Ended Dawn Runners, a Choose Your Adventure


Well-Known Member
Something graceful, I think. I have no idea exactly what that means, but that's just my general idea.


Well-Known Member
I'd say something that fits being called a "dawn runner." A rapier makes sense, but a saber could work as well. Longswords are really used for armored combat, to crumple in mail and what not. I don't know what big battles runners might be involved in, so perhaps smaller, lighter weapons make the most sense. A saber/rapier, as well as some daggers. Think Ezio or Altair, but not Connor or the Kenways from AssCreed.


Well-Known Member
Sabre (5)
Halberd (1)


"Do you have any sabres?" you ask.

"Sure we do," he says, "Prefer a lighter weapon then? Not a bad idea. All depends on your situation and your enemy. The lighter stuff is nice when you need the speed and your opponent doesnt have proper protection. Excellent against bandits and outlaws, maybe a bit less so against wealthier bands who can afford the armor."

You two make your way to the basement of the home to the armory. There are dozens of weapons of any kind you can think of hanging on racks and shelves. Some barrels are organized by weapon type have plenty of blade sticking out of them. "Whoa," you let out.

Cor starts, "Got to have a good variety. Never know what you'll need. Now all these are magical in some way. Not all are created equal. And they are not the best ones we have of course, those go to the leaders." You inquire as to how the Dawn Runners have acquired so many magical weapons. "A smart policy. All unused magical weapons retrieved are to come back to the manor, not sold for money. Plus, we have a number of recycled ones in here from our own dead. Sadly. Its a good idea if you ask me. Sure we lose some money that way, but helps give us an edge others dont usually have since there are only so many magical blades."

While you stare dumbfounded, Cor has already grabbed three sabres from a barrel and placed them on a table after clearing some rags and junk off it. The three you have in front of you vary.

"The first one here," Cor explains, "is a middle length. Nice sword really. It has a nice guard, never under estimate having something like that. Its a Windbreaker, so if you give it a swing, itll blast your opponent with a gust of wind. If you really swing it, like you are chopping a tree down with one hit, you might be able to send them flying a good 10 feet. Granted it will only do it once every five minutes or so.

"The next one I call a Sheathless. Its a bit shorter than the others, and not necessarily heavier, but it has the ability to... Well, its hard to explain, much easier to show." He holds the sword in his hand and in a few seconds it it fades becoming transparent. Soon it isnt even there anymore. "You see I still have it on me, but its not, um, physically here. When I think it back in my hand." The sword materializes completely back into his hand as fast as it faded out. "Neat huh?

"This last sabre I call risky, but some people like the idea. Its a bit longer, and a nice sword personally. But its the magic that makes me uneasy about how people try to use it. Its one of old Tirin's Swords of Courage. Which means, when you are outnumbered in a fight, the sword will give you strength. As simple as I can put it, itll make you fight faster and harder. But Ill let you know, these are the blades that get recycled the most.

"So what do you think? You only get to take one from here today."


-Take the Windbreaker
-Take the Sheathless
-Take the Sword of Courage
-Um, I decided I want a different kind of weapon...


Savage AF
The Original Gangster
wait so to make sure I am understanding this sheathless allows you to get rid of the blade on command? Or is it invisible?


Well-Known Member
The Sheathless is not invisible, it literally isnt there anymore. Think of it like it goes into an invisible inventory. And on command, you can bring it back. You must, be holding it in order for it to disappear. Thus you carry it around without a sheath: Sheathless.
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Savage AF
The Original Gangster
Hmm that makes it less cool, an invisible sword would be way better, but still. Think of all the possibilities of sheathless.


Well-Known Member
As much as I love the idea of Tirin's sword, it's the most dangerous for a reason. The first seems like the good, medium option, but the second seems almost too safe.

I think, going with a lighter build like we are, using a sword that makes you hit harder the more enemies surround you might not be the best decision. If you've allowed yourself to be surrounded, you've already fucked up. It would be good in the event that you can't actually get out of the fight.

Give me more reasons people, I need more help with my decision.
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