Active The Maching Dead CYOA: Chapter 8 - B Team


Right Honorable Justice
How's about he throws it back, and we get the directions. That way he doesn't die mid-explanation. Besides, Stealthy's less likely to be reluctant to share any of his secrets with me, in any case.


Right Honorable Justice
Hopefully not - though if it's that sensitive, the rock idea and calling Stealthy were both going going to fail anyway.

Colonel Thunder

Renowned Blunderer & Dishonorary Czech
Throw Artist the rock: 3 (Easy, Rondait, Tim)
Support Artist, physically hold Muffin back if words don't work: 2 (Stealthy, Tirin)
Support Artist, tell Muffin to come back: 1 (CP)
Support Muffin, let her try the rock trick

"Muffin, wait!" says Easy, grabbing her shoulder again. "Give me the rock, I'll throw it to him."

"Are you nuts!?" says Muffin. "There's no way he can catch it, he's way too far out there!"

"Yeah uh, I don't think that will work," says Artist. "There's no way I could catch that and not be thrown off balance. And throwing rocks in a minefield isn't a good idea. Just-just look, I'll radio the Clubhouse, okay?"

"That will take too long!" insists Muffin, trying to step forward. Easy holds her in place.

"Uh, here," says Artist. "I'll toss you the radio, just in case...y'know."

Artist carefully retrieves the radio from his hip and tosses it at Easy. It's not a great throw, and Easy has to move to catch it.

The second Easy catches the radio, Muffin takes the opportunity to trip Easy while hes' distracted, throwing him onto the ground with a move he had taught her days earlier. Before he can do anything, she takes several steps out onto the field, carrying the rock with her.

"Muffin, stop!" says Easy, getting up.

"Get back there, it's too dangerous!" says Artist.

Muffin ignores them both and carefully steps further out, making sure to step only where Artist had stepped earlier. She's about fifteen feet out into the field, but still a ways away from Artist.

"This is your last warning, go back!" demands Artist.

Muffin ignores him.

"I'll move, I'll step off and trigger it, I swear I will!" says Artist.

Muffin continues.

Artist gulps. The last thing he wanted was Muffin to be in danger. He can hear the beeping from the presumed landmine getting faster. He can think of only one course of action to guarantee Muffin's safety, but he's not sure if he wants to do it.
What does Artist do?

-lift up his foot
-stay where he's at


Right Honorable Justice
Stay. Solid chance that Muffin's dead anyway, and the beeping could be a red herring.


God-Emperor of Tealkind
He swore he'd lift his foot, and if he doesn't, no balls.

That said, way better to stay put, 'specially since Muffin's probably gonna die.


Well-Known Member
It would be smarter to stay, but in the heat of the moment shit gets to you. Lift his foot up.


Active Member
He can get the directions and then throw it back. He's probably not gonna blow up unless he moves around a bunch.
10/10, Artist needs to change his title to "Probably won't explode."

Far as what he should do next, it's impossible to know that without knowing the hidden variables of this situation. Let's look at it logically.

1. Artist sacrifices himself. Muffin most likely lives as long as he does it fast enough. Muffin is more valuable to the group, so this is a safe way to minimize loss.
2. Artist does not sacrifice himself. There is an unknown non-negligible probability of each of them dying. If Artist dies and Muffin lives, we're in the same boat as option 1. If Muffin dies, we're out a valuable medic, regardless of whether Artist lives or dies. There is also the chance that they both die, which is kind of the worst of all scenarios. The best-case scenario, where they both escape alive is unlikely, but also exists as a non-zero probability based on what little I know of the situation.

Consequently, there is the safe road, or the gambler's road. Fold 'em or hold 'em? Eh, I'm a gambler, and it's not even my life I'm risking. Fuck it, keep the button down and pray. If you're gonna die, may as well not do it alone, and if there's a chance at all you may live, you should roll the dice. At least that's how I would act in Artist's shoes. I'm not altruistic enough to blow myself up for someone else. Out of a grim acceptance of the mediocrity of all existence? Maybe. For someone else's direct benefit? Fuck no.


Well-Known Member
Every time I read the Maching Dead, I read it as the Marching Dead and think about how different TWD could be if the zombies marched everywhere.

Colonel Thunder

Renowned Blunderer & Dishonorary Czech
Stay: (everyone but Rondait)

Artist decides to keep his foot planted. He hopes he doesn't regret his decision.

"Hold on, I've got a signal!" says Easy with the radio.

Muffin looks back.

"Stealthy? Are you there? Come in, this is Easy. We need your help quick!"

There's static for several seconds, then Easy faintly hears a voice.

" Milamber, are you g.....alright?"

"Get Stealthy on the line, now!" says Easy. "Get Stealthy! Hurry!"


"What's going on?" asks Muffin. The radio volume doesn't go very high, Easy recognizes she likely wasn't able to hear the conversation. "Is Stealthy there yet? Does he know what to do?"

The radio is silent, as Milamber is probably hurrying to find Stealthy.
What does Easy do?

-say that they're waiting for Stealthy
-(lie) say he's listening to Stealthy give directions as to what to do, then pretend to listen until Stealthy shows up
-(lie) say that Stealthy advises Muffin to get clear, as the rock trick won't work and there's no way to save Artist


Active Member
Truth. Always be the truth-telling brother. Lying pisses people off and you need Muffin on your side if she lives. Just emphasize that he'll be here in a minute and that Chocobo traps are seldom what they seem. The beeping? It's probably a ruse to get Artist to lift his foot, setting in motion a chain of events that will kill everyone. You know, at least from what I understand about Chocobo traps. Multi-layered devious mass-killing machines, yeah? Patience is important when dealing with people who might explode. Be. Fucking. Patient.

Colonel Thunder

Renowned Blunderer & Dishonorary Czech
-say that they're waiting for Stealthy: 3 (Tim, Null, CP)
-(lie) say he's listening to Stealthy give directions as to what to do, then pretend to listen until Stealthy shows up: 2 (Tirin, Req)

"We're...we're still waiting for him," says Easy. "But he's on his way, just hold on!"

Muffin waits nervously.


At the Clubhouse, Milamber runs out of the radio room and makes a beeline for Stealthy's room.

"Stealthy, come quick!" says Milamber, bursting through his door. But Stealthy isn't there.

"Shit!" says Milamber. He runs out of the room and down the stairs. Most people are asleep.

"Stealthy? Stealthy?" asks Milamber, knocking on the door to every room as he walks by them. Stealthy does not appear.

"Shit, he must be outside!" says Milamber, rushing out the door.


Elsewhere, Req wakes up to he sound of Anatron screaming.


Several tense moments pass on the Killing Field, and the beeping accelerates.

"I'm not waiting any longer," says Muffin, clearly panicking. She takes a few more steps into Artist's footprints.

"Stop!" says Artist.


"W-what?" says Muffin, looking down at her foot. "I-I only stepped where you had already stepped, this doesn't make sense!"

"No..." says Artist.

Ibix, Chicken, and Shizno are speechless.

The radio is still quiet.

The mine is now emitting one continuous beep.

Muffin takes a deep breath, then carefully turns to face Easy. She seems surprisingly calm.

"Easy..." she says. "I'm sorry. I fucked up. I...what do we do now?"
What does Easy suggest?

-tell Muffin to try the rock trick
-tell Muffin to wait for Stealthy's incoming advice
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