Continuous Doodle Central CYOA: Chapter 1 - Coarse, Rough, and Irritating


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I think I know how to settle this.

Take the Marshmallow, pat the man on the shoulder, tell him we think he's a great guy (because he brought us marshmallows, how cool is that shit?), and then take him on a nice dinner date after meeting his parents. Then, when the date goes well, ruffle his hair and give him a quick peck on the cheek. We're a nice ladyboy, we can't be too easy on the first date.


Well-Known Member
You take a marshmallow and thank the man for his generosity. You ask him if he's doing anything Friday night, because you've been wanting to see that new Star Wars movie for a while and you don't have anyone to go with. You punctuate this with a warm pat on the shoulder. The man is briefly at a loss for words, but finally agrees, on the condition that you first buy him dinner. You tell him that you know just the place, and that you'll pick him up at 5. We may or may not return to this little scenario later, but until then, on with the actual story!


The last member of a long dead nomadic warrior race sits meditating in the middle of a vast desert. The harsh wind caresses his sun-bleached hair and the little skin that is not covered by ceremonial wrappings. The warrior attempts once again to commune with the ancient spirits of his ancestors, hoping that they will guide him on his spiritual journey across the mighty expanse of desert. It is a ritual that all members of his once innumerable race partake in on the threshold of adulthood. However, it seems now like a hollow practice. All of his people are dead, and the spirits have gone silent. He opens his eyes once again and pushes himself off the ground with his spear. It looks to be yet another day of blindly walking with no destination. The warrior sighs to himself and begins his trek once again.

He stops briefly to take a drink from his waterskin. It is nearly dry. He knows that he will need to find a water source soon or it could be the end of him. The heat is really getting to him now. In the distance he sees what looks like the silhouette of another figure. The warrior cautiously approaches the image, assuming that it is another trick of the sun. The closer he gets, however, the more he realizes that it is indeed another traveler making his way across the desert. The warrior quickly drops to the ground to avoid being seen. It is the way of his people to treat all strangers as enemies. The warrior feels far too weak to fight right now, so it is best to let the enemy pass by.

"Hey! Hey you!"

The warrior freezes. He's been seen. He says final prayers to his ancestors and prepares for the end.

"Hey, do you want a piece of beef jerky? I've got like ten pounds of this stuff and I hate the taste so much!"

What does the warrior do?
-Respond to the kind gesture
-Ignore the figure and pretend to be dead
-Attack the figure with the last strength he has left


Savage AF
The Original Gangster
-Respond to the kind gesture
I feel like everything else is an obvious bad choice. That or this is actually the bad choice and the stranger is baiting us with jerky so he can stab the protagonist in the back and rob him afterwards.


Well-Known Member
-Respond to the kind gesture(Coolpool, Req)

Realizing that he is likely to die anyway if he doesn't eat anything, the young warrior decides to take the man up on his offer. Bracing himself for some form of trickery, he stands up.

"Yes, I would like some beef jerky, thank you!"

"Sweet! You're a lifesaver! Let me come over to you!"

As the man approaches, the young warrior can detect for the first time his appearance. He is a young man, around his age, if not a bit younger. He is rather short, a good five inches shorter than the warrior, but he appears very lean. He is dressed very strangely for a trek through the desert, wearing thin black clothes covered in a brown tunic. The lower half of his face is covered in a black mask made of the same thin material as the rest of his clothes. On his back he carries a sword in a scabbard and a sizeable pack. What is really noticeable about the man, however, is his incredibly spiky, incredibly yellow hair. At first glance the warrior can tell that this isn't the man's true hair color. As the man gets closer to the warrior's position, he pulls off his pack and rifles through it, pulling out a hefty chunk of beef jerky. He tosses it to the warrior.

The warrior sniffs the meat to make sure there is no obvious poison and then drops to the ground to begin gorging himself on the meat. He hasn't had a proper meal in weeks, and savors every bite.

"Wow, you're really hungry, aren't you?"

The warrior looks up from his meal to see that the man has sat down next to him.

"If you want some more, I've got plenty. Master Puffy always makes us pack tons of beef jerky, but I just hate the stuff. Too salty. It's really just dead weight for me. Now bananas are where it's at."

He pulls out a banana and quickly disposes of it. Somehow, he consumes the fruit without taking out his mask.

"Ahh, that really hits the spot. You're a man of few words, aren't you?"

"I only talk to people I trust," the warrior responds, gnawing on his jerky.

"Understandable, I wouldn't trust me if I hadn't met me."

The man extends his hand out to the warrior as a greeting. The warrior begrudgingly accepts the handshake.

"Joe Photon, nice to meet you," chirps the strange traveler, "What's your name, friend?"

What is our hero's name?


Well-Known Member
Aaaaaaand we're back! Yep, bet you thought this was dead, didn't you? Well, you were probably right. I'm reviving this story to hopefully keep me from hiatusing again for a while. So, without further ado...

-Otis Cobblebottom

Deciding that he has nothing to lose by giving away his name, the warrior speaks.

"In your language, I am called Otis of the Cobblebottom clan."

The strange man looks at the young warrior with a confused expression on the half of his face that isn't covered by his mask.


"That is the best possible translation I can give you."

"It just sounds so...unthreatening. What is your name in your language?"

"Au'tisz Sctuki'iv," the warrior answers.

"Well, that's gonna be hard to remember. Listen, how 'bout I call you Tusky?"

The warrior stands up and stares down at the strange traveler.

"Tusky? What does this mean?"

Slowly, the man stands himself up as well, his hands out in front of him defensively. The height difference still has him looking up at the warrior.

"Hey, I wasn't meaning any offence. I just meant Tusky, as in Tusken Raider."

The warrior points his spear at the shorter man, who backs up a bit further.

"Oh yeah, I guess you wouldn't understand that reference. There's nothing bad about it, I swear!"

Otis(as we're going to call him from here on out, because saying the warrior over and over again is getting tedious) lowers his spear and eyes the man up and down once again. Who is this man and why is he making the trek through the desert like this? Where is he going? To be honest, Otis is kind of intrigued. While part of him is not comfortable venturing with a strange man, another part is very interested in what will become of this Joe Photon. Bringing his hands down, the strange man begins to speak again.

"Uh, hey, how about this. I know this place a few dozen miles from here that serves the best ice cream around. We could head over there and I could buy you a cone, cool you down a bit. It's a bit out of the way, but I figure I don't really need to get where I'm going on time. On the other hand, you could come along with me to my destination. I'm looking at you, and I think you could use a little adventure. Or you could just stay here and die. That's an option."

He begins to pick up his stuff.

"Either way, I'm gonna be heading off about now. It's up to you."

What path will Otis choose? Will he..
-Follow Joe on his journey
-Follow Joe to the ice cream place
-Stay where he is and fend for himself


Well-Known Member
-Follow Joe to the ice cream place(Req, TC)

Otis glances around him at the expanse of sand. Remembering all too clearly the pain of starvation, he finally makes up his mind.

"Ice cream sounds good right now."

Joe happily pulls the young warrior to his feet.

"That's the spirit, Tusky! It's not too convenient for myself, but hey, at least I get ice cream. Let's go!"

Joe quickly sets off across the sandy plain, his speed prompting Otis into action.

"Can we talk about the whole "Tusky" thing?"

Joe either doesn't hear him or intentionally ignores him. Otis sighs and gives up. It's going to be a long journey.


The day is spent travelling, a long walk interrupted by a few bathroom and food breaks. Otis, still quite uncomfortable with the situation, doesn't say much, letting Joe do all the talking. As it turns out, the smaller traveler is very well suited to this role. He talks almost constantly about practically everything a person can think of. After a few hours, Otis begins to tune the unceasing babble out. As night falls the lights of a city begin to take shape in the distance. Abruptly, Joe stops walking.

"We'll camp here. In the morning, we'll head for town."

Otis helps Joe set up a rudimentary tent with a sleeping bag and a crude pile of blankets.

"I didn't exactly pack for two," Joe explains, "You can have the sleeping bag if you want."

"Honestly, anything's better than sand."


Joe sets up a quick fire and writes up two possible watch schedules.

"Okay, two options. You stay up and watch for a few hours, and then we switch off. Or I could take first watch. I'm sure you're tired."

Which watch will Otis take?

-First Watch
-Second Watch
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