Forumer Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
Slow your horses, bro. It's not Christmas yet.

man you gotta love TIME ZONES
It probably ain't even cold down there. Aussies do everything weird.
It's hot as fuck I don't even have any cold beers in the fridge because i'm poor rn.

Got a nice watch for my girlfriend for Christmas, was trying to get a family members employee discount but things didn't work out so I resigned myself to paying the full $300. However when I got there they had an unadvertised 30% off on anyway so it was a bloody bargain.


Well-Known Member
Let me rephrase that.

The quantity of beer in my fridge currently exceeds the quantity of beer I can feasibly consume before I need that beer to be gone. In other words, I've flown too close to the sun.


Well-Known Member
It probably ain't even cold down there. Aussies do everything weird.

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Well-Known Member
Oi not fair cunts, youse still have a respectable amount of Ozone layer left. Our heat burns in more fun, delightful and cancerous ways.
and our forecast was hotter so got you on the average bruv.

Immediately after hearing the news I went straight to my favourite video,


Well-Known Member
Somehow 2016 found a way to be worse.

... But nope, you can't do it again 2016. You can't possibly be worse than this. Gee, I think the only thing that could be worse is if Trump and Pence both suddenly resigned before even being inaugurated. Yep, Trump and Pence stepping down from being president elect and vice president elect is the only thing that you could do to be any worse 2016. But I know you won't, 2016. Because you can't.
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The Hound

Just Monika
Am I the only one who's feeling apathy at this point with all the celebrity deaths? Either A. I've developed a bad case of Aspergers B. I just really didn't care that much about the last few deaths or C. there's been so many that unless they're as impactful to me as Bowie or Robin Williams it's hard to really be upset. In this case as much as I like Star Wars I was never a big fan of Leia or Carrie Fisher, now if something happened to Mark Hamill I'd be infinitely more upset.

I feel like I'm being a bastard man for not caring more.
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