Active The Elder Tales [CYOA]


God-Emperor of Tealkind
If them cuts are real, real severe, he should probably get t'the hospital.

But since fighting through the pain is apparently an option, I'd say some good bandaging would work well enough. Stay or no balls.


Right Honorable Justice
Nawwwwwww, I'm sure I'm totally fine.

Y'know. For given values of 'me', 'sure', 'totally', and 'fine', of course.

Fight through the pain.


Mach Ambassador
Push through the pain - Everyone

"I'm.. I'm fine." Pete grit his teeth and stood up, feeling pain shoot through his body along with an uncomfortable warmth. He took a heavy sigh. "See. Good as new."

"But Pete, you were just tossed th-"

"If the man says he's fine, then he's fine. The next step is figuring out what to do. Jasper, what did our client want?'

"Oh! Uhm, he wanted to... Hold on.." Fishing through his pocket, Jasper pulled out a crinkled piece of paper and unfolded it. "He wants us to put his mind at ease or else exorcise the haunts." Jasper frowned. "I don't think we could convince him it's not haunted, so we need to exorcise it. I guess we need to exorcise that haunted room?"

"But there's still that stairway downstairs that we haven't check-"

The sounds of thuds could be heard coming from the guest room again. Pete cringed at the thought of dealing with it again. Drew raised an eyebrow, nervous about Pete's condition and if he could actually go on before shaking his head.

What would will Dick suggest?
- Keep Investigating
- Start an Exorcism.


Well-Known Member
Is it a bit premature to start an exorcism? There could be more at play here than a ghost or demon. What do you guys think?


Right Honorable Justice
More importantly, need a priest to do an exorcism. Or maybe we can get hold of a bishop, even. Let's investigate the basement, and then refer the matter to the Church.


God-Emperor of Tealkind
Keep investigating. Too early to tell if an exorcism will do anything, and these elder god types can get pretty pissy about stuff like that.


Right Honorable Justice
That'll be quite enough with the borderline blasphemy, thank you very much. We'll obviously be summoning a bishop out of Pete's Catholic Church, instead.


Right Honorable Justice
Keep Investigating. If Pete's a true Catholic, he doesn't believe in these shenanigans anyway. No such thing as haunts or demonic possession.
The road to heresy is built on ignorance, and then paved with the presumption of knowledge. The real issue is whether houses, locations, or otherwise objects (as opposed to people) can be subject to exorcism, for which current doctrine has no precedent and makes no allowance.

Unlike most heretics, however, the Catholic Church is both principally and historically capable of revision and amendment in the face of new evidence and observations, and does not encourage mere blind loyalty in its followers. As a Catholic, it's one thing for Pete to operate with the presumption that there are never any cases of possessed buildings, and totally another to continue denying such a thing after having personally observed and witnessed it. Having gone back and ascertained that all evidence does, in fact, point to this being the case, it'd be his duty to bring this to the attention of the local clergy.


Mach Ambassador
-Keep Investigating

"We don't know what it is yet. Let's keep investigating."

They pushed open the door to the hallway filled with suffocatingly stale air, closing the door behind them.

Tyler's eyes wandered to the room where he found that boarded-up cupboard that was unexplored - a sight that caused a gnawing curiosity to get the best of him.

"Hey, we should check out this cabinet. It's boarded up and it's one of the few things in here that is. It might have a clue or something."

"Don't be ridiculous! We don't need any clues - we KNOW it's in the guest room! You saw what happened!"

"Ngh.. Actually, I think we should cover the basement first - we've seen all the other rooms."

Dick clicked his tongue as he pondered his options. The three of his companions arguing over the best choice.

The best choice is...:

- Boarded up cupboard
- The Haunted Room
- The Basement


Mach Ambassador
Heads up: This is at a tie, but more than likely - I may or may not drop this. I'd like to optimistically finish this though considering it isn't too long until shit goes down.


Right Honorable Justice
Cupboard's probably boarded up for a real good reason. Let's go with the basement.
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