Fantasy Nations RP


Right Honorable Justice
Location: Road to Luscia/Caravan's Clearing.

"His name's Callum. Says he was along with the caravan when a couple other families' soldiers attacked it, killed all his friends. Build us a fire, would you Lothas?" Giland translated the elf's speech into Eximian for his superior's benefit, excepting of course his own ultimate addition. He waved the newcomer to follow him as he strode back to the horses, loosing a skin from one of the saddlebags, and sat at the rim of the least ash-covered clearing in the area.

"That caravan was headed to the Vasa Ascendancy. If you were with it then you must speak Eximian, yes?" He asked, speaking notably perfect Eximian himself. He raised the visor just enough for a swallow of mead from the skin, then proffered it to Callum. "What can you tell me of them that robbed it?"


Active Member
Current Location: Behodrung camp near abandoned mineshaft
Characters: Paul Bäumer, Oskar, Tassarden
Subfactions: First Panzer Korps, Behodrung Magical Research division
The First Panzer Korps clattered up the road and surrounding field towards the mine all was calm save for the moving division. Paul scanned the area with his binoculars, no movement. The area up ahead was definitely the encampment that was shown in the intelligence. The enemy just didn't seem to be there. Calling his panzers to a halt, he ordered the grenadiers to dismount and proceed ahead on foot. The grenadiers and panzers moved ahead in a loosening formation. A Flash from the mine and a panzer exploded next to the command panzer. Behodrung spilled out of the mine with a large panzer centered in their midst keeping pace with their infantry. Paul ducked down into the commanders hatch of his tank. Waving the fire at will flag with one arm outside amid the chaos. retracting his had he ordered his crew to fire at the Panzer. The shots from the Steam Panzer Ones Aufs B. bounced off of the frontal armor of the enemy panzer. The grenadiers mowed down the behodrung firing in well coordinated squads, through verbal commands. The Large Cannon Wagons rolled up firing their solid shot at the frontal armor of the enemy panzer. The cannon balls either bouncing or getting caught in the armor with every shot. A mortar wagon fired on the enemy from over a small hill landing exploding shots into the midst of the Behodrung infantry. The Behodrung panzer reloaded with another round fired again taking out an Imperial panzer on the right flank which came close to firing through its side armor. The Oberland's panzers now spread out in a large crescent shape surrounding the Behodrung panzer and encampment having lost ten tanks. The Grenadiers now moving past the panzers closing the distance with the Behodrung position only ten yards away. The grenadiers threw grenades around and into the enemy's midst, killing off or seriously wounding the remaining behodrung infantry. The Mortar Wagon ceased firing with its last shot landing on the exposed portion of the enemy Panzer's track causing it to come loose making the panzer spin in place its flat side armor facing Paul's panzer. Paul yelled at the top of his lungs "Feuer! Feuer! Feuer! Bringt Sie Toten!" His gunner fired the last round in the eight shot ring clip which went high going through the commanders hatch of the enemy panzer causing the hatch to fly open with a cloud of pink mist to fly out of the top of the hatch. A large cannon Wagon which had just finished reloading a round fired into the side of enemy panzer going through the side armor, the loader, dead commander, and the gunner ricocheting in the tank a few more times until splattering through the drivers head bouncing off the internal side of the frontal armor and replacing the head it just splattered. Silence fell over the battlefield as the Oberland's panzers halted and the grenadiers looked at the dead all around them.

A massive figure seemingly covered with blood appeared from the mine dragging two incapacitated men with him. He let their bruised bodies drop as he fell to his knees in the daylight. The Grenadiers staring at him with their guns at the ready in case he decided to make a move. He looked up as Paul walked over to him after getting out of his panzer. He knelt putting his right hand on the large man's right shoulder, looking intently at him with his deep peering blue eyes. The grenadiers stood there anxiously fearing for their commander, seeing the blood soaked clothing and the bullet wounds which he had suffered. Paul called over to a medic who had just bandaged up a wounded corporal named Himmelstoss. The medic began dutifully patching up the man, Paul looking into the eyes of the young man he began his questioning, "You have been through quite a bit could you tell us what went on in there?" The questioned seemed to snap the man out of his trance he began "I received this anonymous message leading me to the other entrance. I fought off the guards at the entrance with out arousing suspicion I heard cannon fire over the hills I charged in and began to clear this place out I found these two unconscious. There were artifacts of the Draconians many, statues, sets of armor weapons, and other devises I couldn't comprehend. I fought my way through almost all the tunnels. I heard the weapons fire die down the tunnels were clear of the enemy when that happened. I dragged these two who were prisoners to the surface. The items are superior anything we ha-" He trailed off as the Paul moved to the side a bit letting the man see the Behodrung Panzer "OH" he omitted "It seems you have come across their new technology already." Looking around he saw the destroyed wrecks of ten Oberlandish tanks. Paul looked at him and asked "What is you name?" The Man replied "Oskar, sir." Paul smiled "You have fought bravely and bring back honor to our fatherland." The groups of grenadiers began coming out of the mine with many strange items one soldier reported after saluting Paul, "The other entrance has been locked down sir. They will not get back in."
Tags: Myself
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Well-Known Member
Location: Road to Luscia/Caravan's Clearing.

"Eximian is the most common language north of the Tarrowlands, most members of the Silver Caravan know the language." Callum explained while he made his way to the clearing.

After taking a drink, Callum felt more comfortable, he still didn't completely trust the two, but he told then what he thought they wanted to here, "The Highgate soldiers ambushed us, at least a score of them were hiding in the trees. The caravan guard didn't have time to react before they were cut down. We thought we were saved when a dozen Wormwood riders rushed towards us, but they attacked us instead, they chased down all the runners while the Highgate soldiers slaughtered everyone who tried to hide." At the last word Callum's head sank as he began to cry.

"I-I hid in the pile of dead they made, they didn't bury them or burn them, they just left them for the scavengers. They didn't even loot the dead, they just tossed them aside while they looked for something, I found the gold, weapons, and food stores, they didn't take them, the only thing I think they took was whatever was in Darren's safe."

TAG: Easy, Tirin


Active Member
Current Location: Behodrung camp near abandoned mine
Characters: Paul Bäumer, Oskar, Tassarden
The mine area was a buzz with much hard work the destroyed Steam panzers were under examination of their failures. The dead Oberlanders were gathered in preparation for burial. The contents of the cave were brought out to the sunlight, many of which were shoddy copies of Oberlandish prototypes. A detailed list of the items and descriptions was made. Paul personally oversaw the extracting of items in the mine. Oskar gave a hand helping move and preparing the dead for their eternal slumber with the Draconian gods. A private came to Oskar who was carrying a dead body to its place. The private said to Oskar, "Paul needs you in the mine. There are items that require your muscle." Oskar nodded, setting the body in its place which he walked into the mine following the private. Oskar's eyes glowed unnaturally in the dark of the mine which caused great anxiety in the private who asked, "where you one of them once? It is often said that they have processes which make their eyes glow?" Oskar feeling ashamed of himself and his history replied, "yes, but I had no choice in it. I was once a personal friend of Alexander but I doubt he will ever understand. The Behodrung ripped me from my life and destroyed it totally. They are everything I now despise and I will always seek to destroy them. I have nothing left but to hunt them. One day when I have every last one of them dead and bloody at my feet I can perhaps one day return to my friends and family."

Oskar and the private came to a hollowed out room which still had dead Behodrung in it from Oskar's blood lust. Paul stood looking at the splattered remains of presumably a Behodrung man which rested against the wall. The room had a suit of armor which had a another nearly obliterated Behodrung near it who had been presumably been attempting to put it on before the room was found by Oskar. Oskar walking in with an almost clear mind was taken aback by something he had not noticed his first time in this room about the armor. Like his dagger which hung on his belt it had his families coat of armors fashioned on it. He looked at it in amazement realizing that it was the suit of armor that had gone missing from his family about one hundred years ago. These suits were not uncommon among the wealthy of the Oberland often passed down in their families. These suits of armor were fashioned in the Draconian armor layout which made them incredibly resistant to physical attacks but almost always twice as heavy as normal sets of plate armor. The armor like most made in the Draconian style had been extensively enchanted with fiery draconian passion causing its enchantments to decay in potency with a half life of about a century. The suits of armor like most draconian artifacts often seemed to sit there waiting for their masters to return and thus seem to never decay very much if at all, which was due to their enchantments. Only five hundred fifty years old this set of armor stood there beckoning to Oskar to claim it as rightfully his own. Oskar stared into the eyes of the helmet which stared at him as if gazing into his soul. Walking to it he put his hand upon the breastplate and looked into it which to him seemed to as if warm to his hand unnaturally in way he was unused to. Paul interrupted Oskar's trance like state "that armor belongs to your family and coat of arms. Take it you have won it back with honor." Oskar looked at Paul "surely this victory was won by the soldiers of the Kaiser." Paul replied "I am cousin to the Kaiser I reserve the authority to pay those who won the battle. I fear that had one of them worn this armor the battle would have gone much differently than it did. Take it as it belongs to your family, if not as a token of my gratitude." Oskar nodded it was rare these days that he acknowledged his self worth of anything he did. "In fact put it on, I do not think that any living man has ever worn the armor of our ancestors." Oskar was temporarily stunned by the suggestion by Paul to be worthy of comparison with their ancestors.
Tags: myself


Right Honorable Justice
Location: Road to Luscia/Caravan's Clearing

Behind his helm, it was hard to tell what kind of expression the elf who called himself Lyal was wearing; but when he spoke, he spoke softly, and not without empathy. "No other survivors?" He motioned dismissively at the wineskin as the other looked up, as if to say: you need it more than I.

TAG: Ross


God-Emperor of Tealkind
Location: Road to Luscia/Caravan's Clearing

"Lothas" swiftly set about collecting firewood from the wreckage of the caravan as he listened in on GIland and Callum's conversation. Truthfully, he hadn't needed the translation (and, indeed, intended to chastise the half-elf for providing it), but he had more pressing things to consider - namely, the intrigue behind the attack on the caravan being mounted both by Highgate and Wormwood. As he reached the clearing with another armful of wood (he hadn't had to go far, of course - nor had he intended to) and set it down, he overheard that the soldiers had taken only the contents of a single man's safe. Raiders taking such care would have been suspicious in any event; knowing that the man they stole from was the leader of the caravan, and the grandson of the Lord of Roads besides, hinted at something more - they were quite likely aware of what they were stealing, how valuable it was, and perhaps even that they were snatching it from the jaws of the Ascendancy.

Izlude knelt and began to break apart what wood he was easily able to before arranging it into a pyramid shape, then quickly lit it with his flint and steel. He found Callum's crying undignified, and if the price he had to pay to avoid speaking to the man was lighting a fire - which one of them would have to do regardless - it was worthwhile. Still, they had made significantly more progress than he had expected; he had thought they would need to reach Caravan's Clearing to get an idea of what had happened, and go still further to find any details. Now it was mostly a matter of confirming the events, reporting them to Luscar, and following up on them with a few visits; the first would likely be a diplomatic meeting with the Lord of Roads, while those with the Highgate and Wormwood were all but certain to be more confrontational. Of course, they were likely to back down if the Ascendancy threatened an invasion - especially if it were supported by the rest of Forestwood.

TAG: Ross, Easy


Active Member
Current location: Behodrung Mine Area
Characters: Tassarden, Paul Bäumer, Oskar
After sufficiently waking him self up to find himself outside Tassarden stood up and looked around. No one seemed to be paying attention to him and his assistant who was laying there as if he had been thrown through a building. Tassarden hadn't really been focusing on his pain, just now realizing how badly bruised he was with a few cuts and scrapes from his attempt at fighting the Behodrung. He watched as the soldiers worked, the ten destroyed panzers had been examined sufficiently enough that they were being moved into their final resting places in the hillside as the steel tomb of their crews. "Poor heroes, I wish I had had the courage to join the West Oberland's army." Tassarden thought to himself. looking at the Behodrung panzer, he saw its last crew member being removed from it. Tassarden walked over to it ignoring the burning pain across his body.

The smokestack breathed no more, as for a boiler Tassarden could not find one. As he examined it the thought dawned on Tassarden that this was no ordinary panzer. Grabbing his book on East Oberlandish magical theories, drawing the attention of the soldiers around him. He flipped through the pages until he found what he wanted. Getting up on what he in his mind referred to as the boiler deck, Tassarden opened the panel to reveal a mess of twisted rods with crystals hanging over the still warm coals from its fire. The crystals flashed and glimmered with stored energy, emitting a powerful pulse that threw Tassarden off of the panzer. The surrounding infantry laughing and saying "Like usual the West Oberlanders don't know when they are tempering with forces to large for themselves." Tassarden looked at them and said "I bet if you helped me get the tracks on it, I will be able to move it. If you can figure out how such sophisticated things work." The Panzer driver who was there feeling his he had been challenged said while looking at the others there "You're one. Come on lets show this West Oberlander our track fixing prowess." The East Oberlanders looked at each other for a second and then leaped into action moving the tracks into place grabbing the spare parts that were commandeered from the mine.
Tags: Myself


Well-Known Member
Location: Road to Luscia/Caravan's Clearing

Callum wanted to accept the wineskin, but turned it down as he tried to compose himself as best he could, he was no longer shaking but the tears continued to roll down his face, "You two are the first living people I've seen since the soldiers left, I thought anyone who lived would have come back here to salvage their lives as best they could. Maybe they're afraid the soldiers will return, I don't think they will though, I was lucky enough to hide under the pile of bodies they were throwing the bodies they made sure were dead."

Callum had to make his way back to Caravan's Clearing, Lord Edgar needed to know about the attack, but callum was unsure he would be able to survive the dangers of the road on his own. He had already told the two more than he should have, hopefully he could trust them with more than just knowledge "I don't have time to wait for survivors to turn up. I'm going to leave for Forestwood at sunrise, I have more than enough food and gold for the entire caravan to make their way back to Forestwood, and there are more weapons and armor here than I can use myself. Your swords are chipped, armor dented, and I think your food is running low, seeing as you had to hunt rabbits, surely you two can use these resources just as much as I."

TAG: Tirin, Easy


Active Member
Current Location: Reichberg
Characters: Alexander VIII
Alexander looked up from his meager lunch as his chief adviser came in and spoke "Sir sir I come with important news from Minister council floor. They found Egon dead in a broom closet." Alexander looked worry and replied, "did he have any documents with him?" His adviser continued, "Yes, they are going through them right now." Alexander was briefly alarmed and then laughing a bit he said "I hope they don't spill any jam on them." His adviser replied in question, "what of the draft if they find that surely they will be out for your head?" Alexander smiled a bit and said "no doubt they will be accusative, but not even they can resist the wealth of Pyre Island." Returning to his meal he bid the adviser go to the minister council and inform them he would be arriving after lunch.
Tags: My face....

Current Location: Behodrung Camp
Characters: Tassarden, Paul, Oskar
The mine had be cleared out and its contents were fully cataloged. The ten destroyed panzers had been pushed into cut outs of the hill which used to be storage for the mine. Their crews lay inside, their turrets removed with the names of the crew scratched into the turrets. Explosives had been set to bring down the ten burrows into the hill side such that their turrets could mark the tombs. The living soldiers paid their respects to their fallen brethren.

Tassarden and the soldiers helping had repaired the tracks, cleaned the inside of the panzer to Oberlandish standards and realized the power source was broken. They found that the turret drive gears were made of wood as well as a most of the other fine parts that could not have been forged. The armor was made of thin sheets of metal, bound together by crude nuts and bolts. The mine's other artifacts that had been brought out had drawn Tassarden's attention from the panzer to what appeared to be a small engine based off of the crystal technology. Looking around he also found crates of the raw crystals ready to be turned into parts. The other crates were full of other devices that were assumed to be related in some way or another.

Paul and Oskar walked out of the mine, Oskar just now realizing the weight of his armor which must have been in the range one hundred fifty to two hundred pounds. The faintest glimmer came from the armor hinting at its centuries old enchantments. The sun was somewhat less bright for him thanks to the eye slits in the helmet. He watched as some of the soldiers were once again drilling as if they hadn't been in a battle. He watched their nearly perfect and precise movements as they practiced. Paul took to personally inspecting the Items from the mine and the day began to grow old.
Tags: Myself


Active Member
The Shaman watched impassively as the beast lumbered out of the gates. Towards the horizon, the realms of men stood in an oblivious vanguard to the might that encroached into their complacent domains. Now that the Captain had left safely, hopefully the humans left behind would be more eager to abandon their hopeless vigil. His gaze flicked back to the defiant castle in question, colours hanging limp from the pole as both light and wind failed to carry the pride of the unconscious and now armourless baron who lay well secured in the town below. Dark thoughts entered his mind unbidden, to unleash the power he had been holding back and destroy the fools where they stood. Willpower quashed the alien desire for vengeance, and instead he stared into the deep shadow, daring its inhabitants to make a second request.

The shadow declined, either inert or sufficiently cowed by the might of the old figure standing there. His hood cast his upper face into darkness, and his staff hummed with energy. Soon the keep's defenders would either rout en masse, or he would have to resort to rather unpleasant alternatives.


Right Honorable Justice
The Road to Luscia/Caravan's Clearing

"I see." As he took the wineskin back and allowed the Averian to wander off, Giland did not smirk. It would not have shown from behind the visor in any case, but he wasn't in the habit of revealing his moods when it didn't serve him. If he were, then in this case he'd have looked rather smug over the matter of the drink.

It wasn't an especially clever trick, nor profound, but useful all the same. A man generally became bolder after but one drink, and more and more talkative with every drink after the second. Therefore, if one sought information from a stranger, it stood to reason they'd prefer the stranger had two or more drinks, or otherwise none at all.

Prudent as it was of Callum to have taken but the one drink, if not a light one, such prudence had been anticipated. What the lad had presented as 'good, Northern mead' was in fact a mixture of grain spirits, water, and honey, flavored with a hint of spice and ginger, and tasted quite like a sweet, strong honeywine to the inattentive drinker. Giland had actually been fond of the concoction himself growing up, where his mother would often (but secretly) serve various dilutions to customers in place of the (rather more expensive) mead they'd ordered, but that was beside the point. The Averian would be a great deal more relaxed soon, and talkative - to his benefit at least as much as theirs, evidently.

"Give me a moment to confer with my colleague," he called back, and turned to Izlude at the fire pit. "Seems to me he's telling the truth," he allowed in low tones, so the Averian couldn't hear. "I've set it up so he suspects we're liars, here and there, but not the sort worth lying to. We could take him back to my brother, but-" a shrug- "I expect he's got nothing more to tell us. Expect he'll be mad that we came back without the goods, too - you know how he gets."

TAG: Ross, Tirin
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God-Emperor of Tealkind
The Road to Luscia/Caravan's Clearing

"He's damn trusting to be telling a story like that to strangers, especially strangers who admit they're mercenaries - that or desperate." Izlude replied in kind, beginning the process of skinning their dinner. "We won't be returning empty-handed, though. First, we make sure our friend here reaches the Lord of Roads and tells his story - that'll put a fire under the Lord of the Mound and the Lord of Highgate both. If we get the chance to speak with Silver more privately, we can offer our support - either way, we'll have to investigate further in Wormwood and Highgate. If we still can't find anything," he smiled as he began to cut the meat into more appetizing pieces, "I'm sure a little bit of blood would loosen some tongues."

Izlude proceeded to throw the meat into a pot, along with some water for boiling. "See about the caravan's food, though. No sense letting it go to waste, and a good meal'd be nice. Certainly, he could use one to keep his mind off of everything," he said while gesturing toward Callum. He didn't add that the food would keep his mouth too full for him to be able to cry or complain very well, but figured that could go without being said. He certainly wasn't concerned about the Averian's attitude; it was his well-being that mattered to the mission, and nothing more - and even that could slide, in a pinch.

TAG: Ross, Easy


Active Member
Current Location: Reichberg, Minister council floor.
Characters: Alexander, Ruling council of the East Oberland Empire.
The room quieted as Alexander had entered the room, all by this time had read the draft of the constitution by the late Egon. There were mixed opinions as usual between those of the different political factions. Alexander looked around curious of the thoughts on his ideas and what he had attempted. Taking a deep breath he began, "the death of minister Dressler is quite tragic has revealed my draft of reform for the Oberlandish government. As it is my privilege to draft reforms of our constitution, this privilege protected by our constitution and bill of Draconian law. This draft becoming necessary after the application of annexation into the East Oberland submitted by Pyre island our protectorate. This has brought up an issue within our constitution as there is no doctrine for which adding new territory is mentioned. Regrettably I have had to decline the application as it would have meant an unfair government would rule them. The territory would have now representation and they would lose their king. I have based this document off of our constitution to allow for annexation of more territory as well as the ability to expediently set up a of governorship within the territory. Minister Dressler's deadline was today just after my lunch coincidentally enough, so the article should have been ready for review." As Alexander finished a few of the more influential ministers approached him and began discussing the article in detail.
Tags: Myself.

Current Location: Behodrung mine encampment.
Characters: Tassarden, Paul, Oskar
A large pit had been dug and filled with fuel for a great fire. The dead Behodrung were thrown in this pit as their eternal punishment, which was to have their eternal rest taken from them by the fire. Paul with a torch as tradition for the victorious army cast it into the pit which burst into great flame. The fire setting off a powder trail which set off the explosions which closed the Panzer tombs. The turrets were stood in front of each panzer tomb, their guns pointing skyward as if to shoot their souls into the dragons who waited for them into the sky. The panzer grenadiers were in their graves now being covered and their head stones being laid at their graves.

Oskar watched as the Behodrung with such hateful passion that was obvious to all of the soldiers even though he was wearing the helmet that covered his full face. His eyes glowed in a burning red light much like that of the fires brightness lighting the hills around the area. Oskar turned his eyes away from the fire and looked into the surrounding hills, seeing what appeared to be a tiny light on a distant hill. He had not the patience to put out trivial bush fire at this moment.

A behodrung sniper lay watching from a far away hill top in a solitary bush through his scope contemplating what he should do. As far as he knew he had two choices, flee the country or report the loss to another hide out. Neither where good ideas, so he decided to sleep the night away hoping he could escape in the morning. He was far to tired to try and escape now. He rested his head and closed his eyes.
Tags: Myself
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Right Honorable Justice
The Road to Luscia/Caravan's Clearing

Obediently, Giland nodded and rose to search the wagons with Callum, stopping only briefly to whisper "I'm giving you an elf face" to Izlude and discreetly cast another illusion over each of them. He didn't think the man's openness all that strange, himself - after all, if his story was true then it was plain that he and his enemies could both afford a pair of mercenaries, and that he had great need of such where his enemies did not. Telling them his story struck the young half-elf as more sensible than foolish, all told, except for one thing...

He found a variety of spices in one of the wagons, several unburnt and unspoiled vegetables remaining in another, three loaves of only half-stale bread, and a supply of dried mushroom slices in a cart of wines and ale, though he decided not to entrust the latter to consumption. He did, however, see fit to open a bottle of red and, after sampling generously, added some to the ever-more-savory stew that simmered over the campfire. He even managed to find another spoon, for Callum to use. Every here and there some victim's coin had been scattered, to which he helped himself.

Eventually, after night had fallen and the stars appeared overhead, he proclaimed the stew finished, sat, removed his helmet, and set it beside him. Straight blond hair hung down to his shoulders and shone in the firelight; Elven features almost girlish in their fairness, smiling, but there was something cold and hard about the laughter in those emerald eyes. "A toast!" He proclaimed. "Shame to waste the rest of the bottle, seeing as it's opened... but, to the point. Callum, my brother and I have resolved to help you reach your master. Those murdering bastards will have us to deal with if they come back to finish the job, mark my word." He took a swig from the bottle, passed it to 'Lothas' at his right, and leaned forward to dip his spoon and a crust of his loaf of bread in the stew.

TAG: Ross, Tirin
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Active Member
Current Location: Behodrung Mine encampment
Characters: Pual, Tassarden, Oskar
The sun had just barely come up and it was now morning. Oskar had slept standing in the armor as if like an ancient statue. The work of burial and justice was finished and Oskar went on towards the bush he thought he saw burning in the distance. His hate had faded and his mind was clear. He began walking the armor slowing him so very slightly that he would barely notice. His rifle still had some blood on it, his knife although he had cleaned thoroughly. It seemed to glow slightly in its scabbard as if it still burned with its own hatred.

Paul had slept in his panzer, which was quite cramped considering his entire crew had slept in it that night. When he emerged from the commander's cupolla he saw Oskar walking away he yelled to him, "Oskar where are you going?" Oskar turned and replied in a calm manor, "Just going to investigate something I saw last night." Paul seeming satisfied waved to Oskar, who had waved back. Paul pulling himself out of his abode looked around at the waking panzer grenadiers some squads were already drilling before breakfast marching in perfect rank and file. Paul pulled his uniform into perfect order once more looking around once more now watching Tassarden crawl out of his tent. The inventor's weak display caused Paul to quietly chuckle to himself. It was a new day, the fire that cremated the Behodrung had gone out, there was ash and ash alone in that pit.
Tags: myself

Current Location: Road through the West Oberland Republic, near border.
Characters: Dagobert Heinz, The Wilden Jungen
The dirt road was fully occupied as armed host was marching on its way home. Once again returning home the host had been totally victorious. Dagobert riding his horse with his wife at his side. Her necklace shining brightly in the sunlight, much like her smile. Dagobert was recounting the battle to Bronwen who corrected him at certain spots. He recounted how many he had killed with his rifle then his bayonet, then his pistol and sword. All told about around one hundred people he killed. Recounting his mercenary band have defied orders and charged the enemy head on which caused them to first soil their pants and secondly rout catastrophically which led to their bewildered employers who had planned to defensively win the battle against their outnumbering opponent. The rout led to a great slaughter of their enemy as well as the addition to their already lofty prestige. News of the battle like every other of their many victories spread like wildfire often being turned into rumors of them winning to one hundred to one odds. Dagobert remarked, "if the current win streak keeps up the enemies will just begin to surrender out right. Where is the fun in that?" This comment led to a roaring laughter from his personnal guard as they marched along the road the Sicherheit line coming into view. Great work of weakness seemed to be happening there to Dagobert.
Tags: Myself.


Well-Known Member
"A toast... Yes." Though Callum would rather not continue drinking it wouldn't do him well to offend the warriors who he will be spending the next couple days with, especially while holding on to such vital information.


Active Member
Current Location: Behodrung mine camp
Characters: Oskar, Tassarden, Paul and Behodrung sniper.
Tassarden had assembled a working model of a motor that was based on the crystals he found in the behodrung tank. He lit a bit of coal under the crystal and after it had heated to an extent, the wheel which was on the motor began to spin slowly at first, then it speed up going faster and faster until it flew off its mount flying through the air. The wheel flew a fair distance until it hit the side of the turret on a Steam panzer one waking its crew with a loud bang leaving a large round dent in the armor.

As Oskar approached the bush he saw no evidence of any fire. Suddenly a shot rang out striking his left shoulder glancing off his armor. The bush was held in a small cloud of smoke, while Oskar began to close the distance. The Behodrung marksman got up and began to run, only to suddenly find a long draconian knife through his right thigh. Oskar ran quickly to him and clubbed him in the face with his rifle butt. The Marksman blacked out.

Paul heard the gun shot and looked at the bush with his Binoculars and watched as Oskar and the Behodrung fight. His troops had quickly gotten into formation a split second after the shot rang out. He yelled to them after watching Oskar put the rifle butt in his enemy's face, "Oskar has handled it, go back to your work." The troops did as they were told and went back to work.
Tags: myself

Current Location: Sicherheit line
Characters: Dagobert

On his horse he galloped over to a group of workers who had finished loading a large cannon onto a steam cart. He yelled at them "What is going on here?!" The workers some what surprised some what delighted to meat Dagobert replied, "we are taking down the Sicherheit line to mighty panzers which will allow us to crush the Vrykals and Eximians!" Another continued gladly, "Yeah we are going to make a mighty Sicherheit line that will travel across the continent and prove to our enemies that we are the greatest nation in the world!" A final one finished, "we will train the West Oberlanders to fight in a way they could not dream before and we will bring them along for our greater war!" Dagobert laughed a little and replied "if good old Alexander wants to conquer the world then all he has to do is call me to his office half the world will surrender as soon as they hear that the Wilden Jungen are leading the charge. If it is all in the name of the greater Oberland empire then that is all we need then. Very well better carry on for the Great East Oberland Empire!" With that sentence he rode of back to the head of the column. Bronwen asked him "do you think Alexander would invade Forestwood." To this Dagobert replied in a somewhat glad attitude, "A rich kingdom like Forestwood? Totally, there would be a small skirmish and then we would unite. There would be a mighty festival across all the Greater Oberland Empire and then we would make the Eximians feel sorry for insulting our gods." They both laughed albeit Bronwen almost faked it and realized Dagobert was joking.
Tags: Myself.


Right Honorable Justice
The Road to Luscia/Caravan's Clearing

"Great," Lyal the elf had said when the stew had been consumed that evening, pouring the remainder of the bottle into a half-empty skin on his person. "Try to get some rest, Callum - we'll want to travel hard on the morrow, and I expect you'll need it. I'll take second if you don't mind, Lothas."

Dawn found a gentle wind shaking through the branches, and also Lothas the elf shaking Callum by the shoulders, with his armor on but, for once, his visor up. "Callum. Morning" he called, in a hushed but in no way soft tone. The sun was just far enough to have paled half the sky, in truth, and not truly risen, but waiting had never come naturally to the half-elf behind the illusion, and he'd been itching to get around to this for hours as he'd waited around in the dark. A wolf lay dead by the remains of last night's fire, but they'd kicked dirt over the flames long ago and there'd been no attempt to have anything done with the body.

"Bread. Water." He handed each of those things to Callum as the latter sat up. "You're riding double with me. Nothing to look forward to, I know, but it's faster than walking and that's important. Anyone comes back to finish the job with you, we'll want to run first and kill them later, so before we go-" he reached over and slapped the Averian across the face, almost lazily- "be sure to wake the fuck up.

"You've had a hard time, I get that. But yesterday you stumbled on a pair of impoverished hedge knights, and told them all about how you were alone, and helpless, with powerful enemies around and, worst of all, carrying a bunch of gold. What kind of men do you think wander about armed and with their faces hidden all the time? How did you think we got hold of a pair of rabbits without any snares, or a bow? Anyone other than the two of us, you'd be dead under a tree by now, missing your purse and your boots. Us, though... we got imagination, see, we'll make sure you stay alive, long as you don't go around screwing up again and make it too hard on us. Keep your gold. We got another price." He mounted his horse.

"We want to see the Lord of Roads. Now, let's go."

TAG: Ross, Tirin


Right Honorable Justice

By dawn, the last of the stronghold's defenders had limped out of the fort and surrendered their weapons, tailed by the cobbler's son supporting their tired old librarian. His efforts with their ancient scroll had been to no avail; evidently, it had already been made use of before.

TAG: Stoney


Stepping off the rowboat, with three ships flying the Vasan arms moored out in sight of port, Miranda was given a warm welcome by the Allinese at the docks. Well, a welcome, anyway. Partly because she was accompanied by Yochanan, and partly due to an inherent sort of suspicion, her reception was a mixture of polite words and menacing polearms. A short series of officials were briefly dealt with by application of words like "trade goods," "special envoy of the Vasa Ascendancy," and so on, until the chain was finally ended at: "All due respect, commander, but trade relations are not negotiated with customs officials. I shall consider your proposal of 'emergency seizure' to be mere levity, and most endearing. Allow me use of the same manner, then, to inform you that the Emperor is not a man to be strong-armed, and that I've a man on my ships that could see your entire fleet burned to the waterline. I will speak with your leader, now." (In truth, it was not for another couple of hours that this last part proved to be accurate.)

When a city came under siege, it was only a matter of time until bread was worth more than any amount of authority, and it was apparently in recognition of this truth that Oman and his "council" had taken up residence in a tent outside the grain depot, more or less ignoring the now beggar-infested town hall. (Nobody was begging for anything, as the city was under rations, but neither were they wasting a perfectly good roof and walls). It was at the square that she was led, however, where a large mob had gathered to watch the scene in the center unfold.

Ringed by guards and cheers, Ajax Oman knelt shirtless in the square, pale and frail and with a sheen on his head that suggested it had only now been freshly shaven, in what most outside of old Eximia would generally tend to assume to be a scene of public punishment. Miranda knew better; though the Church was not decisively influential on the mainland, it was not especially uncommon for the priests from Kingdom of God, recognizable by the flaming crown sown into the cloak over their (often faded) white robes, to perform this sort of ritual on zealous new converts or calculating public figures. She'd never been through it herself, as the spawn of a rather lesser noble House and a recluse as well, (and not an especially devout one), but she'd watched the old Marquis and his boys go through it some years ago, when he'd first courted the Church's favor in the matter of the succession.

This priest standing over the rebel leader was small and thin, his robes faded from white to a sort of gray that near perfectly matched the close-cropped hair that shone on his scalp, but when he spoke his voice was full and deep, and carried easily to the back of the crowd. "Ajax Oman," it boomed. "Having so sworn, be blessed by the Light." He raised a hand solemnly, and- here, Miranda's breath caught sharply,- they watched as it burst into sudden, white-hot flame. Before anyone could move, he had pressed it atop the kneeling man's head. This, with the fire, even Miranda had not seen before. It was certainly news to the Allinese crowd, which went up in a chorus of mutterings which the priest's voice somehow washed effortlessly over. "That it may burn away the vices and sins of the heart. That it may illuminate and guide the course of the mind. Rise, Ajax Oman, ready to stand against the darkness. Stand now an agent of God, a voice for the Truth, a champion of the Just." The flames seared around his palm, yet the whole time the kneeling man cried out not once, nor flinched away. Then the fires disappeared just as swiftly as they had come, the mousy little priest withdrew his arm, and the shirtless man stood, unburnt and apparently unharmed, amidst a tumultuous combination of angry shouts, whistles, and cheers. Despite herself, Miranda stole a glance at Yochanan, to see how he was taking the affair.

[Temporary stop-point, prone to sudden continuation] [TAG anyone, more or less]


Active Member
Current Location: Behodrung mine
Paul, Oskar, Tassarden
Oskar walked the Behodrung sniper through the ranks of the Panzer-Grenadiers. From the scum there was no resistance. Paul waited at the end of all of the troops above the fire pit which had the coals relight and a fire prepared. Oskar stopping right in front of the pit for a second making it look as though he would throw him into the fire right out. Paul spat at the man, slapped him and signaled to Oskar to cast him into the fire. Oskar obliged, forcefully kicking the man into fire where he landed on his face causing him to scream and writhe in pain as he burned to death.

Tassarden was busy taking note on his observations of the crystals and their properties. Over charging a few of them measuring temperature and time it to for them to explode. The crystals exploding more ferociously the faster energy is added. Taking a small crystal shard charging it near to the flash point then setting it in a small cotton bag and filling the bag with black powder and then tying it shut after adding a long fuse.
Tags: Myself

Current Location: Reichberg
Characters: Alexander VII and VIII
The Minister council floor was abuzz with great excitement as the new constitution was quickly passed through the processes of it becoming the law of the land. The room had not been as noisy since the great bean famine of Alexander VI (Alladon's fault of course that the West Oberland embargoed their food supply after the Sicherheit line was being built). The Constitution was pass almost unanimously as the whole council voted now they had assign people to head out to the highlands to initiate the election process there. Alexander VII was sent to Pyre Island to initiate the annexation process there.
Tags: Myself
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