The Old Tunnels (A retelling of a forum tale.)


Active Member
We did what we had to do in those tunnels goddammit!
None of us would have survived otherwise.

No comment.
Well, beyond "what I did in there was for the best for everyone".

Who knew civil engineering would cost so many lives, and my soul.

I know you're in there somewhere, -expunged-.

I think, in a way... we never left those tunnels.
You've just been better at pretending.

You think I haven't seen horrors before?
That I hadn't killed?

I think it was the first time the horrors saw you.
The real you.

So much the worse for them.

Keep telling yourself that, if it helps you sleep.

I don't need help sleeping, it's the dreaming that's troublesome, I suppose.
My sleep's mostly a dark oblivion, now.

They never said it'd take this much from me, -expunged-.
I never should have left Grythesby.

Did you have a choice? Did any of us?

I could have died.

I suppose that, in some way, that might have been a mercy.
Instead of this Dance with the Bandit.

We need to find a way to move on, man.

I'm going back. I think you know the way, too.

But why?

Don't ask what you already know.

I promise you'll regret it.

I' regret many things.

Doesn't make one more a good idea.

One more for the road?...

Frankly, I'd want at least a dozen for the road you're going down.

I don't think my tab would cover it.

Check out a few different bars, obviously.

They closed down years ago, remember?
No-where to go but Tag's dive since the Moon.

Certainly no classy establishments. Maybe I'll convince Wolfy to re-open the diner.
And sell liquor there.
And let me keep drinking to forget.

Not enough liquor in the world to do that.

If I can forget the present, I can forget the past.

Well, if you ever get tired of forgetting.
You know where to find me.
Some of me, at any rate.

You'll be back.

You always were the optimist, weren't you?

You WILL be back.

Goodbye, -expunged-

This isn't optimism. It's a command. Giving up? Letting THAT win? Fuck, no.

I'm going to do it.

Letting him determine what you do IS letting him win.

He will pay, and nothing will save him this time. Not even you. Not this time.

What can you DO to him?

That was always the simplest part, Tirin. I'll kill him.

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