Ended Shadow's League of Legends Mafia: Season II - GAME OVER (Anti-Town Victory)

Steal Thy Kill

Well-Known Member
Now, I just really wish I hadn't quit drinking for Lent.
I mean, you had to know going in that this would be a bad idea.

Overall, idk if Tirin v Andy is really town v town. Andy could be scum as much as he could be rusty. Tirin could be scum... but also is Tirin. If there's more to fuel that fire then fuck more talk the better, but otherwise it'd be great if we could not get sucked into tunnel vision on this fight. Odds are that scumteam isn't Tolvan with Easy to the subtle rescue and Andy to the aggressive rescue. Maybe one of them, but we're not that lucky.

And no Req, we're definitely total shitcunts, we're just not teenage bitches anymore.


God-Emperor of Tealkind
I still ain't unlynching you, Andy. I think you scum, and trying to back down so you don't get lynched this early.


Campaign Killer
Evidently, you should just not do whatever you're inclined to do, and you should be golden, Tolvan.
Can't be golden til Req approves my character for Golden Lore.

And starts Golden Lore.

Aren't most people replying, besides Tolvan, all people from the original Urealms? This is a forum of people that have been together for a long time and you've always been a prominent mafia playing member, which is why TC always pulls out the screenshot of his. We played tons of mafia there and even I know that you being aggressive wouldn't be a scum tell from those experiences. It's more the aggressive language and brutish method rather than the play that makes me unhappy with you.
I was on Urealms too. I just wasn't all that active.


Uh. Andy said a lot of things. But here's the thing. At this point lynching Tirin might give us more information. Let's take a hypothetical and say Tolvan was mafia. In that scenario Tirin did a pretty good job defending his scumbuddy and diverting town's attention to the Andy/Tirin debate. That's three pages of discussion and Tolvan is barely mentioned. Another point, Tolvan has yet to get back to us. I'm leaning towards an Andy lynch right now because I have a gut feeling in the way he's playing that he's getting a little desperate. Might just be trying to stay alive, who knows maybe he has a power role? We can investigate what happens in day 2, but for now I would say that I support an Andy or a Tirin lynch. By all means, though. Talk more. That gets us things to win. "Us" being town, and we are all town right? RIGHT? :3


God-Emperor of Tealkind
I initially supported the Tolvan lynch, but that's a pretty ridiculously deep cover to go into to protect muh scumbuddy. I'm all about lynching the hell outta Andy, I think he's scum, and failing that I have a few more hunches - but I ain't one of them mafiosos.


I initially supported the Tolvan lynch, but that's a pretty ridiculously deep cover to go into to protect muh scumbuddy. I'm all about lynching the hell outta Andy, I think he's scum, and failing that I have a few more hunches - but I ain't one of them mafiosos.
So you suspect everyone?


Right Honorable Justice
Stop editing your posts, you fuck.


God-Emperor of Tealkind
A much narrower range than that, though that doesn't mean I'm actually right.

Colonel Thunder

Renowned Blunderer & Dishonorary Czech
Some other things to avoid in the future, by the way:

- Ever using the defense "Do you really think I'd be dumb enough to ___?"
- Committing to, or trying to start a bandwagon on, what you think is a bad lynch.
- Blaming a bad situation, should you find yourself in one, on being too involved.
- Referring to your own behavior in past games.
- Trying to predict who's going to be nightkilled, who should be protected, etc.*
...if you get bored, would you mind overviewing why the last two are scummy? I've definitely done those before.
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