Ended (Current Victim: Thunderclaw) The Game of Horrific Murder


Well-Known Member
Write a horrific murder of the current victim, and after a day, the victim will pick the most gruesome, sadistic, evil murder they suffered and declare the perpetrator the new victim. For example:

TC is the victim
FD posts something about mackerels blotting out the sun
Shadow shoots TC in the face with a .357 magnum
Req utilizes his actual writing skills and writes something that makes TC literally shit himself in fear
TC declares Req the winner and new victim


Also, fairly appropriate given that Halloween is coming up in a few week.

The Wall of Twisted Sons o' Bitches:

The Hall of Everyone was too Fucking Scared to Kill Him:
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Well-Known Member
Simple, I would kill you by suicide, how you might ask?
ah that's where the fun happens, first you're Texan so it wouldn't be hard for me to find you, so I'd kidnap you, your family and everyone you have/will ever love. then I'd also find and kidnap TC, he lives in the east coast and he doesn't hide shit so I could find him by the end of the day if I wanted to. so with you and TC bound hand and foot with a tube that feeds food directly to your stomachs so you wont die of starvation. I'd leave you two there for as long as it would take for you two to eventually fall in love. that's when I finally enter the room, I'd kill TC as you watched, then I'd take his dead body, chop him to pieces and add him to your food, so you can digest the man who you once hated, but then loved. once you finish digesting him I'd release you, send you back home, only to find that everyone you knew is back, but they all look a bit different, they all look a bit like the man who you spent years with in a dark cellar, the man whom you hated, the man whom you loved, but why? it's not like they were all kidnapped and had his DNA spliced into their gene code by some madman who had kept you two in a dark cellar, beyond all possibility that couldn't happen... could it? everyone you've loved, everyone you hated, everyone you've ever met remind you of the man who you swore you'd kill, the man with whom you fell in love, the man who ws literally a part of you, surely god wouldn't let that happen, would he?

but I would.


Well-Known Member

Memories of the inferno dance in FD's mind. Red walkways. Burning slaves. Hell was a wonderful place.

The flow drips down the ceiling, slowly expanding across bedroom tiles.

He had no worries then, before he disappointed father, before his assignment.


His mind shifted to a phone call, later, after he was cast to the mortal world to try and gain his redemption. "Son, stop toying with your target! Finish the job!" That was years ago.

But his mind turned back to happier thoughts. The dancing flames...

He did not notice the dampness of his pillow, his drenching scalp, the water sliding between his lips and down his throat.

When Firedemon awoke, he was not in his bedroom. Flames surrounded him. For a moment, they made him happy. Demons jeered. Father loomed over him.
"Son...you've disappointed me yet again."

In the room above a formerly occupied apartment, Thunderclaw turned off the sink.


Well-Known Member
I pin you to a chair, tie you down, wrap barbed wire, garrote wire, or piano wire (perhaps all three) around your neck, then superglue your hands to your head so it looks like you were grabbing your head.

I then tie the wire to the support beams of the attic this is all taking place in, stand you up on the chair and then knock it out from under you. The wire slices through your neck and the glue holds strong. I clean up the wire, dispose of it properly and then, a few hours later, someone finds your body in the attic and it looks like you pulled off your own head.

I call this one: fun suicide.

Colonel Thunder

Renowned Blunderer & Dishonorary Czech


Savage AF
The Original Gangster
I invite you to dinner and drug you. I then bound you hands and blindfold you. When you regain consciousness I kick you a few times before hanging you upside down to let the blood rush to your brain so you stay conscious longer. I take a kitchen knife and start slashing at your chest and arms 25 times deep enough to draw blood but not damage you too much. I then stick sharp very cold icicles in the stab wounds. Next, I practice my aim and throw throwing knives at your legs. I finish you off by getting a power drill and drilling it into your skull and into your brain.
Sometimes when I am bored I unconsciously daydream about torturing and killing people, but I am actually quite squeamish.


God-Emperor of Tealkind
I won't need much for the first bit. Just some rubbing alcohol and a knife. Now, first I'm gonna knock you unconscious and cut out your tongue, or at least most of it, so you can't just bite through it and bleed out. If we get to do this "perfectly", I'm gonna start removing skin and exposing nerves, bit by excruciating bit, making sure never to cut too deep - can't have you dying yet, after all. I'll try to keep it confined to the most sensitive parts of your body, namely your face and hands (especially lips and fingertips). It should be pretty easy to guess where all that rubbing alcohol's going, and it's really gonna hurt.

Your death will be much more torturous. I'll put you out again, and find some small, stagnant, quiet little pond, and put you in a wooden box - it'll float just fine - with holes cut into it for your head, feet, and arms. Then I'll funnel milk and honey into your mouth, and coat the exposed parts of your body with them before pushing the box, with you inside, into the center of the pond. The milk and honey I fed you is gonna make you reaaaal damn sick, and the stuff on your extremities is going to attract insects. And I'll come back the next day, and probably the one after that, to make sure that they're really getting at you. They'll start stinging you, biting you, burrowing into your flesh, and laying eggs in you. It'll take days, or even weeks, for you to die, rotting in your own shit and being eaten by maggots. The one and only comfort you'll have is that you'll probably be too delirious to understand what's happening to you after a few days.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna call it here, and give some honorable mentions:

Most Canonically Accurate: Walrus Man
Most Hilariously Creative (A.K.A. FD might be a sick fuck for finding this funny): Requiem
Most Creeper-Like: Tag Ross

And the winner is... Tirin! Tirin is the new victim! Tirin has also been added to the Wall of Twisted Sons o' Bitches for having been selected as a victim by murdering someone in a horrible, horrible way.


Well-Known Member
The following is based on Ecalepafem, but I'm not being vague about what happens.:

I would use the Art of the Scattered Blade to split TealBane on a molecular scale and sneak my very sword, minus the hilt, into his next meal. Once his cataclysmic iron rich feast was complete, I would hit him with my strongest slash attack, causing each of these little atoms to erupt with cyan mana and form electrical shocks. Because of the size of each shard, a single blow would cause Tirin to be tazed and give him an insanely deep papercut. (From the stomach to the skin.) With a full Katana's worth of these blows, the phrase death by a million papercuts is accurate. Just add electricity and lots of cyan.

Note: This move is one of those that seems really OP, but takes so long to prep that it is meaningless most of the time.


Well-Known Member
By the way, narrative style, like what Walrus did, was more of what I was looking for, even though Tirin won. I personally think that, albeit harder to pull off, is a more effective conveyor of fear and horror, as it doesn't come off as a step by step procedure or something dull like that. Though the winner is completely up to the victim and the criteria can be whatever they so choose. I'll post something tonight or tomorrow. I had an idea I didn't quite have the knowledge to pull off well, so now I'm back to the drawing board.

Colonel Thunder

Renowned Blunderer & Dishonorary Czech
Not death. Death is far too merciful. Allow me to re-post the Tirin segment of "The Darkest Timeline";

“Hello, dear.”

“Hi, Wolfy.”

“Would you like some cake?”

“I would.”

“You’re lucky. I’m surprised we have any chocolate left.”


“Since Chickenspleen’s review last week, it’s been the diner’s major seller.”

“It’s always been my favorite.”

“Oh, hush now. Take a seat and tell me about your day.”

“I’d much rather hear about yours.”

“Alright. Well, this morning I came in early and started coffee. Jeb stopped by and said hello, so that was fun. Very relaxed today. It’s a Tuesday, so I typically don’t get many customers here.”

“Go on.”

“Um, okay. Rondait came in. He was very excited about a new play he’s in. A few new faces ordered cake, and then-Oh my God!

“Hello, dear.”

“Hi, Wolfy.”

“Would you like some cake?”

“I would.”

“You’re lucky. I’m surprised we have any chocolate left.”


“Since Chickenspleen’s review last week, it’s been the diner’s major seller.”

“I love everything you make.”

“Aw, that’s very kind. Take a seat and tell me about your day.”

“I’d much rather hear about yours.”

“Alright. Well, this morning I came in-”

“No, after this morning.”

“Um, okay. Tropag tried to order beer, but I refused to serve it to him so early. Shadow and Salsy ordered some pie and admired the kitchen knives. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Please go on.”

“I won’t be able to make any more cake until Thursday, so for now I’m resorting to…dear, are you sure you’re okay?”

“Hello, dear.”

“Afternoon, beautiful.”

“Oh Tirin, you’re such a sweetheart. Would you like some cake, handsome?”


“You’re lucky. I’m surprised we have any chocolate left.”

“Chicken’s article?”

“Yes. Since when do you read the paper?”

“I don’t.”

“Huh. Well, take a seat and tell me about your day.”

“I love you so much.”

“Tee hee, I love you too dear.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.”


Tirin appeared in the present day, gasping for breath. He sat at a moldy booth in the abandoned remains of Wolfy’s diner. Travelling back to that day took more and more energy out of him as the years went by. Even though he never stayed very long (he couldn’t if he tried) Tirin was exhausted at the end of each day. Physically and emotionally.

He always stopped before she died. He lived through that moment once, and it was more than enough. Andy’s car would burst through the wall, striking the booth and scattering Wolfy’s brains all over the recently-mopped floor. Tirin would watch it helplessly. Andy would step out of his car, coughing from all the uplifted dust and debris. He’d see what his wreckage had caused and collapse to his knees. Then Tirin would stop his screams of horror by grabbing the Australian’s face and crushing it with one hand.

Despite the relative control over time that he had, Tirin could not bring her back. He could not save her. He could not undo the commands of time, only pass through them, reliving the too few precious moments they had. He never ate cake again.

“Hello, dear.”


“Would you like some cake?”


“Dear, are…are you crying?”

“I miss you so much.”


Well-Known Member
You'll probably lose on account of Tirin not dying at all. While Tirin will still appreciate the morbidity of the scene and we all agree it's excellent, the rules of the game are that you kill the current victim, not just torture them mentally, physically, etc. to the point of them wanting to die. It's dark, definitely, but it doesn't fit the game's criteria, so Tirin probably won't pick you on account of that, considering it's Tirin. "You're supposed to kill me TC, come on, what the fuck?"


Well-Known Member
Yes... He said that, Coolpool...

"I hit you in the face with a mackerel."
"I hit you in the face with a mackerel."
"I hit you in the face with a mackerel."

Tirin was chained up against a cold, stone wall, deep below ground. The room was lit by only a faint torch, and the slightest shimmer of light from the cracks of the door opposite him. The mackerel was unending. Everything he had attempted to do to stop the mackerel simply, failed. It did not even make sense. There was no logical explanation, just failure. No matter what he tried, the end result was always the same. He'd often witness its compete destruction, only to be struck with it a mere moment later.

"I hit you in the face with a mackerel."

And now, his power was gone. Each slap of the mackerel had weakened him, ever so slightly. Until now. Now, he had no power left for it to take. His face had been bruised and battered by the mackerel. A fucking fish. It made Tirin angry.

"I hit you in the face with a mackerel."

Tirin spit out a bit of blood finally. It was red, rather than teal.

"What? My... Blood..."
"I hit you in the face with a mackerel."

Much more blood began to fill Tirin's mouth. As it dripped out onto the ground, he saw that it was now cyan.

"I hit you in the face with a mackerel."

The door opposite Tirin swung open, and slowly, Wolfy stepped out from the shadows.

"You should have joined the Cyan while you still could, Tirin."
"I hit you in the face with a mackerel."
"Now, it will destroy you."

"I hit you in the face with a mackerel."

Tirin felt it coursing through him. It was the most excruciating thing. And there his beloved watched, as he withered and died to the madman.

"Finish him, FD."
"I hit you in the face with a mackerel."


God-Emperor of Tealkind
Is this shit really all I'm gonna get? Come on, people! Bring the pain!
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