Ended (Current Victim: Thunderclaw) The Game of Horrific Murder


Well-Known Member
So, you guys have had five days to kill Tirin and produced little results. While I'd have liked Tirin to just pick someone by now, I don't blame him for finding these unsatisfactory and wanting more. I am using arbitrary powers of being able to change the thread title to declare TC the new victim and no one as the winner. Tirin has also been added to "The Hall of Everyone was too Fucking Scared to Kill Him"
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Well-Known Member
It was just a rewording of your own statement in a childish manner meant to elicit the sensation of laughter from within you.
I get that all the time from my little sister. I expected more from you Req...


Well-Known Member
Then you expected incorreqtly. I'm literally one of the biggest manchildren here. Child at heart, boyo.
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