Forumer Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
She's very much a game player, but I didn't think she was this kind of game player. It sucks but what can I do you know? We don't always pick the best people to be friends with, or more than friends. I'm just glad I dodged a bullet, really.


Active Member
I've got nothing nice to say there. Too much...everything. Screw it. I'll get some rest before work and revisit when I'm in a less misanthropic state of mind.

Hope the dice favor you better in the future, brother.


Well-Known Member
I don't wanna be that dude that says he's a nice guy, why don't girls pay attention to me, but I could honestly point out shitty situations where no matter how good of a person I may be or how great of a catch others seem to suggest I am, things just don't work out. Whoever's got the dice and my character sheet need to switch all of that shit out for some loaded d20s and buffed modifiers. That or the GM needs to lay the fuck off me, Jesus Christ.

That's kind of a pun. GM, Jesus Christ. Eh, I'll laugh about that later I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
I don't wanna be that dude that says he's a nice guy, why don't girls pay attention to me, but I could honestly point out shitty situations where no matter how good of a person I may be or how great of a catch others seem to suggest I am, things just don't work out.
Then what you need to do is act like a narcissistic douchebag and girls will flock to you.

It works for Salsy.


Well-Known Member
I literally don't know how though. Salsy, teach me, Senpai.

But seriously, I don't have it in me to be a douchebag. Narcissistic, most definitely, but I don't want to deal with the drama of it all that it would bring, even if I did get laid/dates. I'm a carefree dude, narcissistic douchebag just isn't my bag, baby.


Well-Known Member
Not even a little "haha" at my weird and crazy happenstance, 13th? : ((((((
Was watching a pro CSGO match and made that post in between maps. I just thought it was funny but didn't know where to post it. My bad.

As for your situation, I think I'm gonna have to agree with Tirin. The thing is though, sometimes one can't help but feel a certain way. You know you have no good reason to feel angry/petty etc. but you just do, and that's that. Like you said though, I think you dodged a bullet. Having a dude answer your door for you with no pants on... There's no reason that should happen unless you intend it to happen. Kind of a dick move.


Well-Known Member

As for your situation, I think I'm gonna have to agree with Tirin. The thing is though, sometimes one can't help but feel a certain way. You know you have no good reason to feel angry/petty etc. but you just do, and that's that. Like you said though, I think you dodged a bullet. Having a dude answer your door for you with no pants on... There's no reason that should happen unless you intend it to happen. Kind of a dick move.
Only two more years till I can legally drink!
Oh wait! My countries culture is literally alcohol! ALREADY COULD BAYBEEEEEEEEEEE
19 is underwhelming but at least i feel a teeny tiny bit more like an a d u l t.
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