Hobby Thread


Well-Known Member
What do you guys do all day besides work and/or school? I'm currently doing neither and would really like some ideas on hobbies to get into.


Savage AF
The Original Gangster
I like to play video games and read books. I also spend a lot of time reading CYOA stories online. I practice piano casually, I used to take lessons for a long time but I stopped after reaching the level where one would normally get a certificate (I didn't get one because I didn't do some theory stuff). I do a bit of drawing, I've been doing it for a while, but I don't practice often enough to get really good. Also my scanner has problems connecting to my laptop every now and then which is annoying. I've been trying to get into creative writing casually. I've had two ideas for CYOA stories that I have been wanting to do. I played D&D with Riyant and the gang for a while, but everyone is always busy and we don't seem to do that much as of late. I have been wanting to learn how to sew and do archery.

As for suggestions, I'd say just try and find something you would enjoy. What type of things do you like?


Well-Known Member
Video games and following the competitive CSGO scene. I've pretty much fallen off of watching and paying attention to NHL hockey, and it's been replaced by Counter-Strike.


Well-Known Member
I work on a MOTHERFUCKING BATTLESHIP on weekends. It's pretty cool. You should work on a MOTHERFUCKING BATTLESHIP Dunsparce.

Watch your head though if you're average male height or taller.

Seriously though, if something compelled you to take that suggestion, there are actually a lot of US Navy ships that have been turned into museums. And if you live in an inland state, you might be surprised by far rivers and canals have carried decommissioned submarines and small ships. This website has a list of basically every museum warship in the world.
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Well-Known Member
Like Tirin, my main thing would be RPing. Oh and ERPing which I do quite a bit of. For games, the only thing I do on a consistent basis would be League. And I like to write, but I don't do it nearly as often as I should.


Well-Known Member
Alright guys, I understand your concerns, and I think I've come up with a new game idea that you all will enjoy. How about instead of the Porno Mafia, we have the Nazi Mafia!

eh? eh? waddaya think?
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