Forumer Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
in favour of more consistent cards.
It's the most depressing thing dismantling a fun deck to make a more real deck.
But those ridiculous combos are just 10/10. I wish I had more cards simply for fuck around decks. I want to finish my spell power druid :'(

I play a savage as fuck secret Paladin. With Naxx and GvG cycling out of standard, though, I'm looking to turn it into a similarly savage control deck. I'm gonna need to craft N'Zoth, he's just too good for it.
I'm thinking about crafting a second Mysterious challenger because I do have a semi secret Paladin/mid range deck that just doesn't rely on it but can use it effectively often.
But i'm not evil so I shouldn't...


Savage AF
The Original Gangster
I'm not going to comment on that post.

With Jojo part 4 and Ace Attorney, I have a feeling it's going to be a good anime season. I love AA's soundtrack. Not that last season wasn't good either. Konosuba was really good.


Mach Ambassador
Jojo Part 4 was amazing. Easily the best adaptation that I could ask for and it's only been one episode. The foreshadowing game is strong.

Ace attorney wasn't a bad adaptation, but it's opening is incredibly generic and the first case being a tutorial was incredibly obvious. I recommend that people play the game first before watching it, since the game is something that's just fantastic to play.

Space Patrol luluco is Trigger: the show. They took the insanity of Kill la Kill and Inferno Cop and mashed them together into a high speed comedy that's seven minutes long.


Well-Known Member
Destiny calls mate.
Best TV show of all years 1945 - 2069 is Code Geass baby. Almost perfect.


Savage AF
The Original Gangster
So I was trying to finish up my story ideas and plans for two CYOA story ideas I had today since it's been a while since I wrote one. But I was thinking about what type of poems one character in both stories (which are not related at all) would write. Then I ended up writing a short poem with barely any experience in poem writing. I made a weird mishmash of rhyming couplets. I need to not get distracted so easily when thinking up characters.


Well-Known Member
If you need to not get distracted, then don't get distracted. That or admit there are things you want to write more than what you think you want to write.

In Req's Love Life Monthly, something weird/funny/sad happened just now, like an hour ago. I borrowed a book from this chick a few months back, read it, forgot to get it back to her despite saying I would over and over until she finally texted me about just coming to get it herself, or so I thought that's what she was going to do. We live in the same apartment complex, but I've only ever hung out with her at her place, so she doesn't know my apartment or building. She asked me for the apartment number and I just said Oh shit right, your book. I'll just bring it to you now while I'm free so I don't fucking forget again.

I walk over to this chick's apartment, knock on the door, wait for her to answer it, but it's not her. It's some dude with no pants on. The apartment is really fucking hot compared to how it normally is, I can feel it from the doorway and some dude with no pants on answers...

So, there's a variety of ways I can react to this shit show. I won't lie, I was romantically interested in this chick a few months back, before the whole book thing. That didn't really go anywhere, so I was cool just being friends, hanging out, borrowing books, shit like that. But seeing this dude answer the door, I had some justification for wanting to get pissed, causing a scene, doing whatever the fuck came to me, but me being me, I just didn't. Me and this chick were never dating, never even fooled around, so I have literally nothing to get angry about, so I just hand the book to the dude, tell him, yeah, that's all there is, later. There legitimately was no reason for me to get angry or cause drama for myself, so why would I choose to?

So I consider being a passive aggressive little fuck through a text, something snarky about the dude, I don't even know. I'm not vindictive, so I don't know what I might have said if I chose to. Instead I just say there you go, got your book back, I could have come later though if you were busy (with an added lmao as is customary in text when you're trying to prove that something was weird as fuck, but you're still rolling with it).

She tells me, as if I'm going to buy it hook, line, and sinker, that the dude was fully clothed before I got there, that he took off his pants because he thought I was going to be a douche, and that he was sorry for doing it because I was actually a nice guy about the whole situation. Like, come the fuck on, really? The chances of that actually being the case are pretty much zero. This girl knows I was interested in her and she had a dude over without any pants on. She could have gotten the book herself or stopped him from taking his pants off if that's all it was. We're in college. We're grown. Fuck off with that shit when we all know the obvious truth, lol.

So she tells me he apologizes and I just tell her hey, whatever the case may be, I'm not angry about it.

I may not be petty or vindictive most of the time, but I know this chick reads into everything she sees, that's her personality. She knows what I mean by "whatever the case may be" and that we both know she was just fooling around with some dude or, in the least, told him to take his pants off and answer the door for her. I sincerely wouldn't put something like that past her since she asked for her book back while she had a dude over who for whatever reason had his pants off when he saw me. We all got eyes and this shit looks like shit, plain and simple, lmao.

So anyways, I'm now sitting home alone on a Saturday with YouTube open on my xbox while I write this whole thing up over the course of twenty minutes. But I sure showed her, huh?



God-Emperor of Tealkind
You being petty about it is stupid as fuck. Her lying about it is also stupid as fuck, and doing so indicates to me that she's untrustworthy and shitty, especially when it's so clear she was just bangin' that dude. Do not pursue.


Well-Known Member
Oh I'm not pursuing her at all, haven't been for months. I honestly was just being friends with her. That's why I even had her book, she offered it to me to borrow from her the last time we hung out. It was a good book, so I did feel genuinely bad about taking so long to get it back to her. A person's books are something you don't fuck with, in my mind.

As for being petty, I think the only thing I was petty about was the "whatever the case may be" line. I wasn't going to rub the lie in her face, if she wants to fuck people who am I to say she can't? I mainly just wanted to point out to her in a subtle/not so subtle way that it was obvious she was just lying, especially when there's literally no reason to lie.

It gets me though that she would pick tonight of all nights to ask me about her book. She normally goes home on the weekends and I asked her if she was going to this weekend. I planned on getting her book to her finally, but I usually can't during the weekdays and if she leaves on the weekends, I can't get the book to her then, obviously. It's just weird that she didn't go home, didn't tell me she had a dude over, asked for my apartment number, but didn't stop me from coming over. It's all just a lot of weirdness.

I accept that I may have been a little petty, but I rarely am, so fuck it, I get to be petty sometimes if everyone else in the world gets to as well. But you're right about not pursuing her, even though again, yeah, I stopped doing that a while back.
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