Guild Wars 2 Free Trial Period Beginning Soon


Well-Known Member
Do it guys, the game's worth that one time payment, but at least with a trial period you can decide if you like it, especially since the beginning of the game has really opened up and been made slightly easier. New players will like it, I think.


Well-Known Member
Awesome, let me or 13th know when you guys have it set up and going. We can make an event out of it.


Well-Known Member
I'm Kaidart with friend code thingy 7184 by the way, if anyone wants to add me. I'm now on Henge of Denravi, as I've finally corrected the being on a European server issue. We should do cool stuffs some time. Maybe start running some dungeons when enough of us are high enough level? You only have to be level 35 to get into the Ascalonian Catacombs I believe.


Well-Known Member
I'm Kaidart with friend code thingy 7184 by the way, if anyone wants to add me. I'm now on Henge of Denravi, as I've finally corrected the being on a European server issue. We should do cool stuffs some time. Maybe start running some dungeons when enough of us are high enough level? You only have to be level 35 to get into the Ascalonian Catacombs I believe.
So you finally moved to NA servers? Awesome. Did you delete your necro or did you transfer servers? Also, despite only needing to be level 35 for AC, you will absolutely get your shit pushed in at that level. A group of entirely level 35s simply don't have enough DPS output to beat some of the encounters (i.e. destroying graveling burrows before you get overrun and the NPC dies). The same goes for basically every other dungeon. That all being said, I'm down to do dungeon runs.


Well-Known Member
So you finally moved to NA servers? Awesome. Did you delete your necro or did you transfer servers? Also, despite only needing to be level 35 for AC, you will absolutely get your shit pushed in at that level. A group of entirely level 35s simply don't have enough DPS output to beat some of the encounters (i.e. destroying graveling burrows before you get overrun and the NPC dies). The same goes for basically every other dungeon. That all being said, I'm down to do dungeon runs.
I got moved just a couple weeks ago, I kept the necro, it's level 61 now. I figured AC would be hard with level 35s, but perhaps doable with some higher level characters and a couple 35s?

I managed to catch Tequatl the other day, and I so get what you were talking about on the old forums about never getting good loot. I must have gotten 5 or 6 greens/golds off of that thing, but absolutely none of it was useful to my class. The closest thing to useful I got was an axe with the wrong stats for necromancers. Considering it's a 2 hour respawn timer, and sometimes you don't actually manage to kill it, that's pretty annoying.

By the way, people trying this game, make sure you notice that the server list defaults to showing you European servers rather than NA servers.


Well-Known Member
It showed me all of the servers at first, then when I chose an NA server, it only shows me those now.
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