Golden Lore OOC - Closed


Well-Known Member
Which is fine and like I said, I'm usually going to roll with anything, but it helps the flow of the game to add a word or two that suggests you aren't sure if the action succeeds. Usually attacking someone, even if you're a god tier archer or what have you, can still fail all things considered. Though to be fair, I don't have much of a problem with Fortune shooting Malone, it was the "Kanin goes and steals Kagrin's gun from him before the guy can react" thing that got me.


God-Emperor of Tealkind
It was a lot more "stealing the gun from the floor" than from Kagrin, and obviously the thing Kanin would do if he had the opportunity.


Well-Known Member
You originally said that what Kanin saw was the gun didn't make it all the way to Kagrin when the original line I wrote was "She kicked the gun back to Kagrin." It successfully made its way to the character.

If I wrote, "The gun skidded across the floor into the open space, ripe for the taking for anyone who might want it" then I'd be over the moon if Kanin took it upon himself to steal the gun. That's a good move. I didn't write that though.


God-Emperor of Tealkind
Well, Req, unless it fucking teleported to him, it needed to get through that space somehow, didn't it? Don't blame me for not knowing instantly what does and doesn't canonically happen or some bullshit, especially when it's a pretty arbitrarily-given free action.


Right Honorable Justice
Er. Lemme clear that up: Tirin's action was for Kanin to stop the gun en route to Kagrin. Much like stealing a pass in soccer, the implication was that while the gun was kicked to Kagrin, it was intercepted by Kanin. Both things can be true.

While I do appreciate that you are now saying that it did, in fact, reach Kagrin without being intercepted, that wasn't necessarily a definite fact based on the wording of the original IC post in question.


Well-Known Member
I'm not blaming, just clarifying for the future. If I use certain terminology to say that something definitely happened, it'll be made clear. If it's uncertain, that'll also be made clear.

I can see where the confusion is now though, thanks for adding on, Easy, sincerely. I assumed I wrote it pretty clearly, but since that's not the case, I'll make sure to do better in future.

Though to further clarify, I do have actions pretty much figured out in my head. I haven't detailed it out as I should have as I planned to do it as we came to the separate scenarios, but I'll write it down here just for everyone's future reference. I'll also add this into the first post here so that you guys can have easy reference to it:

Story Scenes: These moments in the game usually involve the Last Iteration and no one else (save maybe an NPC or surrendered enemy). Rolls generally won't be used during these scenes except for important moments or where necessary. Most actions can be auto-completed unless specified otherwise. Usually this is just where narration and plot happens.

Skill Scenes: These scenes usually involve some sort of investigative rolls, feats of strength, persuading an NPC to give up information they don't want to give up, or other things of that nature. It tests your characters' skills and ability to get through specific situations that aren't necessarily combat, though could be dangerous all the same, meaning that anything is possible during these scenes.

Combat Scenes: These are self-explanatory. Combat is happening in these scenes. Rolls are used for most, if not all actions and modifiers are taken into account (injuries, buffs, superior weaponry, magical advantage, etc). No actions can be auto-completed unless given GM authorization (basically if a soldier clearly gets his arm blown off but wants to still fight back, you're practically cleared for just ending her right then and there).

Note - When a specific type of scene comes up, I will make a note of it in an OOC notice.


Right Honorable Justice
No problem. Now, if I could just bring up another issue...
Though, just for the fun of it, I do want to reiterate, if it wasn't clear that is, that you guys can totally go any which way here. Tunnels are actually a viable option, same as running back through the bar. The lab is just one option and the safest, but it's not like picking any one way is going to guarantee your safety or death.
Now, I'm not mad or anything, but... well, my character doesn't have the option to go anywhere on his own right now, except possibly by bunny-hopping it, so that doesn't appear to be true at all. You could say that's because he got belligerent and whatever, but honestly, it took some pretty heavy deus ex machina for this to end up being the result of his actions. Malone's getting shot was entirely within reasonable expectations, given what she did, but that simply isn't the case for what's happened to Fortune.

And why? This is all very inconsistent. If Malone's seen all this before, she should have know by now that it'd be a lot easier to go along with Fortune in the first place, since he was already pushing everybody in the path she wanted to go. (And again, I'm not complaining, as such, but it's a bit overbearing to lay out a path for us to go down and insist on dictating exactly in what manner we end up going down it, regardless of what's in character or not).

And what's up with taking a bullet to the head, instead of just doing what Kanin said to do? Yet again, Kanin's is a path that goes along with what she actually wants to happen, only she trades out not getting shot in the head for getting to just overpower everybody and give out all the orders. So we have to assume she just gets off very, very much on being the one in charge. Hey, maybe she's been the antagonist all along, and our savvy asses are just taking a shortcut to the boss fight, I dunno. Not necessarily asking for answers here, just letting you know how her actions are coming across.

In other words... well, I suspect that it might look to you that we're just being uncooperative. Just wanted to clarify that from over here, it looks like your character's unnecessarily picking stupid fights with ours. Maybe that's intentional, but I figured it might not be. Not asking for you to go back and change anything, either - just something to keep in mind, for future reference.


Well-Known Member
If I thought you guys were being uncooperative, I would have talked to y'all in PMs. Like I said, keep doing things in character, I'm loving it so far. As for Malone being in character, yeah, more or less. She's doing things as she wants to. I mainly had the hardlight bindings thing happen because I do feel it's in character for her and I didn't expect us to be waiting so long on everyone making a choice of where to go. I could have done the "everyone make a single post of what your character chooses to do" thing again like I did earlier, but that's not as fun and it leads to no actual RP happening. It's for the sake of moving plot forward more than anything. Kanin and Fortune doing their in-character things is fine and fun for me because we get to just dick around while waiting for everyone else to make a decision on where to go. Fortune is still free to talk if he wants to, but shooting Malone in the chest wasn't going to leave Fortune free to do whatever. Malone's not really interested in hurting the guy, but he's clearly not convinced that she's got the power to fight back, at least in her eyes, so she decided to pacify him. As GM it may not be the best move, but for Malone, it makes plenty of sense. She knows your characters are the muscle in the group and that you shoot first and ask questions later in favor of your own survival, so she's gonna get physical. Not that she hasn't been peaceable in past iterations. Maybe this go around she was just feeling froggy, who knows?

So, long and short of it, you guys aren't causing trouble or going against what I want. Yeah, maybe Fortune doesn't have the option to not go anywhere else physically right this second, but I'm operating under the assumption that you want him to go into the lab. If I'm wrong, there's plenty of in-character ways to change that and still give him and you what you want, just gotta have him speak up about it.

But anyways, just keep RPing in character and doing things your characters would do. Once we've got everyone else who we're sure will post up to speed, we'll move on. For right now I'm just having fun with a character who is OP (for story reasons that are very close to being explained) and who has knowledge of past/future events who is choosing to have fun at the expense of people she appears to think she knows personally and on a close basis. Her being OP and picking silly fights is pretty much par for the course.


Right Honorable Justice
That's... incredibly bitchy of her, but so be it. Just making sure we were on the same page.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, no worries. If there's ever an issue, I think we can all agree I've proven I'm more than capable of pulling a bitch fit and whining to make sure you all know I'm pissy about something, so there'll definitely be a dialogue going when I think something is getting fucked up.

And yeah, Malone's a bit of a bitch, not pulling any punches there.


God-Emperor of Tealkind
I assumed that there was something for Kanin to hide behind here, since I wouldn't expect a basement to be entirely empty of stuff. Barrels and crates seemed like a pretty reasonable choice, so if there's any problem with that, let me know.


Well-Known Member
And I think I'll hold off on posting because this is a good moment for Stoney to post. Stoney, or whoever posts next, Malone is on the ground, definitely. It's hard to tell what happened to her, but no one can see any blood.

Now we wait.


Right Honorable Justice
Bindings still active?


Savage AF
The Original Gangster
I feel like this is turning into Easy and Tirin just trying to think of ways to kill Req's character.


Well-Known Member
Haha, could be, but I did say we're just dicking around until everyone else finally posts!
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