Alexander Jimenez

Founder and Webmaster of Mach Entertainment
Alexander Jimenez

Games People Play

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Space Station 13: /TG/station 13
/TG/station 13 is a branch of Spacestation 13, a role based game where players are tasked with playing their part in keeping a Nanotrasen station running. However, it would seem that fate has other plans, with biological lifeforms of all types invading and traitors with hidden agendas do you have what it takes to survive the round?

Personally I enjoyed the game enough to host a private server just to mess around on with friends are you are all invited to play on it too. Don't know how to play? Don't worry, we have experienced players that are willing to teach you the roles to guarantee you'll become a robust player in no time! Basically in a nutshell, why don't we get into playing this game? @The Hound expressed that it seemed to be a good fit for our community and I couldn't agree more. I know we all have things that we're doing in real life but why not try to get a few people on...

Another Migration Update!

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Migration to the new host completed today. There were major changes made to the backend. Lots of things are the same but re-implemented in different ways. What does this mean for you the end user? Hopefully nothing! However, more likely than not there's going to be glitches and hitches here or there resultant from moving to a completely new setup on the backend.

Let me know if you run into any problems in the problem thread linked below! Otherwise feel free to discuss in the comments. Please keep bug reports and issue discussion in the problem thread linked below.

[CLOSED] Threads and Posts Disappearing.

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Threads and posts have been disappearing from the server. The previous thread mentioning this had disappeared. The single time that I was able to observe it was caused by the database failing to be updated prior to server reboot doing fuck if I know. I've looked into the issue and believe that it has been resolved. It does appear that users are concerned that it has also happened prior to the aforementioned occurrence. I'll continue to monitor the forum.

It would appear that posts that had gone missing have reappeared in their appropriate threads.

Thank you for your patience during the forum's downtime. Several other issues were resolved during the maintenance period.

You may go about your business as normal.

Edit: Since the forum is reading the database changes I made, the emoji I implemented reappeared. :thinking:

[CLOSED] The Donor Color Debate

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I'm thinking of having donor's of the top tier have a username that's colored. Suggestions?

Gold but with sparkles!!! Gold Blue Orange Purple Dark Red

The Upgrade to XenForo 2.0

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We've upgraded our forum software (XenForo) to 2.0, a major upgrade from the last version. This means that we've jumped through a year's worth of updates bringing with it the security and features that we've been missing out on. Unfortunately, in the time that we were last able to update a couple of our addons fell out of date and don't have newer versions. The ones that do however, I'll be working on getting installed and working over the course of the next week or so.

This is cool I guess?

Or at the least not nearly as atrocious as the old ones.

First Video in a Long Time

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Mach Entertainment's YouTube has a new video uploaded on it for the first time in a while. It's not the usual stuff either but I'm not sure I'd go as far as to call it better than a Let's Play.

No, worse instead it's a montage of a convention I went to.

General Update Post

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It's been a while since we made the last news post, so long in fact that we've had several new members join and several others leave and in this community that means something. I digress, let's get to the news at-hand.

As the end of the year draws near and begins our Christmas cheer it also brings about the time of our license renewals. I've started a donation pool on the donate tab for it. To cover costs fully we'd be looking at $70. This covers the cost of our software and domain but not the server rental fee, that's still a monthly thing. I would like to thank those who donate in advance for their generosity.

Since there's still some space on this post I'm gonna go ahead and welcome the new members of the forum. Welcome to the forum! I hope you have all begin to settle in and have found some interesting threads. Let me just go ahead and endorse the RP board, I know there have been some issues going on in...

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