Skype Chat Wins/Fails Thread

Colonel Thunder

Renowned Blunderer & Dishonorary Czech
So, first week of school this week.
[1:51:27 PM] TC (Tyler): I go to my first class today at 1:30.
[1:51:36 PM] TC (Tyler): Get there about 1:20, whatever.
[1:51:49 PM] TC (Tyler): Professor walks in behind me.
[1:52:00 PM] TC (Tyler): Says something about "you here for the writing class?"
[1:52:21 PM] TC (Tyler): I tell the professor that this is the digital interactive studio class.
[1:52:27 PM] TC (Tyler): He doubts me.
[1:52:37 PM] TC (Tyler): I show him the school schedule on my phone.
[1:53:03 PM] TC (Tyler): Digital Interactive Studio class is scheduled with a different professor in the room we're currently in.
[1:53:21 PM] TC (Tyler): Professor apologizes and leaves, says his class must be downstairs somewhere.
[1:53:27 PM] TC (Tyler): A few minutes pass.
[1:53:42 PM] TC (Tyler): Finally more students show up.
[1:53:56 PM] TC (Tyler): I look at my schedule for the next few days.
[1:54:05 PM] TC (Tyler): Notice something about today's schedule.
[1:54:22 PM] TC (Tyler): My Digital Interactive class is at 3:30, not 1:30.
[1:54:47 PM] TC (Tyler): mfw I just convinced the professor he was in the wrong class
[1:54:48 PM] Tag Ross: so you just sent the fucking teacher to the wrong class?
[1:54:55 PM] TC (Tyler): stand up
[1:55:04 PM] TC (Tyler): I walk out of he building
[1:55:07 PM] Tag Ross: wait for him
[1:55:10 PM] TC (Tyler): Don't look back.
[1:55:11 PM] Tag Ross: you should have waited
[1:55:19 PM] TC (Tyler): Go back to dorm room.
[1:55:22 PM] TC (Tyler): Close door.
[1:55:27 PM] TC (Tyler): Start typing this on Skype.
[1:55:43 PM] Not Zircom: He's gonna wait around next class so he can beat you up when you show up for whatever it is after his class

The Hound

Just Monika
Good to see Dunerpaw is spreading his disasters around and isn't taking them all out on us anymore.

Colonel Thunder

Renowned Blunderer & Dishonorary Czech
the wedgie is the worst part
[9:31:51 PM] Kyle Watson: I can't fix it
[9:31:59 PM] Kyle Watson: it's fucking stuckthere with med tape
[9:32:02 PM] Kyle Watson: :(
[9:32:05 PM] MK: Can't take it off and go commando yet?
[9:32:19 PM] Kyle Watson: nope, not if I want this wound to actually heal, lol
[9:32:28 PM] LM: We've been watching Gravity Falls lately, just finished episode 16, and just finally noticed there's a coded message at the end of the credits
[9:32:38 PM] Kyle Watson: oh yeah?
[9:32:53 PM] MK: LM and I are drunk btw. I found coupons for booze so we took advantage.
[9:33:04 PM] MK: Watching Gravity Falls whiole drunk is awesome
[9:33:06 PM] Kyle Watson: lol good find
[9:33:15 PM] TC (Tyler): Kyle.
[9:33:17 PM] TC (Tyler): Are you...
[9:33:20 PM] TC (Tyler): ...butthurt?
[9:33:23 PM] Kyle Watson: fuck off
[9:33:24 PM] Kyle Watson: fuck
[9:33:24 PM] MK: TC did you see my message from earlier?
[9:33:25 PM] Kyle Watson: right
[9:33:25 PM] Kyle Watson: off
[9:33:28 PM] Kyle Watson: I have heard that
[9:33:30 PM] Kyle Watson: TOO
[9:33:31 PM] Kyle Watson: MANY
[9:33:33 PM] Kyle Watson: FUCKING
[9:33:33 PM] TC (Tyler):, I didn't.
[9:33:33 PM] Kyle Watson: TIMES
[9:33:40 PM] Kyle Watson: AUAHEPIGWHOWIHJT
[9:33:42 PM] TC (Tyler): Ah. Sorry about that.
[9:33:43 PM] MK: omfg TC
[9:33:49 PM] TC (Tyler): Didn't know you'd be so anal about it.
[9:33:53 PM] Kyle Watson: .....
[9:33:56 PM] Kyle Watson: you're dead to me
[9:34:07 PM] TC (Tyler): I'm sorry man.
[9:34:12 PM] TC (Tyler): It was an assident.
[9:34:21 PM] MK: Jesus dude I'm still recovering from fucjking bronchitis. I can't breathe now
[9:34:23 PM] Kyle Watson: okay that was was pretty funny
[9:34:36 PM] MK: Aaaand I pissed myself. Thanks TC
[9:34:42 PM] TC (Tyler): ...seriously?
[9:34:54 PM] MK: Yeah it happens if I cough or sneeze too hard. Three kids...
[9:35:01 PM] LM: Sometimes, women pee when they laugh.
[9:35:10 PM] Kyle Watson: specifically mk
[9:35:17 PM] MK: Lukily I'm wearing a pad.
[9:35:21 PM] LM: or sneeze or cough
[9:35:22 PM] TC (Tyler): My bad, I didn't know. I hope you're not...
[9:35:25 PM] TC (Tyler): ...pissed off.
[9:35:26 PM] Kyle Watson: no
[9:35:28 PM] Kyle Watson: nooooooo
[9:35:29 PM] Kyle Watson: noooooooooooooooooooo
[9:35:32 PM] Kyle Watson: I saw it coming
[9:35:36 PM] Kyle Watson: I could do nothing to stopit
[9:35:37 PM] MK: Fuck you dude. you're going to kill me. I can't breathe.
[9:35:41 PM] LM: I know a number of women who have admitted as much.
[9:35:51 PM] TC (Tyler): Urine for it now!
[9:36:08 PM] Kyle Watson: welp
[9:36:11 PM] MK: It's mainly because of having kids but some women have issues before then.
[9:36:18 PM] Kyle Watson: that's enough of you people for tonight


Well-Known Member
[9:23:06 PM] Drew (Requiem): you guys suck
[9:23:27 PM] Tirin: you suck
[9:23:41 PM] Zapy97: I DO NOT YOU LIAR!
[9:24:30 PM] Drew (Requiem): lol
[9:28:17 PM] Tyler (Thunder): No you suck.
[9:28:48 PM] Zapy97: Your opinion is irrelevant.
[9:34:59 PM] Tyler (Thunder): Your opinion on my opinion is irrelevant.
[9:35:44 PM] Zapy97: My opinion is fact
[9:35:56 PM] Drew (Requiem): but then it's not an opinion
[9:35:59 PM] Drew (Requiem): and for it to be a fact
[9:36:03 PM] Drew (Requiem): your opinion has to be fact
[9:36:07 PM] Drew (Requiem): and if it's not an opinion
[9:36:09 PM] Drew (Requiem): it can't be fact
[9:36:18 PM] Drew (Requiem): therefore, by changing your opinion into a fact
[9:36:20 PM] Drew (Requiem): you negate its presence
[9:36:26 PM] Drew (Requiem): deleting it entirely
[9:36:35 PM] Drew (Requiem): you no longer have an opinion or a fact
[9:36:38 PM] Drew (Requiem): you have nothing
[9:36:40 PM] Drew (Requiem): good day sir
[9:36:41 PM] Zapy97: My opinion is backed up by facts
[9:36:46 PM] Drew (Requiem): I SAID GOOD DAY
[9:36:57 PM] Zapy97: nein
[9:37:12 PM] Zapy97: Ich schlage du gern. :)
[9:37:18 PM] Drew (Requiem): I don't speak nazi
[9:37:24 PM] Drew (Requiem): *MIC DROP*
[9:37:47 PM] Zapy97: nazis dont add smiley faces
[9:38:02 PM] Drew (Requiem): they do if they're trying to trick you into thinking they're not nazis
[9:38:06 PM] Tyler (Thunder): ^
[9:38:08 PM] Drew (Requiem): bet you did nazi that coming
[9:38:15 PM] Tyler (Thunder): OHHHHH
[9:38:29 PM] Drew (Requiem): *MIC DROP 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO*
[9:38:41 PM] Tyler (Thunder): That meme will never get old.
[9:38:46 PM] Drew (Requiem): ever


Unregsistered User
[08/01/2015 20:10:39] Danny: stop breaking things
[08/01/2015 22:43:15] TC: HOW DO YOU KNOW!?

Colonel Thunder

Renowned Blunderer & Dishonorary Czech
Thank you @Rondait , @Shizno , @Walrus , @Zircom , @Zapy97

Shizno: Yo, fuckers, I need more shit to send Druby
[1:37:59 PM] Rondait: Why?
[1:39:30 PM] Shizno: because he's in bootcamp
[1:42:17 PM] Rondait: As in military bootcamp?
[1:44:50 PM] Shizno: yes
[1:45:19 PM] Shizno: It's not like there's a fucking graphic designer bootcamp or some shit
[3:10:35 PM] Walrus: How are you sending these things to Druby? Online? Mail?
[3:26:20 PM] Shizno: mail
[5:13:05 PM] Not Zircom: Send him a jar of horse semen
[5:18:00 PM] Shizno: where the hell am i gonna get horse semen
[5:18:35 PM] Shizno: Actually, scratch that, it's pretty easy to figure out. But the answer is still no.
[5:18:48 PM] Not Zircom: I'll supply the horse semen
[5:18:53 PM] Not Zircom: Free of charge
[5:19:01 PM] Not Zircom: Might even mix it with bull semen for extra vitality
[5:19:22 PM] Shizno: Well you send it to him. No point in sending it through me
[5:19:45 PM] Not Zircom: Fuck it, I'll just mail him glitter
[5:21:32 PM] Zapy97: Why would you send him something like that?
[5:27:32 PM] Not Zircom: So he can look pretty
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