[Art] They Could be Heros

Null Hypothesis

Well-Known Member
Donor III
"They Could be Heroes" this is a new comic by me Null.

As most of you know I was working on a comic a while back, but had to postpone that project because I just ran out of time to work on it.

This comic is a completely different idea from the original one I started months ago. I wanted a project I could continue to work on even when my schedule becomes chaotic, so to keep constancy I started a new project rather then continuing from where I left off with the old one.

"They Could be Heroes" takes place in a generic fantasy setting following a group of adventures as they do adventury things. The images are not as finished as my normal work, but this lets my get a page done in a few hours and allows for life to get busy with out hurting the release schedule.

Speaking of release schedule, I plan on a twice a week thing every Thursday and Sunday.

Also each page will only have one to two actual panels meaning the story will progress slowly. I would prefer to do more, but like I mentioned earlier I want to keep production time down to a minimum. I'll try to keep it from dragging on and getting dull and at least give you guys something cool to look at.

So yeah I guess that's that. there's not much to look at yet since it's really just a cover for the first chapter, but there will be a new page on Sunday and then Thursday and then Sunday etc.

So comment, ask questions, hypothesis and I'll try to respond with out any spoilers.


Well-Known Member
I thought I had a cold, but it turns out it was just hype-ochondriacal. I'm doing it right, right?

Null Hypothesis

Well-Known Member
Donor III
Next page is up. I tried to schedule the page to post automatically because I knew I would be out most of the day, but apparently it didn't work. It's posted now though and still on time.

It's a map this time because all cool fantasy stories have maps. I promise there will be actual comic next page though.


Staff member
The way the sentence starts out made me think I missed a page. Otherwise I can't wait to see where it's going.

Null Hypothesis

Well-Known Member
Donor III
The story starts in the middle of a bunch of crazy stuff going down. I'm going to try to keep it to the characters perspectives so you'll only find out what is happening and why when they do.

Null Hypothesis

Well-Known Member
Donor III
Hopefully it keep everyone's interests. There will be times where not much happens for a few pages in a row and I fear interest might wain. I could just be over thinking everything having never done something like this before.

If things seen to slow down and interests dwindles I will most certainly reevaluate my story telling to pick up the pace of the narrative. I may need to skip some of the less exciting bits and leave them as implied.

Now that I think about it I will probably just abandon the current page I'm working on because I literally does nothing to advance the plot.

Yay learning!


Staff member
The hardest part of being invested in a webcomic (something I've recently just started doing) is waiting for the next page when you know something is and has been going on. However, once I get invested in a comic I don't care too much about slow times as long as I continue to see cool character interactions.

Null Hypothesis

Well-Known Member
Donor III
Technically it's Sunday, it's just really early. Also I don't know how busy I'll be the rest of the day so comic is posted so I don't forget.

Null Hypothesis

Well-Known Member
Donor III
New page is up.

Sorry it's late, I dropped the ball on this one. I have several of the upcoming pages done, however as I go along I'll make changes to the upcoming pages before I post them (usually dialog). This time I wanted to change the order of events and add a few pages now before some of the done stuff.

Basically I had four days to get this page done on time and Fallout 4 came out, so it didn't get done on time.

It's done now and posted and shouldn't be a problem anymore because the next pages are already done and it's like 5 in the morning right now and I'm having a lot of trouble just typing this, so I'm going to go sleep until sometime this afternoon.

In the meantime, enjoy.
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