Battlefield 1


Staff member
Nope because there's two maps each separated into a different game-mode. Got bored of that real quick, plus all my mates kept running into a bug where they wouldn't spawn with guns. Pretty nasty glitch for a FPS.


Well-Known Member
Nope because there's two maps each separated into a different game-mode. Got bored of that real quick, plus all my mates kept running into a bug where they wouldn't spawn with guns. Pretty nasty glitch for a FPS.
Did they report it? Because this is what a beta is for. Finbding broken shit and giving the dev team feedback to fix broken shit.


Active Member
All of this. One game mode (rush?) had no guns for all of my friends who played. The other game mode was fine, but I could not deal with balancing issues.
Snipers beat infantry, tanks beat everything, it's so hard to counter and be effective when it's soooooo easy to camp with either of those.
And yeah, medics seem useless since you do so so quickly. At no point did it occur to me that having a medic might be strategic.


Staff member
Did they report it? Because this is what a beta is for. Finbding broken shit and giving the dev team feedback to fix broken shit.
No they didn't report it, not that I know of. However, I'm sure somebody did considering that a good chunk of the people on the server had the same problem. My bet is that it was an AMD graphics thing. Considering that all of my friends are based on AMD graphics and they all had the problem but I'm on Nvidia and didn't have it. Granted it's all worthless speculation based on a small sample and is completely anecdotal.


Active Member
I didn't spawn with guns and have a nvidia card. *shrugs*

Haven't played in a few days though, is it still an issue?


Mach Ambassador
Haven't played in a few days though, is it still an issue?
No one has played in a few days. The beta closed on the 9th.

Overall, it seemed pretty fun. I didn't enjoy it enough to warrant the $60 price tag and endless paid DLC.


Staff member
I stopped playing Battlefield after BF4 came out. I got so bored of the BF3 remake I've gone a long time without even thinking about Battlefield. Then the beta came along and I was kinda hoping that it would rekindle my interest but instead it reassured me that I had made the right choice. I might pick it up on the cheap if my friends have it. Otherwise it would need a long and kick-ass single-player to get me interested and considering it's an EA FPS of modern make; I'm not holding my breath.


Well-Known Member
Spent my money on Titanfall 2 instead. Best fucking choice I've made in awhile.
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