Ended A Very Simple CYOA

Colonel Thunder

Renowned Blunderer & Dishonorary Czech
"Wow, I'm hungry," says Requiem, walking into town square.

He had been working hard all day stopping people from being idiots and other stuff like that.

"Hm," says Req. "Where should I go for lunch?"

-Wolfy's Diner
-Tag Ross' Taco Truck
-Walrus' Seafood BBQ

Colonel Thunder

Renowned Blunderer & Dishonorary Czech
Requiem walks up to Tag Ross' sketchy Taco Truck.

"Hey Tag Ross, how's it going?" asks Req.

"Pretty good," says Tag Ross. "You want some tacos?"

"Yeah," says Req. "I'll have the shredded pork and uh..."

"Stop right there!" says Officer 13th, walking up to the taco truck. "I never saw clearance for a new food cart in the town square!"

"Huh?" says Tag Ross.

"Every vendor must have written approval, otherwise it's a violation of city ordinance," says 13th matter-of-factly. "It could lead to traffic congestion. Or something. I'm sorry, but you need to remove this food truck immediately."

"Ugh, I just wanted some tacos," says Requiem. "Hm...what I need is a distraction."

Requiem looks around for inspiration. He sees some sort of commotion at Wolfy's diner, Walrus at his BBQ, and Chickenspleen jaywalking.

What does Req do?

-tell 13th that there's something going on at Wolfy's diner
-tell 13th that Walrus is spreading communist propaganda at his BBQ
-tell 13th that Chickenspleen just jaywalked across a major intersection


Well-Known Member
Fuck Req. What about me? ME! I have absolutely no problem with being that guy.

-tell 13th that there's something going on at Wolfy's diner

Colonel Thunder

Renowned Blunderer & Dishonorary Czech
"Hey 13th," says Req. "See Walrus over there? I think he's spreading communist propaganda."

"What!?" says 13th. "Our own mayor!? Impossible!"

13th runs over to Walrus' seafood BBQ.

"Welcome, Officer!" says Walrus. "Would you like some free grilled salmon?"

"Free? Why is it free?" asks 13th, looking around suspiciously.

"Why, Thursday is free fish day!" replies Walrus with pride. "Everybody gets some free food."

"Oh, so we're all equal now with your free lunch!" says 13th with his hands on his hips. "I see, you're trying to disenfranchise good capitalists like Tag Ross with your communistic lunches!"

"My good sir, it's not communistic!" says Walrus. "I think you might be rushin' to conclu-"

"RUSSIAN!?" yells 13th. "I'm putting you under arrest for crimes against humanity!"

"Wait, wait, I can explain!" says Walrus, but it is too late. 13th pulls out handcuffs and begins to arrest him.

Requiem and Tag Ross watch from a distance.

"Thanks for distracting him," says Tag Ross.

"Yeah, I feel kind of bad for Walrus though," says Requiem. "Hm..."

What does Requiem do?

-try to distract 13th with something else
-enjoy tacos

Colonel Thunder

Renowned Blunderer & Dishonorary Czech
"Ah, I'm sure Walrus will be fine," says Req.

"Probably," says Tag Ross. "Anyways, what kind of tacos would you like? I have the usual shredded pork, but I also have some of Firedemon's homemade hot sauce if you want that on it."

"Uh, has it been tested?" asks Req.

"Not on people," says Tag Ross.

What does Req do?

-have normal tacos
-have tacos with FD's hot sauce on them
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