Ended Voreth's Arena: A Shizzle Dizzle CYOA


Well-Known Member
The iron door that separated you and the crowd slowly opened, revealing the battlegrounds that you'll soon be accustomed to. That is, if you survive it long enough to get to that point. Said crowd's cheering became even louder, partially due to nothing muffling the sound anymore as well as them getting more excited that their entertainment is about to be. You took a step forward as that's all you could do at the time, bare foot landing on the warm sand, feeling it beneath your feet. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling, but it wasn't nearly as good as finally having room to stretch your wings.

The two feathery attachments to your back expanded, basking in the feeling of having enough room to not feel incredibly cramped. The entirety of the crowd's attention was on you: it was rare to see an Avariel at all, much less see one as a combatant in the arena. Not only that, but they may have taken your wings expanding as you showing off. It was somewhat hard to tell.

Who are you?
Will be taking general descriptions of your characters, as detailed as you want them to be. I will require a name and a sex, however. I will take whichever description has the most people agree with it. Or, I will simply take bits from different ones (or potentially the ones I like) if nobody can agree.


Savage AF
The Original Gangster
So I say we make the character female, humanoid females generally have a lower muscle mass, I think. That might help a bit with flying.


Well-Known Member
So I say we make the character female, humanoid females generally have a lower muscle mass, I think. That might help a bit with flying.
But it's not actual flying, more like feather falling + high/double jump. I'm going to assume she'll have birdlike hollow bones which will reduce weight, at the cost of fragility, so more muscle would be better, plus with more muscle mass would be better.


Savage AF
The Original Gangster
So anyone have any specific hair colour, eye colour, height, etc that they want? I don't really care that much. Let's go with red eyes because that's obviously not overdone.


Mach Ambassador
I'd say yellow eyes. I'd give a better suggestion of what I'd prefer our protagonist to look like - but how avian is the race?

Humans with wings? Harpies? Full-on Bird People?


Savage AF
The Original Gangster
Humans with wings was what Coolpool originally suggested unless I read it wrong.
Well I originally said pseudo angels when I was just throwing ideas, so yes, people with wings.
I'd say yellow eyes. I'd give a better suggestion of what I'd prefer our protagonist to look like - but how avian is the race?

Humans with wings? Harpies? Full-on Bird People?
Yellow eyes aren't bad either. I really doubt this will have an effect on anything so I'll agree with you to speed up the voting process.


Well-Known Member
I read it as human with wings.

Anyways, for eyes why not use a bird as an example:

Plus we could use it as a hair/feather example as well.


Well-Known Member
Name could be, uh... How about Sulwen?

Note: Name may or may not roughly translate to Wind Girl in Quenya.
It also roughly translates to Sun blessed, or White Sun in Welsh, one of the languages used as the basis for the elven languages.

It's fine by me.


Savage AF
The Original Gangster
I have to say, I do not often see a combination of purple eyes and blond hair used in literature or other media.


Well-Known Member
As long as you're just writing fantasy or other genre stories. Try to write a character with purple eyes in a fiction class trying to do workshop and they'll eat your asshole out and not in a fun way.
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