GAMES: World of Warcraft - KRONOS


Mach Ambassador
Hey Guys,

I figured that I'd post here if anyone was interested. I don't play on retail, but I recently picked up a new private server called "Kronos." The goal was bringing back original World of Warcraft from 1-60 that's the normal gold and experience ratio. There's no way to buy your way to 60 or any items. It's just you and the world. Most of the dungeons, quests and raids are scripted.

I know that there's mixed opinions on Vanilla, but it's refreshing for me to play again since the world is nostalgic and the difficulty is there. There's no way to queue to dungeons and wait in a major city - you need to assemble a party and go out to the dungeon to do it.

If anyone's interested, here's a link to their website: ""

Currently, I'm playing a dwarf rogue by the name of Alrekr.


Well-Known Member
That's pretty cool actually. I played wow back in the burning crusade and wrath days, but I can't go back unfortunately. As much fun as going back to vinilla wow sounds, I know I wouldn't be able to start and not getting addicted like I did before. So good luck in your adventures and good luck looking for groups!
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