Active The Elder Tales [CYOA]


Right Honorable Justice
Yeah, but see, it's not just the train ticket or gas money to get there. We're gonna have to spend a night down there, which means hotel rooms. And food. And you just know that Richard and Riddle are gonna be prima donnas and demand their own rooms. Shit ain't cheap.
Oh, well, obviously if anything we'd just give $10 to the office bitch (Jasper) and tell him to get it done. No need to all go down to Baltimore.

Or for anyone to, really. But that's what we'd do if there were.


Mach Ambassador
“Let me know how it goes Dick!”

“Don’t lose your head drawin’ designs on her. We’re leaving after this call.”

Giving a chuckle, Pete turned his attention to Dorothy. A flirtatious giggle could be heard as she looked down the corridors - it seemed like the doctors were busy.

“You are one fine fox, you know that babe?”

Another giggle as she smacked on her gum.

“You ain’t too shabby, yourself, Mistah.” The thick brooklyn accent was drawn out once the professionalism was dropped.


Dick could hear giggling and flirting before turning the corner to a small office room. Picking up the telephone, he pulled out the number that was in red ink and began to dial. Giving a heavy sigh, he listened to the ring before a soft, italian voice could be heard.

“Maria Macario, how may I help you?”

After explaining the situation, she reluctantly allowed the two boys to talk to Richard. The only thing that he could manage to get out of him were that they missed their parents and mentioned they had nightmares. The only details consistent about them were of a strange man with burning eyes.

“Thanks. I hope you two kids will be all right.”

Hanging up the phone with a soft clank, he walked out into the corridor as panicked whispers could be heard.

Pete looked slightly frazzled as Dorothy was drawing away, quickly placing a strip of paper in his hands. The hint of a mark on his neck and the fact that he had been chewing on something were suspicious, but not as much as the big, dumb grin on his face.

“Let’s get a move on, Romeo. We’re headed back.”

Richard didn’t look back to Pete who mostly stared and flirted with Dorothy before they left.

“Y’sure, there’s nothing else that we need to do back th-“

“No, we’re done there. You can figure out a date with your girlfriend later.”


“Look, Jaspie-baby. You gotta stop being a panty waist. You don’t want to end up like our dopey client, d’ya?”

“Well.. no.”

“Speak with your chest, man! Don’t be a geek. You need to be a smooth operator.” Drew’s voice was rich as he held onto the final syllable with his arms out to gesture to himself.

“Y-yeah! So what’s the plan, Drew?”

“Well, you mentioned that we’d need, uh, a letter o’ reference from the Mayor or a call from one of the editors? I think I dated one of ‘em a while back. Want me to give ‘em a ring or do we want to head to the Mayor’s office?”

- Mayor’s Office
- Calling up Drew’s Old Date


Right Honorable Justice
Call up the ex.

If nothing else, it'll be hilarious.

Steal Thy Kill

Well-Known Member
I mean, there's no way Riddle has anything but an exemplary and not at all hostile or awkward relationship with all of his exes.


Right Honorable Justice


Mach Ambassador
“Let’s try the angle of an editor.”

Yeah, yeah, that’ll work. Hold on.” Drew pulled out a cigarette and a lighter, quickly lighting it before taking a drag. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a little black book as the two of them walked to the nearest phone booth. Leaning against it, he flipped through the little book as numbers and names were scrawled.

“You have any change? Take your time. I need to remember this bird’s name..”



A few moments and stare pass as Jasper had enough change prepared. Drew was took another drag from the cigarette before flicking it on the ground and stomping on it. “All right, I’ve narrowed it down.


“To two - give me some credit.”

Drew’s swift hands plucked the the change out of Jasper’s palm before closing the door. Jasper could hear the muffled voice of Drew.

“Hey! Sandy. How’s it been? Yeah, yeah, I know that I’ve been meaning to call. You work for the Boston Globe, right? No? Haha! Yeah, Of course I knew tha- OH! An emergency came up! I’ll call you back!”

A heavy clang could be heard as he hung up and opened the door. Jasper was smirking with a few more coins that Drew begrudgingly took. Punching in the numbers, he called the remaining choice.

“Hey Krista! Krista! Ba- No no no no, Kris- No no no no! I told you that I’d explain it. Look, I’ll explain it another time. It’s a long story. You work as an editor at the Bost- KRISTA, I PROMISE. I WASN’T SEEIN’ ANYONE ELSE.. THAT NIGHT. No no no no. Listen, you work at the Boston Globe right? I have a case that pays big. Twenty five dollars. I promise that I’ll take you around town if you can just get us in. Okay? All right, I may be busy tonight, but once this case is over, I’ll definitely take you out. All right? Great. Mhm. I- I promise, look, I need to step away. I’ll call you back, I promise!”


The door opened up as Drew rubbed his forehead.

“Not a word to, Petey or Dick, all right?”

Jasper smirked as the two of them made their way to the Boston Globe. Within the lobby, the yells of the floors above could be heard as a single secretary sat behind a desk.

“Mister Drew?”

“Yeah, that would be me.”

“Krista just called. She said you wanted to visit the morgue? Just head on downstairs and Elliot will be available to help.”

The two of them made their way down the nearby staircase as there was a small library of the newspaper articles. A bookish girl sat behind the counter as she adjusted her glasses. “Hi.. You must be Drew. Feel free to look through the articles and just let me know when you’re done..”

“All right, Drew! Let’s dig in!”

-Flirt with Elliot
-Investigate Elliot
- Help Jasper research


Right Honorable Justice
Yeah, uh.

Im'a go with "investigate."


Well-Known Member
Flirt, what's wrong with you people. Also, I move that the forumers these characters are based on get triple power for their votes when their character is in play. Yes, so unfair, I love it! (Though don't actually do this unless you think it makes sense in some way or people are somehow cool with the idea).

I mean, there's no way Riddle has anything but an exemplary and not at all hostile or awkward relationship with all of his exes.
Since the character is based on me, I think an illuminating bit of trivia here would be that I actually have a fairly amicable relationship with all one of my exes. Same for other girls I came close to dating, but it never happened. Honestly, I leave any romantic relationship with a woman pretty safely.

Though it's safe to say that Riddle has more luck with the ladies than I do. That and motivation, lol.


Mach Ambassador
Also, I move that the forumers these characters are based on get triple power for their votes when their character is in play. Yes, so unfair, I love it! (Though don't actually do this unless you think it makes sense in some way or people are somehow cool with the idea).
Mm. It's chuckle-worthy and tempting, but I'll probably pass. I will concede that if there's a tie, I'll favor the influence behind the character. That's a tad bit more balanced.

Anyway, I'll give it this some more time since it's fairly close. If @Colonel Thunder wants to put an actual choice, that'd be swell.


Well-Known Member
Flirtigate. Erm... Investiflirt?

I change my choice to that. Do both. Riddle can do both.


Mach Ambassador
“Yeah, you get started. I’m going to ask Elliot some questions.”

Drew ran his fingers through his hair, making certain that it was resting properly before leisurely strolling up to the desk. Resting his elbow against the desk, he looked down at Elliot, giving a playful wink.

“So, Elliot…” Damn. I had something for this. “...What’s a young, good looking fox like you doing in a dusty library like this?”

She began to giggle before stifling it, placing a hand over her mouth. “Cute. It’s my job,” She spoke before giving a slight pause as her eyes looked Drew up and down, “What’s a dandy man like yourself doing here?

Still got it. Drew thought to himself as his lips curled into a smirk. “Lookin’ into a ‘Haunted House’, y’see, I’m actually a —“

“DREW! I found it! Come here! Man, it’s absolutely lovely here. I really wish they’d let me work here. Maybe I should stop by and talk to the editor...”

“Tch.” Drew frowned, glancing over at Jasper. The skinny secretary of their agency was struggling with a small box that contained the newspaper clippings pertaining to the Corbitt House.

Elliot pursed her lips, seeming to mull over her thoughts before she let out a reassuring smile. “Hey Boston Globe’s Biggest Fan! The Globe’s files only go back to 1878 be—“

“—Cause of the fire, right?” Jasper blurted out the response as his eyes seemed alight with joy at the facts of the Boston Globe and the compliment of being the biggest fan.

Yet another giggle, “Right.~ Anyway, Drew, I need to get back to work and I think your…” Her brown eyes looked over at Jasper's enthusiastic attempts to open the box. She gave a soft sigh before recomposing herself with a smile, “Friend may need your help.”

“Whoa… Look at this, Drew!”

In 1880, a family of French immigrants moved into the house but fled after a series of violent accidents left the parents dead and three children crippled. The house long stood vacant.

In 1909, a local family moved in and immediately fell prey to illnesses. In 1914, the older brother went mad and killed himself with a kitchen knife, and the heartbroken family moved out.

Finally, in 1917, a third family rented the house, but they left almost immediately, after they all became ill at the same time.


“Yeah, we can probably find out more information about the house in the Boston Library! Should we head back to the agency and leave a note for them to meet us there or do you want to wait for them and go all together?”

- Wait at the Agency
-Leave a note for them and go to the library without them
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