Forumer Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
That is an incredibly apt way of describing it, and honestly can't blame anyone for not liking it. It's an abusive relationship for me but I can't stop coming back to it. Though this last season was definitely the least depressing.
I actually love the show, that was just a meme going around the Bojack subreddit a while back(apparently that was the entirety of a review from an Asian country)

Also, Req, I doubt summer camp will ever cease to be, there are enough parents out there that dislike their children enough to send them to live in the woods for a couple weeks that I see your summers being secure for a long time (or until you're in those years that it would be creepy)


Well-Known Member
I'm getting close to that time, sadly, though I could probably go in order to pay for my nieces to go to camp. You can work a term so that they can come for free. It's a nice deal for kids whose families can't afford it.

As for summer camp still being around, I dunno, lots of camps close for a lot of little reasons. Attendance is waning at my camp and it's been around for nearly 100 years.


Well-Known Member
There's always gonna be something like camp, but actual summer camps themselves are feeling the pinch right now.


God-Emperor of Tealkind
Never been one for summer camps, personally (then again, the closest thing I've been to here fucking sucked), but I can see the value there in terms of teaching kids social skills and other worthwhile things. Obviously, they need to be able to cover their costs to keep doing stuff, whether it's through government funding or fees; if the government doesn't fund enough, the fees have to go up, and less people are able to send their kids to camp... resulting in more problems with funding.

Now, I don't entirely mean to get political up in here, but I can easily see how certain elected officials could make some pretty unfortunate decisions re: summer camps, just as they have many other American social programs.


Well-Known Member
Eh, not many summer camps are actually government affiliated, at least not traditional ones. They're all mostly just businesses, really. The government doesn't have much to do with it at all actually.

Camps are losing money just because people aren't sending their kids to camp as much as they used to, really.


Well-Known Member
My family couldn't afford to send us to Summer camp, instead we learned the value of hard work and outside activities doing what other children in unreal immigrants did back then, child labor.

It was fun, and sometimes we got icecream after the sun went down


God-Emperor of Tealkind
That's pretty surprising to me, since taking advantage of government grants or subsidies where possible is good business practice when you can sell it as being worthwhile. I know some camps in Canada receive government funding, but apparently additional ducats come mostly through charities.

If people aren't sending their kids to camp as much, I'd hazard a guess that it's either because they don't see the things done at camp to be as valuable or, more likely, parents (especially young parents) are getting less and less capable of actually affording those costs - for whatever reason.


Well-Known Member
it was a cute little green bloke but I DON'T DESERVE THIS WHAT THE FUCK.
Talk about stereotypes. And dw lads, Didn't kill him, I let him out onto my roof.


Savage AF
The Original Gangster
That's nice. I really love spiders, they're great.

That reminds me, I should get around to rewriting my spider/not-drow elf race for fantasy nations after I finish some other things. Maybe that will wake it up a bit.


Right Honorable Justice
...onto your roof? Why the roof? How will they get down?
No doubt the rain will wash it down a water spout at some point. The real question is if it'll be able to get back up again.
That's nice. I really love spiders, they're great.
Fun fact: there is a significant body of forum literature making reference to Coolpool's affinity for spiders, as well as Tirin's aversion to them.
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God-Emperor of Tealkind
Fun fact: there is a significant body of forum literature making reference to Coolpool's affinity for spiders, as well as Tirin's aversion to them.
Spiders are a blight on this world. Generally lazy, hideously ugly, but for some reason often considered intelligent because they wait around in the house that they got only by virtue of being born a spider. If you think about it, they're prettymuch the arthropod version of NEETs - they spend all their time sitting around looking for handouts.

Fuck spiders.


Right Honorable Justice
But they weren't born with the houses- just the ability to make them. Like people. (Except people often just get born with the houses, as well.)


God-Emperor of Tealkind
They were also born with all the tools and knowledge to make them built-in and no ability to plan beyond "let's do the one thing I know in a place and hope it's good; maybe I'll get laid later". Spiders are shit.


Right Honorable Justice
That's the same as all insects, arachnids, and crustaceans, you know. Born min/maxed for a particular set of really specific tasks and locations, do them over and over, reproduce so explosively that individual freak genetic mutations can take the place of actually responding to changes in their environment when viewed as a population.


God-Emperor of Tealkind
Of course, but spiders are especially horrible because, as mentioned, they are very lazy and uglier than sin. Also their method of feeding is gross.

I once witnessed a fly get caught in a spider's web in the extremely-dank laundry room of a friend, where we would go to do all of our drugs. The spider just sat there and did nothing while the fly struggled for dear life until, finally, it got free. If spiders were go-getters, that fly would have died, and I could somewhat respect that show of effort. But that bitch just sat there and waited, and lost probably days or weeks worth of food. Get fucked, you horrible animal.
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