, he seems to be ready to defend himself.
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Savage AF
The Original Gangster
It's another person, I wonder if there are others we have not found around here... "H-hey we heard a lot of loud noises, are you alright? Cut anywhere? Umm, you'll probably ask this so no, we do not know what's going on, how we got here or why we are here. I-I'm guessing you don't either." Is there another person in the kitchen causing havoc? The intervals of thumps don't sound like they are just someone crashing into things. "That thumping noise from the kitchen is a little unsettling, I can't tell what it could possibly be.
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